
  • 3 days ago
00:00One, two, three.
00:02Previously on My Big Fat Fabulous Life.
00:05One, two.
00:06The inspiration for my 40th birthday trip is flamenco.
00:11I want to do something crazy, so we're all going to go to Spain.
00:14Wow, OK.
00:15So when is the organizing going to be done
00:18so I can go back into the house?
00:20There's a lot of work over there, Dad.
00:22As soon as my brother and I learned that my dad wanted
00:24to sell the house, we immediately
00:26tried to scheme ways to incentivize him to not do that.
00:29The solution is to reno the downstairs bedroom.
00:32So he doesn't know?
00:33No, no.
00:34But yeah, Glentor is not allowed in the house.
00:37Send me over the best photos that you've had taken
00:40of yourself over the last year.
00:42So I took my friend's advice, and I found a matchmaker.
00:45I don't know if I have a lot of really good ones
00:47that really look like me now.
00:48Book a photo shoot.
00:50I am determined to find my husband in my fourth decade.
00:55Good thing.
00:56Are we considering doing anything maybe fully nude?
00:59Shut up, mom!
01:01All right, get naked.
01:02I just need, like, one, yeah, girl, you look great.
01:05And then I'm like, cool, let's do it.
01:07Oh, my word.
01:08Yes, ooh, y'all.
01:09Oh, my god.
01:26OK, let's go.
01:27Oh, we're already going.
01:28Isn't this dancing supposed to be hard?
01:30Like, you gotta judge.
01:31I have no clue what this is supposed to be.
01:33I'm just.
01:34Were you born?
01:35No, and I thought.
01:36Well, you're coming in hot.
01:37One of my New Year's resolutions was to get out of the house
01:39and go dancing with Todd.
01:41So we signed up for free dancing.
01:42And I'm like, I'm going to do it.
01:44I'm going to do it.
01:44I'm going to do it.
01:45I'm going to do it.
01:46I'm going to do it.
01:47I'm going to do it.
01:48I'm going to do it.
01:48I'm going to do it.
01:49I'm going to do it.
01:50I'm going to do it.
01:51I'm going to do it.
01:52One of my New Year's resolutions was to get out of the house
01:54and go dancing with Todd.
01:55So we signed up for flamenco.
01:57And I loved moving my body.
01:59So I want to now move my body in lots of ways.
02:02Wait, I'm nervous.
02:04Five, six, seven, eight.
02:06Take it up.
02:08I found an African fusion class at the Cultural Arts Center.
02:11And when I was 15, I took some African classes.
02:14And I loved them.
02:16I do realize that that's been 25 years now, which is scary.
02:21But I'm also the lightest I've been in, like, over a decade.
02:24So I'm going to give it a shot and see what happens.
02:30Five, six, seven, eight.
02:31And two.
02:34Back, front, back.
02:37Five, six, seven, eight.
02:39Take it up.
02:41Take it up.
02:42Take it up.
02:44Five, six, seven, eight.
02:46And one.
02:52We're Whitney and Todd.
02:53Thank you for having us.
02:54I'm already out of breath.
02:56Oh, I'm so glad that you are here.
02:57Thank you for coming to class.
03:00La Mousse Afroblends Community Dance Class.
03:02I teach Afrofusion.
03:04Just have fun.
03:05Stop me if you need to have a question asked.
03:11So y'all ready?
03:13All right.
03:14Oh, and I forgot, I am Sister Amakle.
03:17Nice to meet you.
03:18Nice to meet you.
03:19All right.
03:20So the first thing I always say, love what you see in the mirror.
03:25All right.
03:25Now, just have fun.
03:27Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
03:30Here we go.
03:31Five, six, seven, eight.
03:33One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
03:37And one, two.
03:40Even though I'm an experienced dancer,
03:42trying a style that's unfamiliar is still intimidating.
03:45And to be honest, I feel like almost everything
03:48is intimidating to me these days.
03:49Like, I'm really proud of myself for upholding
03:52my New Year's resolution and getting out of the house
03:54and trying new things.
03:55It's something that I think is really important for me
03:57in this new phase of my life.
03:59And I don't want to just, like, shield myself
04:02from disappointments anymore.
04:04I want to live, you know?
04:07It's a slightly new concept.
04:09And five, six, seven, eight.
04:11One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
04:15And one, two, three, four.
04:19And five, five, ah, dah, dah.
04:24There's something about doing something
04:25that you haven't done, or doing something new,
04:27and doing something novel, and how it connects with your body
04:30and how it makes you feel.
04:33And I think that's really important.
04:35How it makes you feel.
04:39And ultimately, it makes me feel good, young, sexy, vibrant.
04:44I love it all.
04:45Five, six, seven, eight.
04:47One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
04:58We enjoyed it.
04:59We loved it.
05:00We appreciate it.
05:01All right, have a good night, you guys.
05:03Y'all too.
05:04Unlike flamenco, which was slower, and sensuous,
05:10and a little methodical, this Afrofusion class
05:13was a bit more of a cardio workout.
05:16But I feel good.
05:18No, I love that.
05:20And I like flamenco too.
05:22I don't know which one I like better, but too bad
05:23we're going to Spain, not Africa.
05:25I can do the dance better in the flamenco.
05:27But tell me I'm not the only one that's tired.
