Jesus Sons of God

  • 2 days ago
Jesus - Sons of God ❤️


Imágenes de Jesús - (Spanish) ~

WINGS OF WORSHIP (fully illustrated) ~

SUPERNATURAL FIRE ~ (1st edition) (2nd edition)


FAITH TO CONQUER ~ (Paul's Books) (Paul's Lessons)
Zelle Pay - RevivingNations@yahoo, com

#jesus #christ #jesuschrist #sonsofgod #power #success #family #familia #leadership #purpose #wisdom #wealth #lifeLessons #mindset #mindfulness #mentalhealth #spirituality #church #iglesia #eglise #live #life #hope #living #christian #bible #truth #god #world #philippines
00:00Glory be to God Jesus who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of
00:08death was crowned with glory and honor that he by the grace of God should taste death
00:15for every man for it became Jesus for whom are all things and by whom are all things
00:22in bringing many sons unto glory to make the captain of their salvation perfect through
00:29sufferings for both Jesus that sanctifies and they who are sanctified are all one for
00:36which cause Christ Jesus is not ashamed to be called our brother or to see us as his
00:44brother or brethren as the Bible states in Hebrews 2 verses 9 through 11 so even Romans
00:51talks about we who are heirs in Christ we're joint heirs with God and therefore we are
00:59able to partake not just of salvation and sanctification but the grace to rule and reign
01:05in this life through Jesus Christ and he shares his power his wisdom his love with us and
01:11enables us to live in the might of his spiritual power and stand in his stead on earth as he
01:17sits in the heavenlies with God the Father at his right hand we can go forth in his name
01:23and take the land and take a stand in his name and declare his goodness and his grace
01:28and his glory and execute the written judgment of his word and cause demons to flee and humanity
01:35to be liberated and sing with joy so recognize who you are in Christ and step into your God
01:41given authority my friend and stop being timid fearful or cautious and be bold as a lion and
01:48start living large and in charge and taking dominion in Jesus name have and it is yours
01:54for the taking the kingdom God so desires to give to his children and once again you can read all
02:01about the sonship that's available for us in Christ when we are born again he sees us as sons
02:07not as sinners we can be filled with his spirit be sanctified and empowered with his God-given
02:13grace and authority and supernatural ability to serve hallelujah so so many wonderful insightful
02:21scriptures that will transform your thinking renew your mind and lift you up to where you
02:26belong so you can live strong and large and in charge for the glory of God