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Episod 493 My #QuranTime 2.0 Jumaat 19 April 2024 Surah Al-An'am (6: 115-118) Halaman 142

Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Al-An'am ayat 115-118 halaman 142 ini adalah:
* Kesempurnaan kitab al-Quran yang tiada siapa boleh mengubahnya (115)
* Peringatan agar tidak ikuti pengaruh orang yang menyesatkan (116-117)
* Perintah menyebutkan nama Allah ketika menyembelih (118)

Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 115-118 halaman 142:
* Belajar ilmu al-Quran dan pastikan tiada penyelewengan berlaku (115)
* Ikutilah dan dekati orang yang berilmu dan beramal soleh (116)
* Jaga kebersihan dan kesucian makanan yang diambil (118)

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My #QuranTime
World #QuranHour
02:28 Rahamallah, when we pray to all those who are here today, those of you who are at home, we have page 142, the eighth juice and our companions who are with us, we pray for them, we continue to give strength and this is also a support, if we think about the first time, we are only two usually, but praise be to Allah, when round 2 there are friends who pray together with us,
02:58 together with the team of the camera, we pray for all our companions to continue to be with the Al-Quran that is honored.
03:09 We start with a prayer, Subhanakallah, ilmalana illa ma'allamtana innaka antala 'alimul hakim rabbi zidni 'ilma.
03:17 We will see what the summary of the four verses is today.
03:21 In the 115th verse, the perfection of the book of the Quran that no one can change it, and followed in verses 116 to 117,
03:30 be careful not to follow the influence of those who mislead, and then in verse 118, we will look at the issue of food.
03:40 The government mentions the name of Allah when slaughtering livestock.
03:45 Let's read together verses 115 to 118 with Al-Fadhil Ustaz Timizzi.
03:51 Alhamdulillah, thank you Al-Fadhil Ustaz Timizzi, viewers, friends who are watching, Alhamdulillah, we are blessed again today.
04:00 We are together in the Madrasa Ilmu, playing Quran Time, Quran, prayer, and intake.
04:05 In the verses 115 to 118, I am sure all of you are ready, with your own Mus'haf, book of notes, and pen.
04:16 Hopefully, we will become a noble Ummah with the knowledge of knowledge, insha'Allah.
04:24 Verses 115 to 118.
04:29 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
04:32 And the word of your Lord has been fulfilled in truth and in justice.
04:41 There is no one to replace His words, and He is the Hearing, the Knowing.
04:51 And if you obey most of those on the earth, they will lead you astray from the way of Allah.
05:08 They follow nothing but delusion, and they are not but guardians.
05:25 Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of whoever goes astray from His way, and He is most knowing of the right-guided.
05:45 So say of what Allah has spoken to him, "If you are believers in His verses."
06:05 We have read the verses 115 and 118, where Allah tells us the continuation of the verses 118 and 114.
06:18 "Do not be among those who doubt what is brought by the Quran."
06:37 This verse is usually read at the end of the Quran, or when the memorization of the Quran is completed.
06:45 This verse is read, "And the word of your Lord has been fulfilled in truth and in justice."
06:49 What does this mean?
06:50 This means that the word of Allah has been fulfilled in truth and in justice.
06:56 That is, the attribute is full of truth, and the second is full of justice.
07:01 We need to understand that this verse is in the Makkiyah phase, and if we look at the last verses in Surah Al-Ma'idah,
07:09 which we have studied before,
07:11 "Al-yawma akmaltu dinukum wa-atmamtu"
07:14 There is a word "atmamtu" which is related to "watammat".
07:17 That is the last verse, or at the end of the life of the Prophet.
07:23 And this is in the middle, when the Prophet is in Mecca.
07:28 So, what is the connection between "tammat" and "watmamtu"?
07:32 Here, even though the Quran has not yet been completed,
07:37 but the word of Allah that will be revealed to the Prophet is already perfect.
07:42 It is already perfect in terms of theory.
07:45 The theory is indeed perfect.
07:47 They believe in the Quran, even though it has just been revealed.