05:29Wait, is this because we're 40, though?
05:31Or is this because?
05:32Because I haven't practiced.
05:34Well, that's what I'm saying.
05:35This isn't like all just because we're 40.
05:36No, like if I've been practicing,
05:38I'm sure I would have been.
05:39Because the people I know who are 40
05:40and haven't been practicing.
05:41But also, you can't have been practicing the whole time
05:43because those people have injuries.
05:45They're like, their bodies have fallen apart
05:46and they've been practicing too much.
05:48We are at an advantage.
05:49Guy in the strip zone said that I
05:51was above average flexibility for a 40-year-old.
05:54Did you really think you were not going
05:55to be above average flexibility?
05:56Do you want to know if I can say the same for you?
05:58Well, I fell down the stairs yesterday,
05:59and I came in here and did all this.
06:01Is my butt getting smaller?
06:02I think your butt gets smaller.
06:03No, I don't like that.
06:04Or did my back just get smaller?
06:05I don't like that at all.
06:07Wait, what part of me got smaller?
06:08I don't like that.
06:09Where's my butt?
06:10It's expansive.
06:11Stop it.
06:12Left to right.
06:12So for Spain, because we're not going
06:14to have another episode of what had happened last year.
06:19Last year.
06:19Last year was when you had to leave because of the tacos.
06:22We had a birthday fiasco last year over the taco meat.
06:26And I really just don't want to repeat.
06:29I just want to enjoy our birthday.
06:32Where do you want me to set that?
06:33It's for you.
06:34On my birthday, you're going to give me
06:35a food that I have literally never had a single one
06:37of in my entire life.
06:38It's my birthday.
06:39Did you think this was your birthday?
06:40Why would we have just a your birthday party
06:42when my birthday is the next day?
06:44Are you leaving?
06:44I gotta go.
06:45You're leaving?
06:46Yeah, I mean, this wasn't meant for me anyway,
06:47so it didn't matter.
06:48I have really needed this trip after the,
06:54I was going to say the year that I've had,
06:55but it has been like my entire life that I've had.
06:57I don't know.
06:58And I think it's just something that we've all really needed
07:01and we're all really looking forward to.
07:03There's some details that we have to figure out.
07:05So I'm willing to call this a joint birthday party.
07:08Oh, you're willing?
07:10If, it's on conditions, if, I mean,
07:14the whole trip is like the party.
07:16But I want to have like on the last night,
07:19like kind of a designated party.
07:21I'm thinking like beachfront.
07:23I'm thinking candles.
07:24I'm thinking volleyball net.
07:27Well, I wasn't really thinking that.
07:29I want to actually perform.
07:30At the party, at our own party?
07:31Yes, we'll perform.
07:32That's like having a wedding and singing at your own wedding.
07:34Yeah, that's so fun.
07:35So we'll perform, but basically,
07:37so you have to, I've already found flamenco clubs in Malaga.
07:42Hey everybody, come to our party.
07:43We're going to dance for you.
07:44Exactly, exactly.
07:46And cheer.
07:48I'm not allowing it to be a joint birthday
07:50if you don't perform.
07:52Are you performing?
07:54Well, I guess.
07:54If you get up there to perform,
07:56I would obviously be too jealous.
07:59Another goal for my birthday this year
08:00is to not have a repeat of last year.
08:02I want everybody to get along.
08:04I want everyone to enjoy the food.
08:06And if Todd agrees to perform, then
08:10I'll agree to not serve tacos.
08:13Wait, can I get closer to this?
08:15That was kind of fun.
08:16If I wasn't a f***ing walrus, I literally am walrus.
08:21You're going to beach up on the pole?
08:22Yeah, I'm trying to.
08:25Skid, skid, skid, skid, skid.
08:26Skid, squiggle, and squirm.
08:27How do you do it?
08:28Am I close?
08:28Those who can't squirm don't deserve being squirmed.
08:30That might be close enough.
08:32Well, while you take, while you keep on,
08:34increase your squirm.
08:35I cannot get there anymore.
08:36That's all I can do.
08:38Oh, my back is sweating.
08:39I'm sweating.
08:40All right, well.
08:42Where's my feet?
08:43Oh, give me a minute.
08:45All right, well.
08:47Oh my god, I've created a pool.
08:50Yes, I'll tell her.
08:50I'll tell her.
08:51They said you're going to need to mop that up before you leave.
09:08Pirate, that is no cats allowed.
09:10Turn your fat ass around.
09:15You know, the cats are walking in the room right now.
09:17Is the door not shut?
09:18Todd, get them out.
09:21No, Hunter.
09:24I've been working on remodeling the downstairs bedroom
09:27for a couple of weeks now, and I am exhausted.
09:30It has taken a lot to manage all of the details,
09:35not to mention the energy it requires to keep
09:37Glen Thor off the premises.
09:40Hunter, what other cat is in here?
09:42So I'm really excited that one way or another,
09:45it's about to be over.
09:46And one thing about my family is that we have always
09:49loved to play tricks on each other,
09:51and I am dying because we are expecting
09:55my dad to arrive at any minute to check on the progress
09:58that we've done in the garage.
10:01Dad's here.
10:02Dad's here.
10:03OK, I'm going to go down there.
10:05When I get down there, open the doors.
10:09He's going to be pissed when he sees this garage.
