Worst Holiday Foods

  • 12 years ago
Worst Holiday Foods - as part of the nutrition series by GeoBeats. There are so many holiday foods that, while they are yummy, are high in fats and saturated fats and sugar as well. And so those are the ingredients that really are going to make up some of the worst holiday foods. Saturated fat, cholesterol, sugar, and salt, is also one that is in there. So I guess I am going to start with a real traditional eggnog. Most eggnogs are very high in fat, very high in sugar. Another food during the holidays that is high in saturated fat is the traditional prime rib. Prime rib beef does taste great, just keep your portions small, trim it well before you cook it and that can help to reduce some of the saturated fat. Other holiday foods that can really get you, that you might even think of as healthy, are cheese platters. Cheese platters with high fat cheeses, such as Brie and Camembert. They are also very, very high in salt. You know, we know that a lot of people who have heart attacks have them after a big meal that is high in saturated fat and cholesterol. So if you do indulge in the prime rib or the high fat cheeses, make sure it is just a small portion that you can enjoy the taste but not overload your arteries with that fat. Other high fat, saturated fat items are foods that have a lot of butter, like fudge. So that holiday fudge, again, if you can keep the portion very small, it is loaded with butter, saturated fat, you are going to feel better after the holidays.