07:51 Surah Al-An'am, not yet Surah Baqarah, not yet Surah An-Nisa, not yet Surah Al-Ma'idah.
07:56 But the Muslims at the time in Mecca already got the idea that they believe in Allah,
08:02 believe in the Hereafter, in the Prophet, in the Quran.
08:06 The Quran's attribute is "watammat kalimatu rabbika sidqan wa'adala"
08:11 It is a complete word, Allah has completed it,
08:15 full of truth and full of justice.
08:18 So, the effect is when the Quran's attribute is stated like this,
08:23 the effect is that the Muslims, the believers at the time, had no doubt.
08:27 They said that if we hold it properly, we will definitely succeed.
08:31 And that is the belief that we want to bring into our lives,
08:35 even though we say that we do not fully understand it,
08:38 we want to practice it even further.
08:40 But because the theory is already complete, it is already perfect,
08:46 if we witness the truth and justice, then look for the Quran.
08:51 If we say in the case of a country,
08:54 if we say, can our country bring justice?
08:58 The adults are still just, the children are just.
09:03 The wrongdoers are still wrong, and the wrongdoers are not.
09:06 The wrongdoers, let them be, if they are big.
09:08 But if they are small, the reason for the RM20 is prison, for example.
09:12 If we question, if we feel that there is a chance for justice for my country,
09:17 then if we go back to the Quran, then one day Allah will provide.
09:22 And that is what happened to the companions.
09:24 They were blown away, they felt tired.
09:29 But they were not tired of the word of Allah,
09:33 "La Mubaddilali Kalimatih"
09:35 and there was no change,
09:37 no one could change the order of justice and truth in the Quran.
09:42 "Wa Huwa Samiu'ul 'Alim"
09:43 If there are people who are still stubborn, Allah will hear what they are stubborn about.
09:48 If there are people who feel that they are being hurt,
09:51 we read the Quran, but the system of justice is still there,
09:55 I still cannot believe it, Allah hears.
09:58 And Allah knows how to resolve it.
10:01 The important thing is that we do, we read,
10:04 what is conveyed by Allah,
10:07 and the help, the result, the decision,
10:10 we leave it to Allah.
10:13 So this is our commitment with the Quran,
10:15 do not hesitate, do not doubt,
10:17 and this is the guidance from verse 115.
10:21 We take a break now,
10:22 My Quran Time, Quran Salat Yufaak.
10:24 Inshallah.
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14:04 We are back in My Quran Time, Quran Salat Yufaak.
14:06 We read verses 115 to 118 together,
14:09 and this verse 115 is a verse that is usually read
14:13 at the end of the memorization session,
14:14 to confirm our belief in the word of Allah,
14:19 the word of Rabbik,
14:20 which has 'sidqaun wa'adla',
14:23 which is, it has truth and it has justice.
14:26 What is the effect?
14:27 The effect is when we read this Quran,
14:30 we are not just reading in one dimension,
14:33 meaning we read and then what happens is not related.
14:36 Actually what we read is not a word from humans,
14:40 it is a word from the word of Rabbik, from Allah.
14:45 And when we talk about the word of Allah,
14:47 when we hear in Surah Yasin,
14:49 'Kun Fayakun',
14:51 when Allah says 'Kun' it happens.
14:53 So when we want the event 'Kun' to happen in our lives,
14:57 we need to live by the words that are in this Quran,
15:02 and when we read the blessings that descend to us,
15:07 we will not only get one dimension,
15:10 but various dimensions,
15:12 and apparently there is something that is happening,
15:14 that is being arranged by Allah to the Prophet,
15:17 to the companions,
15:18 when they are in Surah Al-An'am,
15:21 at around 10 Hijrah,
15:22 at the time of the Prophet's death,
15:24 actually Allah is planning for the future,
15:26 if they are still following the guidance of the word from Allah.
15:31 So apparently, when we read this Quran,
15:33 it is not only that we read it and we get rewards,
15:37 what is happening in the world,
15:39 has nothing to do with our every reading.