10:11I'm really nervous because I have
10:13put in a lot of time and energy and money into this project.
10:18And if my dad does not love it, then
10:20there is no possibility that he will
10:23reconsider selling the house.
10:27OK, OK, OK, OK.
10:28Doors, doors, doors, doors.
10:31Here, Todd, Todd, Todd, Todd.
10:46Do you like what we've done?
10:50Well, you haven't done anything.
10:54I mean, look at all this space right here.
10:56We've done.
10:57Well, that's the car was here.
10:59I mean.
10:59How many trash bags do you think we hauled out of here?
11:01At least 20.
11:04Well, you didn't even sweep the floor.
11:09Whitney has a real knack for cleaning and organizing things,
11:14but something has gone awry here in the garage
11:17because this is not her best work.
11:20I mean, I was really expecting a lot more.
11:22Well, that's because we were splitting our time, actually.
11:24We had other concurrent projects going on.
11:27We'd be happy to show you the other thing we're working on
11:29if you would like to see it.
11:30Well, I think anything will be better than what I see here.
11:35All right.
11:36Let's go to the second stage.
11:38Todd, bring him in in 30 seconds.
11:41Come on, Goose.
11:42We got to show Daddy.
11:44Good girl.
11:51This is unbelievable.
11:55OK, so nobody freak out.
11:57Oh, no.
11:59Let me take a sip.
12:00I love the start of this.
12:01Yes, keep going.
12:02I may have met someone.
12:12Come on, Goose.
12:13We got to show Daddy.
12:23Well, I can see why you didn't do something in the garage
12:27because you spent all your time in here.
12:28This is unbelievable.
12:30Look how wonderful this is.
12:35This is unbelievable.
12:38Look how wonderful this is.
12:42You would not know this room from where
12:45it was a few weeks ago.
12:47Last time I saw it, it was a junk room.
12:54Well, I should have known that you were going
12:56to have a surprise like this.
12:58This wall is beautiful.
12:59Now look at the ceiling.
13:00Do you recognize this pattern?
13:02This is Mommy's chairs in different color.
13:06Boy, she would have been so thrilled with this.
13:07That's what I thought.
13:08I thought Mommy would have liked it.
13:10Well, I mean, you tried to get us to come downstairs forever.
13:13And if it looked like this, we'd have come downstairs for sure.
13:18I am stunned at how wonderful this room looks.
13:23All the little things that Whitney
13:25has put on the shelves that remind us
13:28of things in the past, I mean, those touches
13:32that she added to the room really
13:34makes it not only feel like home,
13:36but brings back some wonderful memories.
13:38Now make your way into this beautiful bathroom.
13:41As you'll see, new tile, new paint, new wallpaper,
13:45new mirror, light fixtures.
13:47Well, this is beautiful.
13:48Moving on.
13:49I love this paint here.
13:51The wallpaper and the paint?
13:55The name of this bar is Mommy's Margaritas, as you can see.
13:59And it is open 24-7, 365.
14:01Are you having a margarita with your mom?
14:02That's my 21st birthday, when we had a margarita together.
14:06If my dad were to sleep in this room and open his eyes,
14:10my goal would be that in every turn of everything he did,
14:14I just want it to be paved with beautiful memories
14:17that make him feel good.
14:20As much as I was disappointed in the garage,
14:23this is wonderful.
14:25Wow, wow, wow.
14:28Well, I was hoping that if you could
14:30see the potential with a little bit
14:32of work and a whole lot of money,
14:34the house could come alive again.
14:36Oh, yeah.
14:37So we're hoping that maybe we don't have to sell it.
14:42Well, you know, I've been thinking about that.
14:45And sometimes you get in that mindset of, you know,
14:51you need to downsize.
14:52It's just too much to take care of, all that kind of stuff.
14:55But something like this brings back all the memories,
14:59the sentimental value.
15:00I mean, in fact, I think we'll just
15:02hold on to it until you guys decide what you want to do
15:06with it when I'm gone.
15:08No, stop.
15:11You're not selling the house?
15:12No, no.
15:16This home is actually not our childhood home.
15:19We moved into this house when I was 17.
15:22This was our dream home.
15:24And for the past 24 years, we have
15:26been making so many memories as a family in this home.
15:29And it feels like my mom.
15:32And you can't recreate that anywhere else.
15:36You bought the animal.
15:38We're going to turn it into a shelter.
15:40We got cats and turtles.
15:42We're going to have a big, big, big, big, big, big, big,
15:45big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big,
15:47big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big,
15:50cats and turtles and dogs.
15:52Now we have pigs.
15:54Oh my god, he's out.
15:55He's out.
15:56He's out.
15:59And I truly believe that my mom would
16:01want me to be a steward of this house
16:04and to restore it and make it beautiful and take care of it.
16:08So I am thrilled that my dad is not selling.
16:12Because every time I come here, it just, it feels like home.
16:17And that means a lot to me.
16:19This room is too wonderful not to use,
16:22so I can move in here tomorrow.
16:24Well, don't you feel good leaving to go on a trip,
16:26knowing that this beautiful room could
16:28await you when you return?
16:30Well, I love you.
16:31I'm glad you like it.
16:33I love you, too.
16:34Thank you so much.
16:35You know, all those memories, all the years
16:38that we've spent at this house, this is, you know,
16:41really our home.
