• 2 months ago
It's been rumored that the Commanders could change their uniforms, and we wonder if they'll bring back similar uniforms to the 1991 Redskins.
00:00The story that has trickled out this week is that the Commanders are going to be tweaking
00:06their uniforms.
00:07And that came from a member of the team's employee, right, from their broadcast crew.
00:11This is something that we've heard rumblings about since the fall.
00:14We've been told they're trying to go back to their roots a little more, something that
00:17looks like the early 90s Joe Gibbs, Redskins, Super Bowl uniforms.
00:22And that would obviously be pretty well received, I'd say, by the fan base.
00:25But Danny, let me ask you this.
00:26If you were in charge of this project, which has been going on for an extended period of
00:30time behind the scenes, with this ownership group, what would you want the uniform tweaks
00:35to be?
00:36I want the 1991 jersey combo.
00:39The first thing is I would say, what did Joe Gibbs do?
00:43They wore white at home.
00:45Wear white at home.
00:47White tops, burgundy pants with the old school burgundy gold and white stripes on the side.
00:54White jersey, again, with the burgundy gold and white piping on the sleeves.
00:59That's the time for celebration.
01:00That's when they were great.
01:01Real jerseys.
01:02White pants.
01:03Single red stripe on the side.
01:05Burgundy tops with the gold, white, and then the burgundy piping on the sides.
01:12Done and done.
01:13Helmet's got the stripes.
01:14Let's rock and roll.
01:15We've got to change out the logo.
01:16We'll fix that block W when we get a chance to do it.
01:18But first things first, 1991 jerseys.
01:22That's when it was perfect.
01:24Make it so again.
01:25I love that.
01:26I'm not going to add a whole lot.
01:27I will just say that I do think once a year they should be wearing throwback jerseys that
01:33are actual Redskins jerseys.
01:35Now, I'm not a crazy person.
01:38I understand they're never going to have that Redskins insignia or logo on their uniform
01:44I'm not suggesting that.
01:45But I don't know why they can't have the R as an example, which is not offensive.
01:50It's a letter.
01:52If you remember the Jason Campbell Chris Cooley team for the 75th anniversary, they had these
01:57beautiful yellow helmets with the burgundy R with the white circle.
02:00I loved this kit.
02:02They had the yellow and burgundy stripes on the sleeves on the white jersey with the burgundy
02:07I think you could wear that as a throwback.
02:09I think they could go back to, really, if they wanted to play it safe, the uniforms
02:14that they wore every year for their homecoming game that were like the kind of, I guess you'd
02:19say actual gold pants because the gold pants are like more of a mustard yellow, right?
02:24But those gold pants with the deep dark burgundy and the very basic gold numbers.
02:30Think about what Robert Griffin or Kirk Cousins wore for those years where they had the brown
02:34helmets that were supposed to be like leather helmets.
02:36I think you could wear that once a year and it would look awesome.
02:40I don't see why they couldn't wear the throwback jerseys from, maybe it was the 70th anniversary,
02:46one of my favorites ever, with like the, would have been like, not an arrowhead, but
02:52almost like the feathered, what would you call this?
02:58I thought it was the spear.
03:00The spear look.
03:01Spear is the word I'm looking for.
03:03A spear with the feather.
03:04I don't know why you couldn't do that.
03:05I mean, I'm watching the Chiefs Super Bowl against the Eagles from a couple of years
03:08ago with the arrowhead and KC on their helmet, right?
03:11Like that burgundy, deep burgundy that they wore for that throwback year, I think would
03:18But there's got to be a way for them to actually have a true throwback uniform to the Redskins
03:24that I would like to see them implement whatever changes they make once a year.
03:28But let's see what you guys think, 800-636-1067.
03:32Let's go to Felix, who's in Leesburg.
03:34Felix, we're in your backyard, man.
03:36Come on over to Green Tree Tavern.
03:37What's up?
03:38Yeah, I heard about that too late, man.
03:40Sold out.
03:42Appreciate you calling in.
03:43Thank you, bro.
03:44Anyways, I agree with pretty much everything you just said.
03:47I've been a fan since, like, 72, and the fact is this franchise has had many shades of burgundy
03:53and gold.
03:54So, you know, you can either, as a primary, go back to the 90s, Gibbs 1.0 version as a
03:59primary, or use that as your alternate and go to something more like deeper burgundy.
04:05But the one thing they got right, I think, this time around, the one thing and the one
04:08thing only is the matte burgundy helmet.
04:11I think that looks really cool.
04:13It makes whatever detail on the side of the helmet really pop.
04:16Actually, I'm a matte helmet guy.
04:20Appreciate the call.
04:21Thanks, buddy.
04:22I think the matte helmets are really cool.
04:23I've always liked matte helmets.
04:24What about the black uniforms?
04:26Because I'm sure you hate them, Danny.
