Coronation Street - Leanne Confronts Rowan About His Past and Toyah Recieve Bad News (22nd July 2024)

  • 2 months ago


00:00Thanks. What is it, Leanne? You seem nervous. Do we need to schedule a coding?
00:09No. No, I'm fine. I'm... OK. I am a bit nervous. I got something in my head and I need to ask
00:20you. I've read something and I know I shouldn't have done, but I did and it's made me a bit
00:29angry. Because if it's true, then you've lied to me and I don't understand why. It's completely
00:38true. What? Every word. I won't deny it. I'm really glad you found that. I'm surprised
00:48it took you this long, actually. What's with... It's all a lie. The Institute... This is the
00:56Institute. Don't you get it? That was me, but this isn't who I am now. The name change,
01:06you wait. Once you get to my level, you'll understand. That name, I can't even say it
01:12anymore because it is so far from who I am today. Your name, Leanne, the name you carry
01:18so much trauma with, are you telling me you want that title forever? Now that you are
01:22so much more, now that you are so far from that version of you. But it is me. It's who
01:30I am. It would be odd to be anything else. So, do the Institute know about your past?
01:36Of course. A bit more focused on who I am now, as I am with you. Thank you for talking
01:43to me about this. I'm happy. You can see how far I've come and how far you can go. It's
01:51exciting. The possibility of renewal. It's so exciting. So, are you going to fill us
02:04in then, or what? Oh, right. It's a housewife and a G&T for the bloke over there who just
02:09called me darling. Oh, come on. That's not what she meant. What happened? Oh, yeah. It's
02:13fine. Yeah, it's all true. He confessed then? Do you have to say he confessed? Well, I thought
02:19he'd at least try and deny it. Well, why? It's what drove him to the Institute, to be
02:23a better man. Oh, come on. You don't buy that. Taya, we've all got a past. Imagine yours
02:27being held against you. Right, so that means he can't be trusted. What? The man who's just
02:32owned up to everything? Who didn't hide? Who celebrated what he's become? Well, he only
02:36owned up when he got found out. Oh, can we not talk about this anymore? Let's just concentrate
02:40on your appointment. What time do we need to leave? Um, oh, actually, do you know what?
02:44They called to reschedule. Yeah, they're going to get back to me with the date. Oh, see? I
02:48told you, it's going to be something, nothing. It won't be urgent. Yeah, totally. What time
02:55are you heading off? It's not being cancelled, is it? Look, the last thing I need right now
03:02is her going off on one about coding or, you know, some reason that I've brought this on
03:06myself with negativity. Yeah, I know. I know. I'm sorry. Why are you apologising? Uh, because
03:14you need her. Yeah, well... You need someone with you. Do you know what? If I hear that
03:19man's name one more time today... Look, do you want me to just say you've gone to the
03:24cash and carry or something like that? Yeah, is that OK? Yeah, of course. You know, you'll
03:29be fine. Good luck. Thanks.
03:44What are you doing here? Uh, well... I told Liam we're going to the cash and carry. Did
04:12she buy that? Well, after her chat with he who shouldn't be mentioned, she seemed fine.
04:18Not a care in the world. It's probably best you didn't bring her. Thank you for coming.
04:26It's OK. She will sort a bit sooner. You don't want to be in here on your own, do you? Yeah,
04:34I'm not on my own now, am I? No, you're not. You know, we just, uh, just got to think of
04:50a reason why we didn't buy anything at the cash and carry. We could take a trip there
04:55I could, I don't know, bulk buy you some ice cream to say thank you. Shall we read a magazine?
05:10Yeah, if you want to catch up on what happened a decade ago. That's about right. Oh, hey,
05:16The Gratifying Gardener, 2018. It's a bit redundant considering we live in a flat, isn't it?
05:24Sorry, Habib? Oh, um, yeah. Can my, um... Of course, you can have someone with you. Great, thank you.
05:33Thank you.
05:40Thank you for coming in, especially at short notice. We were able to get a good enough
05:47sample from the biopsy. It's bad news, isn't it? She's a cancer nurse, isn't she?
05:53Right, right. Doctors always have people assisting them. The biopsy has shown something worrying
05:59and I'm afraid it was malignant. I'm sorry to have to tell you that you have German cell ovarian cancer.
06:12It's fine, I'm fine, I'm fine.
06:14How bad is it?
06:17It looks like the tumour is confined to one ovary, but we can't be sure until we operate.
06:24So I'll need surgery, then?
06:26Yes, we'll want to remove it in the next two weeks.
06:30Ah, um, and then what?
06:33Well, we'll have to see.
06:35So I'll need surgery, then?
06:38Yes, we'll want to remove it in the next two weeks.
06:42Ah, um, and then what? Is that it?
06:45It's possible you'll need a course of chemotherapy.
06:50I understand this is tough news, but most patients with germ cell cancer respond very well to treatment and make a full recovery.
07:02I mean, that's good to know, isn't it?
07:05This is Brenda, who's a specialist nurse, who'll support you all the way through.
07:11She'll be on hand to answer any questions.
07:19I'm so sorry.
07:23You know, I'll be with you every step of the way.
07:26Roberto, Leanne included. She's going to be devastated.
07:30I almost don't want to tell her.
07:33Yeah, I understand.
07:35I just can't cope with all the Institute stuff she's going to throw at me.
07:39I mean, I can just hear her now, saying how she'll code reality to fix it or, I don't know, get that slimeball Rowan to do some weird purging on me.
07:48I don't know, she might surprise you.
07:51Do you think?
07:57Oh, right, um...
07:59So, what do you want to do now?
08:02Right now?
08:03I just want to eat a massive cream cake.
08:06Is it?