16:42And I am so excited to move back in.
16:44The only thing that disappoints me
16:46is that Babs is not here to see this.
16:49Want to go back home?
16:51Do we have to go back through the garage?
17:02Did you know this?
17:03Camels actually originated in North America.
17:06I didn't know that.
17:07They crossed a land bridge, something,
17:08and now we think of them as being, like, you know,
17:11They're actually American.
17:13Why do I learn about animals whenever I'm with you guys?
17:15Because I know everything about animals.
17:16And you got to know this.
17:17That's crazy.
17:18You know, you're about to travel.
17:19You want to know about the local, the flora,
17:20and the fauna.
17:21So this is cute.
17:22Now, I will say, it is a little early.
17:25I feel like it's not prime time man-meeting, but, oh, well,
17:27I'm still doing my homework.
17:28I don't care.
17:29I'm really excited to have met the matchmaker
17:31and done a photo shoot and everything
17:34to go on my portfolio.
17:35And somehow, I feel like I've already
17:36gotten the confidence to put myself out there
17:38a little bit more in life.
17:40So I am meeting Karen and my brother
17:42for drinks at The Quarter.
17:44It's a new bar that's opened up in downtown Greensboro.
17:46My brother's bartending there.
17:48And it's really cool.
17:50What's up?
17:51What's up?
17:52What you been doing?
17:54Hanging out?
17:55Oh my god, is this a dog place?
17:56It is.
17:57So cute.
17:58I'm sorry.
17:58Can I, can I?
17:59You can say hello.
18:02She's a golden, she needs her emotional support hat.
18:04I understand that.
18:05Show her the hat.
18:06There you go.
18:07Hi, sweethearts.
18:09What's her name?
18:12How sweet is she?
18:13I'm Whitney Temperance.
18:16Ian, nice to meet you.
18:16Good to meet you.
18:17Hey, pup.
18:19If I'd known.
18:20Oh my goodness, hi.
18:20You didn't tell me there was a dog bar.
18:21We do whatever here.
18:23Well, you didn't tell me that I brought Goosey.
18:25Want to get a drink?
18:26What's up?
18:26Yeah, well, I just, you know me, I just want a diet soda.
18:30Just a diet soda?
18:32You know how I do.
18:33What kind of whiskey you want in here?
18:35Where you want to sit, right here?
18:36Yeah, that's perfect.
18:37All right, well, it was really nice to meet you, Ian.
18:38It's great meeting you.
18:39As a certified elder millennial turned homebody,
18:42I was a bit reluctant to go meet Karen,
18:45like, in the outside world.
18:48How did I do?
18:49Holy cow.
18:52Well, it's just for practice.
18:52I clocked the wedding ring right away.
18:54Right, right.
18:54I saw that later on.
18:55I was like, oh.
18:56So I just.
18:57You were great.
18:58Was I?
18:59You ask good questions.
19:01You're engaging.
19:03My matchmaker said I'm supposed to talk about, you know,
19:04easy stuff, like dolls.
19:06I think that Alessandra, the matchmaker,
19:08she was on to something because it turns out that there are
19:11friendly men outside of the house.
19:14Diet Coke.
19:16Half whiskey.
19:17No, it's not.
19:20What's up?
19:23So what's going on?
19:24OK, so nobody freak out.
19:26Oh, no.
19:28Let me take a sip.
19:29I love the start of this.
19:30Yes, keep going.
19:31I may have met someone.
19:38Well, deets, let's go.
19:40OK, so it's only been 24 hours, but mark my words.
19:42This could literally be the man I will marry.
19:46I know I sound insane.
19:47I know.
19:48But I was on social media, mindlessly scrolling
19:51at, like, 4 in the morning.
19:52And I see this account pop up.
19:53And I was like, who the f*** is this?
19:55I watched, like, two videos.
19:56And I was like, Whitney, this is your time.
19:59So I DM'd him.
20:00You slid in.
20:01I slid.
20:03I greased my body up.
20:05And I just slid right on in.
20:08And I just said, do you need a wife or not?
20:14I love that.
20:15I was scrolling through social media the other day.
20:17And I happened upon this video of this guy doing extreme
20:20sports all over the internet.
20:22And I was so impressed.
20:24I asked him if he needed a wife or not.
20:29He responded immediately.
20:30So before I knew it, we were texting all night.
20:34And I'm insane.
20:36But for the first time since Avi,
20:40I had that feeling of, like, am I going to marry this man?
20:45I know that sounds insane.
20:46But you also know we all do it.
20:47Everyone does it.
20:48We all have that feeling sometimes.
20:50What was his response?
20:51His response?
20:53I'll let you read it.
20:55Hold on.
20:56Wait, Karen, you read me.
20:57You read him.
20:58All right, we're going to do a scene.
21:00Do you need a wife or not?
21:01I was pretty sure we were already married.
21:03Who's the actor here?
21:04In your dreams, yes.
21:06But I'm talking about reality.
21:08Oh, you know I've never been able to tell the difference.
21:11My dreams always become a reality.
21:12So I guess I'm headed your way.
21:14What's your ETA?
21:16I'm not around.
21:18No, you're not.
21:19So then I give him my number.
21:21Wait, can I see a picture?
21:23He is living it.
21:24He is doing it.
21:26So wait for more.