15:42 Actually, every time we read,
15:44 and we try to understand it,
15:45 and try to implement it,
15:46 there is truth and justice that is being spread,
15:50 that is being provided by Allah,
15:52 and we just wait,
15:54 that is the important thing.
15:55 Because we are human,
15:56 we are not God,
15:57 'Kun' can happen,
15:58 we have to wait because Allah has His rules,
16:02 when we do the truth and justice that is stated in this sentence,
16:07 it cannot be changed.
16:08 It cannot be changed.
16:09 If Allah says that in the next 5 years,
16:11 the justice will be like this,
16:13 that is what Allah has determined.
16:14 10 years will be like this,
16:16 there will be a leader who really leads with justice,
16:19 for example,
16:20 who will not compromise the adults and the children.
16:22 That is Allah's knowledge.
16:25 The important thing is that we have the knowledge
16:27 to do what is in this Quran.
16:31 Why?
16:32 Because Allah is the All-Hearing and Allah is the All-Knowing.
16:35 Allah knows how to solve the issues in the world.
16:40 It is a test for us to return to whom?
16:43 The revelation from Allah,
16:45 not the whispers from the devil.
16:48 So, in the verses 116 and 117,
16:51 we want to read two verses at once,
16:53 we want to see what challenges we have to face
16:57 to the words of Allah.
16:59 The verses 116 and 117 with Ustaz Tirmizi.
17:02 Let us read together two verses.
17:05 The verse 116 starts with the letter "wa-in tu-tai"
17:11 The letters "ta" and "ta" are combined.
17:13 One line at the front and one line at the bottom.
17:15 We have to be careful so that we do not make the front line too thick.
17:20 "wa-in tu-tai"
17:22 So, there are two "ta"
17:24 or two "ta"
17:25 "tu-ti"
17:26 "tu-tia"
17:27 There is also no "tia"
17:29 Or, at the beginning, "ta" after "ta"
17:31 Change the two.
17:32 "wa-in tu-tia"
17:33 That is a bit strange, isn't it?
17:35 So, be careful.
17:36 "tu-ti"
17:37 The same place, "tu-ti"
17:39 The second one is thickened.
17:41 Where does the thickness come from?
17:43 From our tongue.
17:45 "ti" inside.
17:47 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
17:49 "wa-in tu-tai"
17:55 Most of those on earth lead you astray from the way of Allah.
18:13 They follow nothing but delusion.
18:25 They are only guessing.
18:33 Surely, your Lord is the most knowing of those who are true to their way, and He is most knowing of those who are guided.
19:01 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
19:03 That is the reading from the verse 116-117.
19:07 A continuation from "wa-tammad kalimatu rabbik"
19:10 Talking about this word,
19:12 the way for us to understand it more easily
19:14 is when, for example,
19:16 we meet a wealthy person.
19:18 We already know that he is rich and wealthy.
19:21 If someone asks for help,
19:23 what happens after that?
19:25 If he asks for 10 ringgit, he is given 10 ringgit.
19:28 The news is already well-known
19:30 that if he gives 1 million,
19:32 he is a wealthy person.
19:35 One day, we feel that it is too difficult.
19:38 We do not need 1 million,
19:40 we just need 10 thousand.
19:41 But because the news is well-known,
19:43 we go to that person
19:45 and we meet him.
19:47 If we say his name is Dato, Tansri, or a wealthy person,
19:50 we call him.
19:51 "Dear wealthy person, I do not need much,
19:54 I only need 10 thousand."
19:56 He is silent.
19:58 We say, "Okay, we will take care of it."
20:00 These words are only two.
20:02 "We will take care of it."
20:04 And what happens?
20:05 If the news is already well-known,
20:07 if we get only two words,
20:09 we go back and we feel relieved.
20:11 Relieved because we are taking care of it.
20:15 And that is from a wealthy person.
20:18 What else if we talk about
20:20 "Wa lillahil matthalul aqla"
20:22 For Allah SWT,
20:23 the rich, the generous,
20:25 the one who listens to our complaints,
20:29 the one who knows how to solve it,
20:32 the rich person,
20:33 if there are many people asking,
20:35 in the end, he says, "We will not take care of it."
