• last year
प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी शनिवार को जम्मू कश्मीर में डोडा के दौरे पर पहुंचे। यहां उन्होंने एक चुनावी जनसभा को संबोधित किया। उन्होंने कांग्रेस पर तीखा हमला करते हुए कहा कि कांग्रेस का शाही खानदान भारत का सबसे भ्रष्ट परिवार है, आपको इनसे सावधान रहना है। ये ऐसे लोग हैं जो सरकारी तिजोरी के दम पर चुनाव जीतने के लिए बेइमानी के हथकंड़े अपनाते हैं, ये लोग जनता को मुसीबत में डालते हैं। ये अपनी नीतियों के दम पर चुनाव में नहीं जाते। जब मैं देश को सतर्क कर रहा था, तब ये सारे लोग मिलकर मेरा मखौल उड़ाते थे। मुझे गालियां देते थे और आज पूरा देश देख रहा है। कांग्रेस शासित राज्यों में इतने कम समय में कितनी बड़ी मुसीबतें खड़ी हो गई हैं।

#pmmodi #jammukashmirelection #pmmodidodavisit #pmmodispeech


00:00The royal family of Congress is the most corrupt family in India.
00:07You have to beware of them.
00:13They are the kind of people who use dishonesty to win the elections.
00:25They put the people in trouble.
00:29They don't go to the elections on the basis of their policies.
00:34When I was warning the country, warning it of their dangerous intentions,
00:41then all these people together used to mock me.
00:46They used to abuse me.
00:48And today the whole country is seeing
00:51how big a problem has arisen in such a short period of time.
00:59And where are their sins?
01:02What is the thinking of the Congress?
01:05What is their intention?
01:07This is also clear from their speeches.
01:12What do they say when they come here?
01:15What am I saying when I come here?
01:17Do I do this for the welfare of the people here?
01:22What did they say?
01:24Look at their ego.
01:27If we had more than 20 seats,
01:31then all the leaders of Modi and BJP would have been in jail.
01:36Do you want to make a government to send people to jail?
01:41Or do you want to make a government to do good to the people?
01:46Is this your agenda?
01:53In 2014, 2019, and 2024,
01:57after 60 years,
01:59the people of the country got a chance to serve three times.
02:05But we, the government, don't send people to jail.
02:10We, the government, run the country to destroy corruption.
02:15We run the country for the welfare of the people.
02:24when there is no positive thinking,
02:28then for them,
02:30there is no agenda other than imprisonment.
02:35They say two things for the welfare of Jammu and Kashmir,
02:40but they have talked about sending people to jail.