21:33I'll tell you what this is.
21:34This is fat excellence in motion.
21:37It is.
21:39This man is living his best life.
21:43I really have just caught a vibe.
21:45And I love that he's large, and in charge,
21:48and just living his life out loud,
21:51just being a general badass.
21:53That really is attractive to me.
21:55And I hope that no one else snags
21:57him before I get back from Spain.
22:00All right, I got to talk to you for real.
22:02Have you told Dad that you're taking next steps?
22:06Next steps?
22:07With Cam?
22:08Getting married?
22:10We're a long-term thing.
22:11We have long-term goals.
22:12But do they include marriage?
22:14We've both looked at each other and said,
22:16you know, that we love each other,
22:17and we're in this forever, and the long haul.
22:21But, you know, I mean, like, I get it.
22:23I understand he's excited and whatever.
22:27But, you know, I'm driving this bus.
22:31You know what I mean?
22:33Glen Thor, he is going to need to pump the brakes,
22:35because I think that Hunter does know
22:37better than to steal my 40th birthday thunder
22:39and turn the Spain trip into an engagement trip.
22:41So everybody just slow down.
22:44I'm trying to get this man so I can help shoulder the burden.
22:48Is this the end of days?
22:50Is that what's happening?
22:51Is the apocalypse a bonus?
22:52Well, if I've got almost found me a man, then probably.
22:56I recently decided to do something
22:58different with counseling.
22:59I decided I'm going to do an intensive outpatient program.
23:04I was starting to have really dark, hopeless thoughts.
23:09I didn't know it was that bad.
23:12I'm so sorry.
23:29Oh, my God.
23:30Are you on a skateboard?
23:32I'm trying.
23:35Spring has sprung in Greensboro.
23:37So when Tal asked if I wanted to go to the park,
23:40I was totally down.
23:41You want to try next?
23:43I thought we were going to be, like, walking,
23:44maybe some vigorous sitting, and spilling the tea.
23:48And instead, I see Tal on a skateboard.
23:52Look at how you're just doing it, Tal.
23:54This would not qualify as doing it.
23:58You're doing something, and it looks good.
24:04I was doing it.
24:05OK, you want to know the truth about the skateboard?
24:07Well, there's been some interference from Glyn Thor.
24:09What do you mean?
24:10Well, he texted me.
24:12Oh, my God.
24:12No, he didn't.
24:13Yes, he did.
24:15He said, Tal, Hunter indicated to me
24:17that Whitney saw a guy online who she thinks is really cool.
24:22Oh, my God.
24:22I did a little research and saw that he enjoys extreme sports.
24:27Could you take her to learn how to skateboard?
24:29You're joking.
24:30Apparently, after I went out with Hunter and Karen
24:32to the quarter, it got back to my dad
24:34somehow that there's a cute guy online
24:36who does, like, extreme sports.
24:38So now Tal has to learn how to do an extreme sports,
24:41teach me how to do an extreme sports,
24:43so that I can impress this guy who does extreme sports.
24:45I hate this.
24:46This needs to be tightened, don't it?
24:48What is it?
24:49Is this plus size?
24:50I hope so.
24:51It's extremely ridiculous.
24:54Wait, does this fit?
24:55These are too small.
24:57I got, like, a blood pressure cuff.
24:59Oh, no.
24:59There you go.
25:00Oh, no.
25:00It doesn't work.
25:01Oh, no.
25:02It's not big enough.
25:03Is it?
25:03Oh, yeah.
25:04It's not going to go all the way.
25:07This is not even safe for me.
25:08Number one, the knee pads, the wrist pads, and the whatevers
25:10won't even fit on my body.
25:11So that should tell you something.
25:13Just going to practice standing on it.
25:15You can't, Tal.
25:17No, Tal, it's not right.
25:18Tal, this is not right.
25:22It's, like, sort of like a balance board.
25:23Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
25:26You look like a pro.
25:27OK, hold on, hold on.
25:28No, see, I don't have the right weight distribution.
25:30Look at me.
25:31I'm wrong on here.
25:32Hold on.
25:33I'm wrong on here.
25:34Well, just hold me until you're.
25:35No, no, no, no.
25:38I just got over my last sprained ankle,
25:41and that just happened from walking over a threshold.
25:43I don't think it's wise for me to be attempting this.
25:48No, oh, oh, no, no, Tal, Tal, no, Tal, Tal, Tal, Tal, no.
25:55Oh, god, Tal.
25:56This is like, this is like we're dancing.
25:58Tal, Tal, Tal, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
26:02my god, no, no, no, no, no.
26:04I'm doing that, or you are?
26:05No, no, no.
26:07No, no, no.
26:08I'm doing that.
26:09No, it's too fast.
26:10No, it's too fast.
26:11This is too fast.
26:14Ow, wait.
26:16We moved.
26:17You stood up on it, and you moved.
26:21Is that the end of our first lesson?
26:23It's like, no, I already know.
26:25No, we're not breaking ankles today.
26:26I don't care if this man's into extreme sports.
26:29He can take me for who I am or not take me at all.
26:32I appreciate the thought.
26:35Glenn is like, we have got to get her married.
26:37He's on a mission.
26:39Is that like how his little simple mind works?
26:40Like, if Whitney tells him she went skateboarding,
26:43he'll think she's cool.