20:37 But for Allah SWT,
20:39 when Allah says that
20:41 Allah will help with justice,
20:44 Allah will give justice,
20:46 because the word Allah is indeed powerful.
20:49 Even the wealthy people,
20:51 the people who believe and will
20:53 strive to get the words we are taking care of,
20:56 what else?
20:57 If it is from Allah,
20:58 when it is only the word Allah,
21:00 then it is useless.
21:01 So, that is the truth.
21:02 "Wa in tuti'a akhtharum man fil ard"
21:05 If you disobey the majority of people in this world,
21:09 "Yudhilluq ansabilillah"
21:11 They will make you stray from the path of Allah.
21:14 "In yattabi'una illa dhan wa in hum illa yahrusun"
21:20 Actually, what they are following,
21:22 if you follow them,
21:24 except for "zond"
21:25 they are just guessing,
21:27 guessing and they like to do scams,
21:30 lying.
21:31 And this is to explain
21:33 how we need to return to the Quran.
21:36 The Quran is not a common word,
21:38 but it is the word of the Lord.
21:40 "Sidqa'u wa'adla"
21:42 And if the words of the wealthy people
21:44 are being said,
21:45 because they want to get,
21:46 not that they get a lot,
21:47 if I manage it,
21:48 it is only up to 10,000.
21:49 I will manage the 1 million,
21:51 but it will take time,
21:52 up to a few years.
21:53 This is from Allah.
21:55 We just need to understand
21:57 how Allah returns it,
21:59 whether it is good or worse
22:01 than what we ask for.
22:04 So if we do not want to read the Quran,
22:06 for example,
22:07 or we say that the Quran is okay,
22:09 sometimes,
22:10 we just follow the opinion of many people,
22:12 majority, democracy,
22:14 then what is the effect of majority
22:16 and democracy
22:17 without the guidance of revelation?
22:19 It is indeed harmful.
22:21 This is a reality,
22:22 a pressure in the society.
22:24 The society has 6 billion people now.
22:26 If we count 1.5 billion people
22:28 who are Muslims,
22:29 how many people actually read the Quran?
22:33 How many people understand the Quran?
22:36 So if we see that
22:37 Allah says,
22:39 "Akhtharam man fil'ar"
22:41 "You delude"
22:42 That is indeed clear.
22:44 And we need to be strong in our spirit
22:46 along with the Quran.
22:47 Allah states in verse 117,
22:49 "Inna rabbaka huwa a'lam"
22:51 Allah knows better
22:52 who is lost
22:54 from His path
22:55 and who is the one
22:56 who knows.
22:57 "Al-Muhtadin"
22:59 "Bil-Muhtadin"
23:00 That is the one who is always led
23:02 to Allah's guidance,
23:04 to heaven.
23:05 Allah knows better.
23:06 So when we talk to many people,
23:09 we need to be careful
23:10 that many people use "Dhan"
23:13 and "Yakhrusun".
23:15 This person is just guessing.
23:17 He says that
23:18 the economy in 2020, 2024, 2025
23:21 is expected to collapse.
23:22 For example.
23:23 It turns out that he wants to buy
23:24 his own package.
23:25 For example.
23:26 Or there is something
23:27 that he is offering
23:30 by creating pain or gain.
23:33 Feeling pain or feeling like
23:35 he is getting something.
23:37 So how to make sure
23:39 that we are not easily
23:40 affected by this thing?
23:41 That is explained in verse 113,
23:44 which is that
23:45 we need to have a mindset of the hereafter.
23:47 Did I do this
23:49 to bring me to heaven?
23:51 Did I do this
23:52 to do what Allah has left,
23:54 which is Allah has revealed
23:56 the Al-Quran?
23:57 If we are choosing this,
23:59 then inshallah
24:00 we will not follow the majority.
24:02 If we follow the majority,
24:03 for example,
24:04 he wants the easy,
24:05 the rich,
24:06 the fast,
24:07 the easy.
24:08 That is human.
24:09 But in the Al-Quran,
24:10 not all the fast things are beneficial
24:12 and not all the rich things
24:15 are beneficial.
