Mayhem is a fast paced arcade racing and car destruction game. The inspiration for the game comes from two distinct types oof events: Demolition Derby and Banger Racing. A demolition derby is more of an AMerican pastime, primarily at state fairs and the like. Participants take an old beat down car, stip it of all the glass and other "dangerous" elements, spray paint the car and decorate it to their liking, then beat it to death at the main event. The last vehicle standing is the victor. A Banger Race is more practiced in the UK. Races take place on small courses with pits and hills, and drivers are encourgaed to send their opponents off course. Courses can have hazards and obstacles, and the "figure 8" shaped course is the staple of the race... No matter wheather it's Banger races or demolition debys, the fact is that everyone loves to see the everyman take it to the mat and come out a victor, and thats what Mayhem is all about.
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