26:45Who is this man that you were thinking is really cool?
26:49Everybody stop.
26:49I did say that I might marry him, but I had a day to cool down.
26:55The first thing I said to him, though, was like,
26:57do you need a wife?
26:58Coming in hot.
27:00This is a great example of Whitney being strong-willed
27:03in a really great way.
27:05You know, I think we're too old to play games at this point.
27:07So this new, like, bold Whitney that's just
27:10putting it right out there and seeing if it sticks,
27:13I support it.
27:14I'm impressed that you were bold.
27:16I really did.
27:17You're taking chances.
27:18I really did.
27:18I came right at it.
27:21Oh, my.
27:23I am out here doing the work.
27:25I really am.
27:26I've been shocked at my ability to kind of put myself
27:31out there and make some very loose connections.
27:33That, in general, just gives me hope that there
27:36is a life beyond my Frenchman.
27:40What nice flowers.
27:41This sunshine and blue sky is doing everything for me today.
27:45Oh, this is magical.
27:46Can I share something with you?
27:48What's that?
27:48I recently decided to do something
27:51different with counseling.
27:52You're switching jobs?
27:53No, not, like, professionally, like, for my own counseling.
27:58I need to talk to Whitney about what
28:00I have been going through because she knows that I have
28:02had a hard time struggling with depression in the past,
28:05and it's not really something that I feel comfortable
28:09talking about so often.
28:11I have been going to weekly therapy for a long time now.
28:16Me too.
28:17And I just feel like the last couple of months,
28:19it hasn't really been enough because I have just
28:23been feeling more and more depressed,
28:26like, getting up in the morning and just
28:28the thought of going to work.
28:30Like, half the time, I'm, like, sobbing before 8 AM
28:32and just feeling, like, extremely overwhelmed.
28:35So I decided to take some time away from work,
28:38and I'm going to do an intensive outpatient program.
28:45I didn't know it was that bad.
28:47I'm so sorry.
28:50I've been putting on a pretty brave face around everybody,
28:53but I've really been struggling pretty badly for months now.
28:57I was starting to have really dark, hopeless thoughts,
29:01and I felt so much relief once I decided to just invest
29:05in my own well-being.
29:07My therapist referred me to the place that I'm going.
29:09It's in Greensboro, and I'm starting soon.
29:13I love you.
29:14I love you.
29:17Tal has a lot on his plate and always has
29:19and really helps other people with their mental health
29:24So it's kind of not surprising to me
29:25that that could become a really heavy load at times.
29:29And I love that he has made this decision
29:32and really put himself first.
29:33I think it's amazing.
29:35Does that mean that you won't be able to come to Spain, or?
29:37I'm going to try to work out both,
29:39because I feel like that would be taking care of myself,
29:41because I really want to be there with you
29:42and with everybody.
29:43I mean, this is your 40th.
29:44I'm so proud of you.
29:45I'm going to keep you posted.
29:47Maybe you'll be a new man.
29:48Well, I don't want you to be a new man.
29:50I just want you to be you.
29:51I want to be new in some ways and still keep
29:53the parts of me that are good.
29:55Like, I'm never going to be a skateboarder.
29:56That's OK.
29:58I might keep practicing.
29:59You should.
30:00Yeah, come on.
30:01Try to roll.
30:02Go, go.
30:03Look at you changing.
30:03Oh, my god.
30:04I was trying to change directions.
30:05Look at you changing direction.
30:05That's so good.
30:06It's not good.
30:07You've got to work.
30:10I found your mother's engagement ring.
30:12Why do you have this?
30:13Just in case Hunter might ask her to get engaged.
30:16This is my 40th birthday trip.
30:17I'm already in the midst of a midlife crisis.
30:19And if someone else gets engaged right in front of me,
30:22I will lose it.
30:25I will lose it.
30:43Oh, a new outfit.
30:47What do you think about this thing?
30:49Well, I'm the one who bought it, so I believe I like it.
30:52Are you getting a haircut, or are you going wild, man?
30:55Jessica told me that you did three pull-ups today.
30:59And she's excited about Spain.
31:02Oh, well, I meant to tell you, I don't know
31:05if Tal's going to be able to come.
31:07Because he took FMLA from work and started an inpatient
31:12mental health treatment program.
31:14And he was looking forward to it so much.
31:16He really was.
31:17But I have sent out everybody's flight information,
31:20and I will have binders.
31:22Well, have you?
31:23Do you know our flight number?
31:25Do you know what hotel we're staying in?
31:28Well, I mean, since you've taken over the binder,
31:30I don't have to worry about it.
31:31I know.
31:32I've done everything.
31:34I am always a little bit nervous pre-trip,
31:37because I am the one that, like, books everything
31:41and plans everything and makes the binder.
31:43You know, I inherited that from Glen Thor not too long ago.
31:46And the only scheduling snafu that I can anticipate
31:49with the trip is Tal.
31:51If it turns out that he's not able to come,
31:54I'm honestly worried about what that
31:56could do to his mental health.
31:58And none of us will be there to, like, actively support him.
32:03Well, I found out that you were skateboarding with Tal.
32:06How did that go?
32:08I've got my sources.
32:09Do you think I'm stupid?
32:12I know that you're the one that masterminded it.
