• l’année dernière
In The Imitation Game (2014), directed by Morten Tyldum, we delve into the life of Alan Turing, portrayed by Benedict Cumberbatch, a brilliant mathematician and cryptanalyst who played a pivotal role in breaking the Nazi Enigma code during World War II. The film is based on the biography "Alan Turing: The Enigma" by Andrew Hodges and presents a gripping narrative that intertwines Turing's professional achievements with his personal struggles.
The story begins in 1951 when police investigate Turing following a break-in at his home. Through a series of flashbacks, we learn about Turing's early life, including his time at boarding school where he faced bullying and formed a deep bond with his friend Christopher Morcom. This friendship profoundly impacts Turing, especially after Christopher's untimely death from tuberculosis.
As the war escalates, Turing joins a team of codebreakers at Bletchley Park, working under Commander Alastair Denniston. The film captures the intense pressure the team faces as they race against time to decipher the Enigma machine, which the Nazis use to send encrypted messages. Turing's innovative approach leads him to create a machine that can decode these messages, but ethical dilemmas arise when the team must decide which intelligence to act upon without revealing their breakthrough to the enemy.
The Imitation Game also explores themes of secrecy and societal prejudice, particularly regarding Turing's homosexuality, which ultimately leads to his tragic downfall after the war. Despite his monumental contributions to the Allied victory and the development of computer science, Turing faced persecution for being different.
With a runtime of 115 minutes, this biographical thriller not only highlights Turing's genius but also serves as a poignant reminder of the cost of prejudice and the importance of acceptance. The film received critical acclaim, garnering eight Academy Award nominations and winning for Best Adapted Screenplay. Benedict Cumberbatch's performance is widely regarded as one of his best, capturing both the brilliance and vulnerability of Alan Turing.