04:28I do hate them, yes.
04:29That's to be expected, like, easiest layup ever.
04:32But you've got to acknowledge how popular they are.
04:34Oh, they are.
04:35Without question.
04:36I've asked some people how much.
04:37Like, that's what kids are buying?
04:39That was the jersey Jaden Daniels?
04:40You couldn't find the black Jaden Daniels jersey.
04:42Couldn't find it.
04:43I think that's something they've got to wear maybe once a year, even if they go back to
04:47the Gibbs kit.
04:48If I get my, let's say, for sake of argument, let's say of the 17 games, if 16 of them are
04:54the correct old school 1991, then Redskins, now whatever the team name is, jerseys, yes,
05:02I'll trade you one alternate.
05:03I'll trade you one Thursday night game where you wear the newfangled thing.
05:06As long as I get my thing, for the most part, I can live with a couple of tweaks here and
05:11The problem is when there's no home base of anything that I recognize, and then you also
05:14have this newfangled thing that has no connection to the past, then I've been served nothing.
05:20Nothing is coming my way that I would like to eat.
05:22I just don't think you're asking for much if you're a lifetime fan of this team who
05:27wants to turn on the TV and see something that looks recognizable to what you loved
05:32your whole life.
05:34That's not a big ask.
05:35And 95% of us are acknowledging, you're not getting the old logo.
05:40We get it.
05:41You're not getting the old name.
05:42We get it.
05:43But I'd like to not see something that makes me think this is not the team that I watched
05:47with my mom and dad when I was a child.
05:49That's not a big ask.
05:50Brad in Manassas.
05:52What's going on?
05:53How are you?
05:54How are you?
05:55Good, buddy.
05:56I was just curious of what you guys' thoughts are on what if the football team made a Florida
06:02State Seminole type deal with the Blackfoot tribe, they could go back to the old uniforms,
06:08including the logo, and call the team the Washington Blackfeet?
06:13Well, it's just not happening, honestly.
06:16And I appreciate the call.
06:17Thank you, bud.
06:18I hate even giving any oxygen to the conversation, and that might annoy people.
06:23It's just not reality.
06:25We could keep spinning our wheels if we want to.
06:28What if they did this, and they honored this team?
06:30The ship sailed.
06:31That needed to be done 20 years ago, 10 years ago.
06:34Meanwhile, Dan Snyder was just trolling people in the USA Today.
06:37They missed the boat.
06:39And because he was hated, and he tormented a lot of people and treated a lot of people
06:43terribly, their name and their logo are gone, in addition to the fact that their name and
06:48logo is not the same as Chiefs or some of the other phrases, I think most of us can
06:53acknowledge that.
06:55That's gone, and it's not coming back.
06:57So I'm trying to deal with the reality of what is and not what ifs that are just not
07:03I think that's fair.
07:04I hate to be the bad guy, and I know that I vilify myself.
07:07There's a lot of people that hear that, Danny, and are like, screw you, man.
07:10I'm sorry.
07:11That's just reality.
07:12And I want to be clear.
07:13I'm not upset at the question.
07:15It's thoughtful, right?
07:18Because one of the things we've talked about a number of times is I can't believe what
07:22else is allowed to go, and my thing here in Washington was taken away.
07:26I understand the dance ladder factor, and that's obviously, you know, it's a catalyst
07:30for all this stuff.
07:31But I'm stunned constantly as to, that's fine, and nobody really seems to bat an eye, whereas
07:37my thing was so beyond defensive that it had to go away immediately, et cetera.
07:41So his point's a good one when you're doing comparisons.
07:44I don't mind that comparison.
07:45I think it's a good thought exercise.
07:48But the correct point, I think, is the one that you just made.
07:51There is, there's no other way to spell that out.
07:54The thing that so many of you are asking about, wanting, care for, I understand.
07:59It's also not realistic.
08:00Also, no matter how bad you want it, no matter how long you hold your breath for.
08:03Or Harris wants it, or any, like, let's say the ownership group desperately wanted it.
08:07This is all approved by, and in some way dictated by the league.
08:11The league will not allow for that to happen.
08:14So we could talk about it if we want to.
08:16Just like we could talk about what happens if Danny and I go on a double date with Scarlett
08:20Johansson and Jessica Biel.
08:21Let's talk about that, actually.
08:22We actually should do that.
08:23That would be a lot of fun.
08:24Our wives are cool with it, too, by the way.
08:25I think they'd be thrilled.
08:27I know my wife is fine with it.
08:29My wife would be like, dude, go ahead.
08:30Good luck.
08:31What are you going to say to them?
08:33What change would you make to the uniforms?
08:35The news is that the commanders are tweaking their uniforms.
08:38And is anybody willing to say that the new look has grown on them enough that they wouldn't
08:43go back to the old one?