24:17 Let us take a break.
24:19 Before that,
24:20 let us look at the word of choice.
24:21 What is it?
24:22 "Wa tammat kalimatu rabbika sidhu kawwa"
24:24 is the word "wa tammat"
24:26 from the word "tamma"
24:27 which means "perfect".
24:28 It is mentioned 22 times in the Al-Quran.
24:30 It is mentioned in Surah Al-A'raf,
24:31 Surah Hud,
24:32 Surah Yusuf,
24:33 and also in Surah Al-Ma'idah
24:34 which we discussed earlier.
24:35 It is to show that
24:37 the Al-Quran is perfect
24:39 and a sign of perfection
24:41 for the Prophet at that time.
24:42 23 years.
24:43 It is perfect
24:45 and it creates justice
24:48 and also truth
24:49 until people cannot deny it.
24:50 For us, how many years, sir?
24:52 We leave it to Allah.
24:54 My Quran Time.
24:55 Quran, Salat, Infa'ah.
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26:30 It is mentioned by Imam al-Nawawi in his book,
26:32 Riyad al-Sahih,
26:33 in the chapter of repentance.
26:34 There are three ways to repent to Allah.
26:37 This is our sin with Allah.
26:39 The first is that we leave the sin.
26:42 The second is that we regret it.
26:44 We will not repeat it.
26:45 The third is that we really repent.
26:48 We will not repeat the sin.
26:51 So, regret, leave, repent.
26:54 But if the sin involves humans,
26:57 we must return the sin.
27:02 For example,
27:03 if we deceive people in the investment,
27:05 not many, but around 500 people,
27:08 we must go and find the person,
27:09 apologize to him,
27:10 return the sin,
27:11 not even a cent less than the sin we have deceived.
27:15 That is important.
27:16 Not repenting,
27:18 it is okay to deceive,
27:19 the important thing is to go to the mosque,
27:20 Tarawih 23,
27:22 or pray to Allah,
27:23 and bow down to Him.
27:25 Why?
27:26 Because we have many things to do.
27:27 It is meaningless to repent to Allah,
27:28 if we do not repent.
27:29 Yes.
27:30 Why?
27:31 Because we have many things to do.
27:32 It is meaningless to repent.
27:33 Why?
27:34 Because we have many things to do.
27:35 It is meaningless to repent.
27:36 Why?
27:37 Because we have many things to do.
27:38 It is meaningless to repent.
27:39 Why?
27:40 Because we have many things to do.
27:41 It is meaningless to repent.
27:42 Why?
27:43 Because we have many things to do.
27:44 It is meaningless to repent.
27:45 Why?
27:46 Because we have many things to do.
27:47 It is meaningless to repent.
27:48 Why?
27:49 Because we have many things to do.
27:50 It is meaningless to repent.
27:51 Why?
27:52 Because we have many things to do.
27:53 It is meaningless to repent.
27:54 Why?
27:55 Because we have many things to do.
27:56 It is meaningless to repent.
27:57 Why?
27:58 Because we have many things to do.
27:59 It is meaningless to repent.
28:00 Why?
28:01 Because we have many things to do.
28:02 It is meaningless to repent.
28:03 Why?
28:04 Because we have many things to do.
28:05 It is meaningless to repent.
28:06 Why?
28:07 Because we have many things to do.
28:08 It is meaningless to repent.
28:09 Why?
28:10 Because we have many things to do.
28:11 It is meaningless to repent.
28:12 Why?
28:13 Because we have many things to do.
28:14 It is meaningless to repent.
28:15 Why?
28:16 Because we have many things to do.
28:17 It is meaningless to repent.
28:18 Why?
28:19 Because we have many things to do.
28:20 It is meaningless to repent.
28:21 Why?
28:22 Because we have many things to do.
28:23 It is meaningless to repent.
28:24 Why?
28:25 Because we have many things to do.
28:26 It is meaningless to repent.
28:27 Why?
28:28 Because we have many things to do.
28:29 It is meaningless to repent.
28:30 Why?
