• hace 13 años
The Moonstones, banda formada en Madrid en 2005, nos presentan en 2011 su esperado disco Fuzz, Farfisa y Fiesta. Grabado en los estudios Circo Perrotti, editado en vinilo por el sello Soundflat Records y en CD por Off The Hip.
Influenciados por bandas como The Miracle Workers, The Cynics, The Sonics, The Chesterfield Kings... Por sonidos teñidos por el garage, r&b y por toda la escena 60's.
The Moonstones, band formed in 2005 in Madrid (Spain), is presenting us in 2011 its awaited album "Fuzz, Farfisa y Fiesta", recorded at Circo Perroti studios, and edited by the Australian label Off The Hip (also edited in vinyl format by german label SoundFlat).
Influenced by bands like The Miracle Workers, The Cynics, The Sonics, The Chesterfield Kings, and by sounds pervaded with Garage, R&B and all 60's scene.



