MEDI1TV Afrique : Presse maghreb - 26/06/2024
00:00Hello everyone, welcome to Medihan TV and we start this tour of the Maghreb by the north
00:10of Morocco where the explosion of a gas cylinder killed two people and injured several people
00:14in Tangier.
00:15The 360 gives more precision on this deadly incident that occurred a few minutes before
00:20sunset in the Tangier district of Haddad, in the outskirts of Benimqada.
00:24The explosion also caused cracks in the damaged building, forcing local authorities
00:29to evacuate the building and to block the security perimeter in order to avoid any
00:34possible risk.
00:35Interrogated by the information portal, riverains have confirmed that the victims were dead
00:39on the field, while the five injured in a serious condition were transferred to the
00:43emergency services of the Mohamed V hospital in the city, on site in this hospital
00:50Necessary care is provided to them, the investigation is underway to determine the causes and circumstances
00:55of this tragic incident, concludes the 360 in these columns.
00:59In economy, now, the production of crops in the kingdom should slightly lower this
01:05Title H24 this morning.
01:06This is what the US Department of Agriculture has just announced, which has updated its
01:11production forecasts for the fiscal year in progress.
01:14The Moroccan site explains that this evolution by climate change, which is accompanied by
01:19extreme heat in the summer of 2023, which has therefore led to two consecutive seasons
01:23of low production of Moroccan crops, these weather conditions exacerbated by the deficit
01:28more geometric, have had a negative impact on the flowering of fruits, among other consequences
01:33justified by the report of the US Department of Agriculture.
01:38H24 also specifies that Moroccan exports are facing a strong competition from Egypt,
01:43which would push the kingdom to focus on commercialization at the national level and
01:48the conquest of new markets such as Brazil, with which it has signed an action plan detailing
01:53the export models in April last.
01:57Media24 offers us a taste of the Federation of Consumers on the dubious practices around
02:02travel insurance for Europe.
02:04Indeed, FNAC wishes to attract the attention of competent authorities and the general public
02:09on an unfair and unacceptable practice adopted by insurance companies in Morocco, which
02:14refuse to reimburse subscriptions even in case of refusal to grant a visa, says its
02:18statement, an additional expenditure mandatory for Moroccan citizens in their
02:22Schengen visa application, which represents a significant amount, generally varying between
02:27200 and 1,500 dirhams, depending on the duration and nature of the stay.
02:31In addition, the FNAC, which requires transparency from insurance companies
02:36and the intervention of authorities to protect consumer rights, adds that the
02:40demander on average loses 70 euros, or more than 700 dirhams, if he refuses the visa.
02:45This loss is considerable because nearly 120,000 demanders in 2022 have accumulated more than
02:518.3 million euros in total, Media24 specifies.
02:57The criminal court of the municipality of Dar al-Baidah sentenced yesterday Mohamed Tafarka
03:02to two years in prison, according to Le Matin d'Algerie.
03:05By his full name, Mohamed Akhli Brach, the associative activist has been found guilty
03:10of assault on national unity, which the Algerian media ironically qualifies as a terrible
03:14threat to national unity in New Algeria, dear Abdelmajid Boun.
03:18This prison sentence is associated with a fine of 50,000 dinars.
03:22Placed under a deposition mandate since November 2023, Mohamed Tafarka, a 74-year-old activist
03:27and great defender of the cause in Mazir, will therefore remain behind bars in the prison
03:31of Kolea, where dozens of opinion holders are already hiding.
03:34Le Matin d'Algerie finally specifies in an article that the justice system has chosen
03:38to render its inqualifiable verdict on the anniversary of the assassination of
03:42Mathieu Blunet, another great figure of the cause in Mazir.
03:45End of quote.
03:48To conclude, Tunisia welcomes today the first conference on illicit financial flows
03:53in Africa, informs us Capitaliste this morning.
03:56This first edition of this continental meeting, organized by the African Union,
04:00will be on the subject of the fiscal agenda of Africa in the fight against
04:04illicit financial flows.
04:07The information portal explains that the organization of this conference in Tunisia,
04:11which will be inaugurated in the morning by the Minister of Foreign Affairs,
04:14Nabil Ammar, confirms the ongoing commitments of Tunisia to strengthen
04:18financial governance and the fight against tax evasion and illegal transfer
04:22of funds abroad.
04:24The strengthening of international cooperation in this fight against
04:27these illegal financial flows is part of the global and sustainable development
04:31according to the Development Agenda for Africa 2063.
04:37This is the end of this Maghreb Press Review.
04:39Thank you all for following it.
04:41The news continues on Mediantv.