How to Prevent RSV

  • 13 years ago
How to Prevent RSV. It's almost cold and flu season, and there's one bug that parents really need to be aware of during the winter months: RSV. RSV is an infection of the respiratory tract. RSV infection can (and probably will) happen throughout your lifetime and is usually not a cause for concern. It is a threat to certain populations -- like small or pre-term (preemie) babies, or babies with heart or lung disease. The threat lasts until 18 months of age. Kids with siblings, that attend daycare, or have parents that smoke have increased risk. If you suspect that your child has RSV, see your doctor. RSV is one of the few viral infections that can be prevented. A substance called Synagis can help prevent RSV. If you child is in one of the risk groups, ask you doctor about Synagis. Check out the Centers for Disease Control and the American Association of Pediatrics for more information. Episode 818 is brought to you by BabyBjorn.