• 2 months ago
Ryanair boss Michael O’Leary claimed Rachel Reeves, who he branded "Rachel Rubbish", “hasn’t a clue” about how to generate growth in aviation. Report by Faragt. Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/itn and follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/itn


00:00Despite having five years to prepare for government and repair her growth strategy,
00:04Rachel Rubbish in her first budget, the first initiative was to increase APD taxes on air
00:12travel. Nothing is designed to damage growth faster than increasing taxes on air travel. APD
00:18on short-haul flights to and from Europe will go from £13 to £15, a rate of tax of 33% on Ryanair's
00:25average ticket price of £45. Insane. And as a real surprise, surprise, there is no growth.
00:33Rachel Rubbish then is for the last week coming up with the Boris Johnson dead cat strategy.
00:38Let's throw something up there on the table that might distract people. Let's talk about a third
00:43runway in Heathrow. The third runway in Heathrow, if they started shovels in the ground today,
00:48will not be here until about 2035 or 2040 at the earliest, long after Rachel Reeves and the Labour
00:54government have been voted out of office or replaced by somebody else.