28:31 Because we have many things to do.
28:32 It is meaningless to repent.
28:33 Why?
28:34 Because we have many things to do.
28:35 It is meaningless to repent.
28:36 Why?
28:37 Because we have many things to do.
28:38 It is meaningless to repent.
28:39 Why?
28:40 Because we have many things to do.
28:41 It is meaningless to repent.
28:42 Why?
28:43 Because we have many things to do.
28:44 It is meaningless to repent.
28:45 Why?
28:46 Because we have many things to do.
28:47 It is meaningless to repent.
28:48 Why?
28:49 Because we have many things to do.
28:50 It is meaningless to repent.
28:51 Why?
28:52 Because we have many things to do.
28:53 It is meaningless to repent.
28:54 Why?
28:55 Because we have many things to do.
28:56 It is meaningless to repent.
28:57 Why?
28:58 Because we have many things to do.
28:59 It is meaningless to repent.
29:00 Why?
29:01 Because we have many things to do.
29:02 It is meaningless to repent.
29:03 Why?
29:04 Because we have many things to do.
29:05 It is meaningless to repent.
29:06 Why?
29:07 Because we have many things to do.
29:08 It is meaningless to repent.
29:09 Why?
29:10 Because we have many things to do.
29:11 It is meaningless to repent.
29:12 Why?
29:13 Because we have many things to do.
29:14 It is meaningless to repent.
29:15 Why?
29:16 Because we have many things to do.
29:17 It is meaningless to repent.
29:18 Why?
29:19 Because we have many things to do.
29:20 It is meaningless to repent.
29:21 Why?
29:22 Because we have many things to do.
29:23 It is meaningless to repent.
29:24 Why?
29:25 Because we have many things to do.
29:26 It is meaningless to repent.
29:27 Why?
29:28 Because we have many things to do.
29:29 It is meaningless to repent.
29:30 Why?
29:31 Because we have many things to do.
29:32 It is meaningless to repent.
29:33 Why?
29:34 Because we have many things to do.
29:35 It is meaningless to repent.
29:36 Why?
29:37 Because we have many things to do.
29:38 It is meaningless to repent.
29:39 Why?
29:40 Because we have many things to do.
29:41 It is meaningless to repent.
29:42 Why?
29:43 Because we have many things to do.
29:44 It is meaningless to repent.
29:45 Why?
29:46 Because we have many things to do.
29:47 It is meaningless to repent.
29:48 Why?
29:49 Because we have many things to do.
29:50 It is meaningless to repent.
29:51 Why?
29:52 Because we have many things to do.
29:53 It is meaningless to repent.
29:54 Why?
29:55 Because we have many things to do.
29:56 It is meaningless to repent.
29:57 Why?
29:58 Because we have many things to do.
29:59 It is meaningless to repent.
30:00 Why?
30:01 Because we have many things to do.
30:02 It is meaningless to repent.
30:03 Why?
30:04 Because we have many things to do.
30:05 It is meaningless to repent.
30:06 Why?
30:07 Because we have many things to do.
30:08 It is meaningless to repent.
30:09 Why?
30:10 Because we have many things to do.
30:11 It is meaningless to repent.
30:12 Why?
30:13 Because we have many things to do.
30:14 It is meaningless to repent.
30:15 Why?
30:16 Because we have many things to do.
30:17 It is meaningless to repent.
30:18 Why?
30:19 Because we have many things to do.
30:20 It is meaningless to repent.
30:21 Why?
30:22 Because we have many things to do.
30:23 It is meaningless to repent.
30:24 Why?
30:25 Because we have many things to do.
30:26 It is meaningless to repent.
30:27 Why?
30:28 Because we have many things to do.
30:29 It is meaningless to repent.
30:30 Why?
30:31 Because we have many things to do.
30:32 It is meaningless to repent.
30:33 Why?
30:34 Because we have many things to do.
30:35 It is meaningless to repent.
30:36 Why?
30:37 Because we have many things to do.
30:38 It is meaningless to repent.
30:39 Why?
30:40 Because we have many things to do.
