My Breast Augmentation with Rhinoplasty

  • 15 years ago My experience as I have both breast augmentation and rhinoplasty at the same time. The procedures were performed by plastic surgeon Dr. David E. Kim of Beverly Hills Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and I couldn't be happier with the natural results he achieved. Also known as breast augmentation or augmentation mammoplasty, breast enlargement can help women who are unhappy with the size or shape of their breasts. For many women, breast size is an important part of feeling good, desirable and normal. Having a breast augmentation can greatly improve self esteem in these cases. Often referred to as nose surgery, rhinoplasty is designed to reshape a person's nose by reducing or increasing its size. This procedure can help to create better balance, improve facial contour, and enhance appearance by: Changing the shape of the tip or the bridge Narrowing the span of the nostrils Changing the angle between your nose and your upper lip Correcting a birth defect or injury Video produced by Spore Medical,
