• last year
Tuesday's budget will include a boost for an ACT cultural icon. The Canberra Symphony Orchestra says millions in funding announced today will save it from having to make dramatic cuts. After a tough few years, the orchestra was at risk. But it's the injection of money should secure its future.


00:00 For 75 years, the Canberra Symphony Orchestra has been delighting audiences, a tradition
00:11 that's now guaranteed to continue.
00:13 This funding is a lifeline to a very important part of Canberra's cultural heritage.
00:23 Today the Federal Government announced a budget will contain $4.1 million over four years
00:28 for the orchestra, with assurances for further funding in the years to follow.
00:32 Which will make sure that the funding going to the Canberra Symphony Orchestra is lifted
00:37 from about $260,000 a year up to just over a million dollars a year.
00:43 The orchestra has had a rough run since the pandemic years.
00:47 Audience habits changed dramatically across Australia and that was no different for the
00:52 CSO.
00:53 The last three years have seen a very demanding time and in fact we used up a million dollars
01:01 of our reserves to keep going.
01:07 Dramatic cuts were on the horizon, but the orchestra says its future is now secured.
01:12 Music to the ears of the ACT's largest arts workforce of more than 130 staff, including
01:18 many Canberrans who work part-time as musicians.
01:21 We have public servants, teachers, people from right across the community.
01:28 The funding also means the orchestra can continue its community programs.
01:33 Painting with Parkinson's, Rediscovering Music, which is a program we run for people with
01:38 hearing loss.
01:39 We also do visits to special schools.
01:42 Ensuring a local institution isn't played out.
01:46 (Music)