30:41 It is meaningless to repent.
30:42 Why?
30:43 Because we have many things to do.
30:44 It is meaningless to repent.
30:45 Why?
30:46 Because we have many things to do.
30:47 It is meaningless to repent.
30:48 Why?
30:49 Because we have many things to do.
30:50 It is meaningless to repent.
30:51 Why?
30:52 Because we have many things to do.
30:53 It is meaningless to repent.
30:54 Why?
30:55 Because we have many things to do.
30:56 It is meaningless to repent.
30:57 Why?
30:58 Because we have many things to do.
30:59 It is meaningless to repent.
31:00 Why?
31:01 Because we have many things to do.
31:02 It is meaningless to repent.
31:03 Why?
31:04 Because we have many things to do.
31:05 It is meaningless to repent.
31:06 Why?
31:07 Because we have many things to do.
31:08 It is meaningless to repent.
31:09 Why?
31:10 Because we have many things to do.
31:11 It is meaningless to repent.
31:12 Why?
31:13 Because we have many things to do.
31:14 It is meaningless to repent.
31:15 Why?
31:16 Because we have many things to do.
31:17 It is meaningless to repent.
31:18 Why?
31:19 Because we have many things to do.
31:20 It is meaningless to repent.
31:21 Why?
31:22 Because we have many things to do.
31:23 It is meaningless to repent.
31:24 Why?
31:25 Because we have many things to do.
31:26 It is meaningless to repent.
31:27 Why?
31:28 Because we have many things to do.
31:29 It is meaningless to repent.
31:30 Why?
31:31 Because we have many things to do.
31:32 It is meaningless to repent.
31:33 Why?
31:34 Because we have many things to do.
31:35 It is meaningless to repent.
31:36 Why?
31:37 Because we have many things to do.
31:38 It is meaningless to repent.
31:39 Why?
31:40 Because we have many things to do.
31:41 It is meaningless to repent.
31:42 Why?
31:43 Because we have many things to do.
31:44 It is meaningless to repent.
31:45 Why?
31:46 Because we have many things to do.
31:47 It is meaningless to repent.
31:48 Why?
31:49 Because we have many things to do.
31:50 It is meaningless to repent.
31:51 Why?
31:52 Because we have many things to do.
31:53 It is meaningless to repent.
31:54 Why?
31:55 Because we have many things to do.
31:56 It is meaningless to repent.
31:57 Why?
31:58 Because we have many things to do.
31:59 It is meaningless to repent.
32:00 Why?
32:01 Because we have many things to do.
32:02 It is meaningless to repent.
32:03 Why?
32:04 Because we have many things to do.
32:05 It is meaningless to repent.
32:06 Why?
32:07 Because we have many things to do.
32:08 It is meaningless to repent.
32:09 Why?
32:10 Because we have many things to do.
32:11 It is meaningless to repent.
32:12 Why?
32:13 Because we have many things to do.
32:14 It is meaningless to repent.
32:15 Why?
32:16 Because we have many things to do.
32:17 It is meaningless to repent.
32:18 Why?
32:19 Because we have many things to do.
32:20 It is meaningless to repent.
32:21 Why?
32:22 Because we have many things to do.
32:23 It is meaningless to repent.
32:24 Why?
32:25 Because we have many things to do.
32:26 It is meaningless to repent.
32:27 Why?
32:28 Because we have many things to do.
32:29 It is meaningless to repent.
32:30 Why?
32:31 Because we have many things to do.
32:32 It is meaningless to repent.
32:33 Why?
32:34 Because we have many things to do.
32:35 It is meaningless to repent.
32:36 Why?
32:37 Because we have many things to do.
32:38 It is meaningless to repent.
32:39 Why?
32:40 Because we have many things to do.
32:41 It is meaningless to repent.
32:42 Why?
32:43 Because we have many things to do.
32:44 It is meaningless to repent.
32:45 Why?
32:46 Because we have many things to do.
32:47 It is meaningless to repent.
32:48 Why?
32:49 Because we have many things to do.
32:50 It is meaningless to repent.
32:51 Why?