32:15But also, see, Dad, just because I
32:17was talking to some guy on the internet who does extreme
32:19sports doesn't mean I have to skateboard.
32:20You know what?
32:21I have other things I can bring to the table.
32:22Yeah, that's probably not a good idea.
32:25I don't remember ever feeling this way
32:26about someone immediately, except for how
32:29I felt about Avi.
32:31Like, literally, before I even met Avi,
32:33I called my mom and said, Mom, I just met
32:34the man I'm going to marry.
32:35And we all know how that one turned out.
32:37He's right there.
32:38He's right there.
32:39He's right there outside.
32:41Holy, yeah.
32:43Give me the camera.
32:43He's right there.
32:44I can see him.
32:45Oh, my god.
32:46Oh, my god.
32:49You get up first.
32:50I'm going to film you.
32:50Get up first.
32:53Shouldn't you say sorry to me?
32:57You are what's ridiculous.
32:59So you're still not going to, if any exclusion.
33:03Being humiliated is nuts, doesn't it?
33:17So maybe it's not a good omen, but just
33:19talking to men is still something good, ultimately.
33:24And I, for one, am very proud of myself.
33:28Well, have you thought about anything
33:29special for your 40th birthday?
33:31Well, yes.
33:32We're going to have a nice dinner, a flamenco performance,
33:36go to the beach.
33:38What do you think Hunter ought to get me?
33:39You know, it's hard to buy for you
33:42because you've got everything that you want.
33:45No, not everything.
33:47I mean, material things.
33:48I mean, we can't buy you a guy off the internet.
33:52Well, I wouldn't pay.
33:54Any man that would make me pay, I wouldn't want.
33:56Well, I am hopeful that you're going to find somebody
34:01that you really like.
34:03For you and Hunter to find, you know, your love interest
34:06and be really happy is, you know.
34:09I know that's all you're living for.
34:11Well, I found this.
34:14Your mother's engagement ring.
34:16Dad, this, no.
34:18Why do you have this?
34:20Well, just in case Hunter gets to the point
34:23you might ask her to get married, maybe get engaged.
34:26If he does, then you'll have a ring to give her.
34:29My mother never wore her engagement
34:31ring from my father, actually.
34:32She only wore her wedding bands.
34:33And so she was always putting this ring
34:36aside for Hunter to give to his future fiance.
34:40And honestly, I would totally support Hunter
34:42giving it to Karen.
34:43I'm with it.
34:44But not if that's not what Hunter and Karen want.
34:47Well, you don't think he's going to think
34:49to take it with him, do you?
34:52No, and I think that that's his business.
34:56Just being prepared.
34:59Karen, from the day that we met her at the premiere,
35:02has really fit into our family.
35:06But the most important person in that equation is Hunter.
35:09And it's time to start thinking about getting engaged,
35:12I think.
35:13And I'm not sure they're on the same timeline that I am.
35:20But I'm wanting to move on to the next level.
35:24I think you need to put that back where you found it.
35:26But wouldn't it be nice if he said,
35:28I wish I had this ring with me, and we said.
35:30Dad, I don't think.
35:32I don't.
35:32And we'd say, well, by the way.
35:35We wouldn't say anything.
35:36We are not part of this.
35:37I'm not part of this.
35:38You're not lumping me in on this.
35:40Let's put out the boundaries.
35:42Hunter's allowed to get married,
35:43but not on my birthday trip.
35:44I'm not planning it on this trip.
35:46Dad, you literally are trying to bring an engagement ring.
35:49What do you mean you're not planning it on this trip?
35:51Engagement is not getting married.
35:54Can I have my 40th birthday, and Hunter and Karen
35:56can get engaged at some other juncture in time?
36:00This is my 40th birthday trip.
36:01I'm already in the midst of a midlife crisis.
36:03And if someone else gets engaged right in front of me,
36:06I will lose it.
36:07I will lose it.
36:10Well, I love the clothes.
36:12Where's the ring box?
36:13I got it in my pocket.
36:14I'm going to go put it up.
36:17Y'all want to see my pics?
36:19Yes, we do.
36:21What's on the lens?
36:22My panties.
36:25The nudes.
36:25Lord, help me, Lord.
36:27I don't know where I get the confidence.
36:29Oh my gosh.
36:30Oh my gosh.
36:31But it ain't right.
36:32Oh my god.
36:40Oh my god.
36:53Hey, Goose.
36:55Is it Uncle Tal?
36:56She was coming to me, and then she went away.
36:57Oh, she thinks you're going to go throw a toy.
36:59Oh, I'm so sorry to disappoint you.
37:02I've been working so hard on doing
37:04my homework for The Matchmaker.
37:06So Tal has come over to help me look through some of the proofs.
37:10That the photographer sent me so that I can decide which ones
37:12I want her to edit, and then eventually include
37:15them in my matchmaking portfolio.
37:17How are you?
37:17I'm good.
37:18How are you?
37:18I'm OK.
37:20I'm also very eager to catch up with Tal
37:22to see how he's doing, and hopefully
37:24lift his spirits a bit.
37:26I need to cuddle.
37:27Come here.
37:28Are you getting excited for Spain?
37:30I hope I can go to Spain, because I'm not sure
37:32I can take a trip while I'm on leave from work to do treatment.
37:36And I don't know.
37:37I would be shocked if that's going to actually be an issue.
