• 2 months ago
When it comes to Nostradamus and his prophecies, anything goes. Close your eyes and pick a random verse. You're bound to hit on war, floods, flames, plagues, or something else super not awesome to look forward to in 2025. And beyond!


00:00When it comes to Nostradamus and his prophecies, anything goes. Close your eyes and pick a
00:04random verse. You're bound to hit on war, floods, flames, plagues, or something else
00:09super-not-awesome to look forward to in 2025 — and beyond.
00:14Nostradamus wrote quatrains, four-line poems along the lines of,
00:18"'The rock holds in its depths white clay, which will come out milk-white from a cleft.
00:23Needlessly troubled people will not dare touch it, unaware of the foundation of the earth
00:27that is clay.'"
00:28Right. Who the heck knows? What we're trying to say is, don't bust out the bunker here
00:33quite yet. Simply go about your business, and if a warhead goes off right next to you,
00:38you won't know anyway.
00:40That's prophecy number one for 2025 — war, particularly the European variety, probably
00:45the one between Ukraine and Russia. For those keeping score at home, from Century 7, Quatrain
00:5125, of the prophecies, we get,
00:53"...through long war all the army exhausted, so that they do not find money for the soldiers.
00:58Instead of gold or silver, they will come to coin leather, Gallic brass, and the crescent
01:03sign of the moon."
01:05According to Sky News, some think this predicts a shift in the Ukraine-Russia war, either
01:10for better or for worse, because like all of Nostradamus' prophecies, there's no way
01:15to know until after the fact. But here's how they got there.
01:19Gallic is an old term meaning French. When combined with the crescent moon, which could
01:23mean the Turkish flag, some scholars suggest those countries could become involved in the
01:28Ukraine-Russia conflict. The Spanish tabloid Marca even pumped up the anxiety by implying
01:33that this foretells World War III. But before you freak out, their source is TikTok.
01:40The next 2025 prophecy features some classic Nostradamus go-tos, floods and flames. In
01:45the prophecies, the Quatrain reads,
01:47"...garden of the world near the new city, in the path of the hollow mountains. It will
01:51be seized and plunged into the tub, forced to drink waters poisoned by sulfur."
01:57Coming from Century 10, Quatrain 49, this prophecy is ultra-vague and not even clearly
02:02related to 2025. After all, the centuries in the prophecies don't actually connect to
02:07specific eras. It's all just a grab bag of misery.
02:10But if we allow ourselves to engage in speculation, the Quatrain in question could potentially
02:15be linked to the Amazon Basin and Andes Mountains. The new city part is a bit confusing, as we
02:20don't know if this means new to Nostradamus in the mid-1500s or new to us in the early
02:2621st century.
02:27"...which is it?"
02:28Sky News says,
02:29"...garden of the world is surely the Amazon rainforest."
02:33That's a bit of a leap. But if we do take the tub to mean the Amazon Basin and the mountains
02:38to mean the Andes, then the sulfur might imply a volcanic eruption, especially in tandem
02:43with the hollow parts of the hollow mountains. In this interpretation, active volcanoes in
02:48the Andes blow up, and lava and or mountain parts run off into the basin or something.
02:53Stay tuned.
02:55Lastly, the Economic Times says that Nostradamus' 2025 prophecies include the mention of an
03:01aquatic empire. This empire is somehow connected to floods and that vaguely threatening-sounding
03:06thing mentioned in a 1991 speech by George Bush the Elder.
03:10"...it is a big idea. A new world order."
03:15Yeah, it's a lot. And this particular prophecy is also apparently connected to shadow cults
03:21and dark rituals that exploit anxieties related to prior world events. Sounds like clickbait.
03:28But if we look at the prophecies itself, there's no mention anywhere of an aquatic empire.
03:32The word empire gets mentioned a bunch of times, usually connected to decay and ruin,
03:37never related to the ocean. The word aquatic appears in Century 1, Quatrain 21, as in,
03:42a horrible fish, with base human and its end aquatic, which will be taken without the hook.
03:48Sounds creepy, but the word ritual never appears, and the only time the word cult crops up is in
03:54Century 1, Quatrain 8, the last line of which reads,
03:57"...chasing, though not entirely, the cult of saints."
04:01So what does this all mean? No idea. And how does any of this relate to a new world order?
04:07Check back in a year and we'll let you know how it turned out. Or not.