08:07Well, uh, yeah, that can be arranged.
08:11This was the right decision.
08:13Mm, ah, I can't remember the last time I had a cream cake.
08:17Yeah, but you hardly have any sugar, do you? Me, on the other hand, secret sugar addict.
08:22Have you not seen the stash in the kitchen cupboard?
08:24Uh, yeah, but I thought that was Sam's.
08:26You don't have to tell her straight away.
08:31Yeah, but then it's just more lies, isn't it?
08:33There's been enough of those.
08:36Right, come on, I'd rather tell her face-to-face with you there.
08:42Oh, where have you been? I've been calling you.
08:44Uh, I was at the hospital.
08:46Oh, well, I thought you'd be back by now.
08:48Oh, I'm sorry, I've got to go.
08:49Oh, I'm sorry, I've got to go.
08:50Oh, I'm sorry, I've got to go.
08:51Oh, I'm sorry, I've got to go.
08:52Oh, I'm sorry, I've got to go.
08:53Oh, I'm sorry, I've got to go.
08:54Oh, I'm sorry, I've got to go.
08:55Oh, well, I thought you'd...
08:56No, my appointment wasn't cancelled.
08:57I just didn't want to worry anyone.
08:59Oh, right, did you go with her?
09:01Uh, I, uh...
09:02He, yeah, he guessed and insisted on coming.
09:05Um, he did want to tell you, but I said no.
09:10Honestly, because we've been arguing so much lately
09:13and I didn't want you there.
09:16Blimey, I didn't know we weren't getting on over Rowan, but...
09:19It's fine, it actually doesn't matter.
09:22Right, so what did they say, then?
09:26That I've got a type of ovarian cancer.
09:30Germ cell cancer, it's called.
09:33Yeah, they hope it's just, uh, one ovary.
09:36But they're not sure, so, um...
09:39Either way, it'll be surgery and possibly chemo, so...
09:43Oh, I'm sorry.
09:45Oh, I'm so sorry.
09:47I'm so sorry.
09:51You don't have to.
09:52Are you kidding me?
09:54From now on, you are my number one priority.
09:56Thanks, Lee.
09:57Right, well, I'll phone Rowan tomorrow
09:59and I'll see how the Institute can help.
10:01They're not gonna help her.
10:02Are you kidding me?
10:03She needs all the positivity and good energy she can get.
10:06Oh, please.
10:07Well, bad energy and bad feelings are partly to blame
10:10for a lot of things.
10:11Well, aren't you saying she got cancer from bad feelings?
10:16Well, it sounds like you are.
10:17Are you?
10:18Oh, I don't believe this.
10:19No, no, no, don't do that.
10:21Don't, don't, don't mince my words.
10:23Don't twist what I'm saying.
10:25So more rubbish can come out your mouth.
10:26I'm not saying that she's got cancer
10:28because of bad feelings and bad energy.
10:30I'm saying that negativity and bad feelings
10:33can contribute to physical and mental health.
10:35OK, so you're saying she's brought it on herself?
10:39No, but...
10:40Well, have you not heard of the gut-brain axis?
10:42Our minds and body are connected
10:44and our thoughts and our feelings for our body...
10:46Yeah, but that's real.
10:48What's not real is you saying she's got cancer
10:51for some of her bad feelings, bad behaviour.
10:54Please just stop.
10:55Right, what I'm saying is, past trauma,
10:57if you haven't dealt with it, and bad behaviour,
11:00you've got to purge it, otherwise it can manifest as illness.
11:03OK, so you're saying she should trawl over all her past mistakes
11:06and that's going to help?
11:07I'm saying you've got to release the bad and invite the good in.
11:10Good vibes and positivity aren't going to cure her.
11:13Well, you say that, but actually studies have shown...
11:15The only one bringing negativity is you,
11:17you and that flaming institute.
11:19Oh, all right, all right, so I'm the one to blame, it's all my fault.
11:22Look at the circumstances, I mean, this is stressful enough, isn't it?
11:25You just don't see them, it's one of them...
11:27You know what, will you both just shut up?!
11:30Will you shut up?!
11:32Cos I just... I can't deal with this right now.
11:40We can't carry on at each other's throats.
11:43Yeah, I know.
11:45For Toyah's sake.
11:47And for ours.
11:52Look, I...
11:54I don't want the institute to come between us.
11:57Yeah, well, me neither.
12:00But I know that it has caused problems.
12:03I mean, we argue more than we ever did.
12:07And we're not as kind to each other.
12:12Well, we haven't had sex in a while and I really miss it.
12:15I really miss being close to you.
12:17Yeah, but you won't give the institute up.
12:20Nick, what I'm doing with them is really helping me.
12:25I feel stronger and more happy in my life
12:28and I genuinely think that Toyah would get that from me too.
12:32And I know you don't believe that and neither does she, but...
12:36Well, can you please just stop trashing all my beliefs
12:39and just respect them?
12:44Yeah, yeah, I'll try.
12:48And, well, I'll try and tone it down a bit.
12:51I know I get a bit carried away.
12:53Well, that'd be helpful.
12:57I really do love you, you know.
13:00Very much.
13:01Yeah, I love you too.
13:09I'm really sorry for upsetting you.
13:11Yeah, me too.
13:13Yeah, I know.
13:15But I've made a decision.
13:18I don't want either of you involved in my treatment.
13:20What? You can't.
13:21It's what I want.
13:22You can't do this alone.
13:24No, I can and I will.
13:26So I don't want either of you coming to my appointments.
13:29I don't want to talk to you about how I'm feeling.
13:31I don't want you fussing over me.
13:33I want you to concentrate on each other
13:36and sorting your stuff out.
13:39Or concentrate on me.