37:39Well, you know me.
37:39I'm anxious, and I'm a rule follower.
37:41That's true.
37:41But I called HR just to be sure, and I'm
37:43waiting for them to call me back.
37:44So cross all your fingers and your toes.
37:46Tal, did you know Tal's in the mental health treatment?
37:49Yeah, he's a counselor.
37:50No, he's an outpatient now.
37:51I don't mean what I do professionally.
37:53He's taking a sabbatical from work, and he's in treatment.
37:56I'm a client.
37:57And you're finally participating in your own recovery.
38:00Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
38:01It ain't all working.
38:03That's why I was like, how long has this been going on?
38:06That's rich.
38:07OK, well.
38:08Let's take a look.
38:10Let's pivot.
38:11Y'all want to see my pics?
38:12Yes, we do.
38:12Because Goosey's on her pic.
38:14So these are going to be, like, for a profile?
38:17No, these will be for the portfolio.
38:19I mean, I can use them on my dating profiles.
38:21That is amazing.
38:23This photo is, like, for Goosey's dating profile,
38:25and I'm the prop.
38:26You know what I mean?
38:27I love the silver streaks through her ear hair.
38:30Ear hair doesn't sound good.
38:30The windblown look.
38:31It is just enough.
38:33Just walking, just to show people I can walk.
38:38I like that one.
38:39Oh, you look just like that could be in a magazine.
38:41You like that one?
38:41I like this one a lot.
38:42That could be in Vogue.
38:44You should include that one, for sure.
38:46Whitney looks so beautiful.
38:48And she's, like, such a good model.
38:51Like, she is being really bold.
38:53She's continuing to put herself out there.
38:55It's just really cool to see and inspiring to me.
38:59I love that one.
39:00You look so tall.
39:00You look 5'13".
39:01I think you have a lot to work with.
39:03That's gorgeous.
39:05That one might be my favorite overall.
39:06You look like Haskell.
39:07Turning 40, but looking like you did in senior year.
39:10Oh, I love this one.
39:12Citrus as I want to be?
39:14I like that one.
39:16I love that one.
39:17We look at, so we're looking at something off in the distance.
39:20It's a little mysterious.
39:22Oh, my god.
39:27What's on the lens?
39:29My panties.
39:31Oh, my god.
39:33Oh, my god.
39:34Oh, my god.
39:35Oh, my god.
39:37The nudes.
39:38Lord, help me, Lord.
39:39I don't know where I get the confidence.
39:44There's a crevasse.
39:46There's a crevasse and then a crevice.
39:49But it ain't right.
39:50But are you going to put it in for your abs?
39:52Well, I'm already, I'm already, look.
39:54Don't blame me.
39:55I'm already insipid.
39:56Look, let's do it right now.
39:57So I'm in travel mode, Marbella.
40:01So you've gotten a lot of matches over there so far?
40:03Well, yeah.
40:04Between reaching out to men in the real world
40:07and crushing my matchmaking homework
40:09and how good these photos turned out, the nude ones especially,
40:12I am really feeling myself.
40:14And I may not be going to Spain for a long time,
40:17but I will be going for a good time.
40:23Oh, it's a video.
40:24While I'm not on the apps, like, looking for a new relationship,
40:28I can look for something to spice up my 40th birthday.
40:31I mean, I've been eating American Franks my whole life.
40:34What is wrong with a little Spanish salchicha?
40:38HR is calling me back.
40:39Oh, it's HR?
40:41Do you need to go sip away?
40:43Well, let's find out.
40:48Oh, God.
40:52I hope he's going to talk.
40:54What is he, what is he talking to him for?
40:56About Spain?
40:58This has been a big deal for me to get to take this time.
41:01So I wanted to make sure everything
41:02was on the up and up.
41:03So I really appreciate you checking that out.
41:06I don't want to do anything to compromise my job.
41:09And at the same time, I would be devastated
41:12if I didn't get to go.
41:13I mean, this isn't just any trip.
41:15It's Whitney's 40th.
41:16So I'm just hoping and praying and crossing everything
41:20I've got that this works out.
41:23Well, I'd be worried for his mental health
41:25if we all get to go on a trip and he gets left behind.
41:28I struggle with my mental health.
41:30And I know that traveling, reconnecting, relaxing,
41:34having new and novel experiences,
41:35I'm never happier than when I travel.
41:37But I mean, I think it would be good for him.
41:39And he was so excited about it when I told him.
41:42So I do hope there's a way that he can still come
41:47on my birthday trip to Spain.
41:48And also, I just, I feel anxious about being far away from him
41:54during this time, personally.
41:58Te quiero, y te quiero.
41:59Te quiero, y te quiero.
42:01Next time on My Big Fat Fabulous Life.
42:03Cuba de jala.
42:09Have you been talking to anybody on this?
42:11Oh, I did message somebody.
42:12Wait, now see, I like Juan.
42:14Oh, he looks nice.
42:15I'm going for it.
42:16If I could snag, like, even one date for my birthday trip,
42:19things would be really looking up.
42:21You're just really putting it out there.
42:22Well, what else am I supposed to do, Tal?
42:24If we're going to do a nude beach,
42:26we're going to be nude at the beach.
42:30I have no idea what the hell he's doing.
42:32We're on a nude beach!
42:34We're on a nude beach!