32:52 Because we have many things to do.
32:53 It is meaningless to repent.
32:54 Why?
32:55 Because we have many things to do.
32:56 It is meaningless to repent.
32:57 Why?
32:58 Because we have many things to do.
32:59 It is meaningless to repent.
33:00 Why?
33:01 Because we have many things to do.
33:02 It is meaningless to repent.
33:03 Why?
33:04 Because we have many things to do.
33:05 It is meaningless to repent.
33:06 Why?
33:07 Because we have many things to do.
33:08 It is meaningless to repent.
33:09 Why?
33:10 Because we have many things to do.
33:11 It is meaningless to repent.
33:12 Why?
33:13 Because we have many things to do.
33:14 It is meaningless to repent.
33:15 Why?
33:16 Because we have many things to do.
33:17 It is meaningless to repent.
33:18 Why?
33:19 Because we have many things to do.
33:20 It is meaningless to repent.
33:21 Why?
33:22 Because we have many things to do.
33:23 It is meaningless to repent.
33:24 Why?
33:25 Because we have many things to do.
33:26 It is meaningless to repent.
33:27 Why?
33:28 Because we have many things to do.
33:29 It is meaningless to repent.
33:30 Why?
33:31 Because we have many things to do.
33:32 It is meaningless to repent.
33:33 Why?
33:34 Because we have many things to do.
33:35 It is meaningless to repent.
33:36 Why?
33:37 Because we have many things to do.
33:38 It is meaningless to repent.
33:39 Why?
33:40 Because we have many things to do.
33:41 It is meaningless to repent.
33:42 Why?
33:43 Because we have many things to do.
33:44 It is meaningless to repent.
33:45 Why?
33:46 Because we have many things to do.
33:47 It is meaningless to repent.
33:48 Why?
33:49 Because we have many things to do.
33:50 It is meaningless to repent.
33:51 Why?
33:52 Because we have many things to do.
33:53 It is meaningless to repent.
33:54 Why?
33:55 Because we have many things to do.
33:56 It is meaningless to repent.
33:57 Why?
33:58 Because we have many things to do.
33:59 It is meaningless to repent.
34:00 Why?
34:01 Because we have many things to do.
34:02 It is meaningless to repent.
34:03 Why?
34:04 Because we have many things to do.
34:05 It is meaningless to repent.
34:06 Why?
34:07 Because we have many things to do.
34:08 It is meaningless to repent.
34:09 Why?
34:10 Because we have many things to do.
34:11 It is meaningless to repent.
34:12 Why?
34:13 Because we have many things to do.
34:14 It is meaningless to repent.
34:15 Why?
34:16 Because we have many things to do.
34:17 It is meaningless to repent.
34:18 Why?
34:19 Because we have many things to do.
34:20 It is meaningless to repent.
34:21 Why?
34:22 Because we have many things to do.
34:23 It is meaningless to repent.
34:24 Why?
34:25 Because we have many things to do.
34:26 It is meaningless to repent.
34:27 Why?
34:28 Because we have many things to do.
34:29 It is meaningless to repent.
34:30 Why?
34:31 Because we have many things to do.
34:32 It is meaningless to repent.
34:33 Why?
34:34 Because we have many things to do.
34:35 It is meaningless to repent.
34:36 Why?
34:37 Because we have many things to do.
34:38 It is meaningless to repent.
34:39 Why?
34:40 Because we have many things to do.
34:41 It is meaningless to repent.
34:42 Why?
34:43 Because we have many things to do.
34:44 It is meaningless to repent.
34:45 Why?
34:46 Because we have many things to do.
34:47 It is meaningless to repent.
34:48 Why?
34:49 Because we have many things to do.
34:50 It is meaningless to repent.
34:51 Why?
34:52 Because we have many things to do.
34:53 It is meaningless to repent.
34:54 Why?
34:55 Because we have many things to do.
34:56 It is meaningless to repent.
34:57 Why?
34:58 Because we have many things to do.
34:59 It is meaningless to repent.
35:00 Why?
35:01 Because we have many things to do.
35:02 It is meaningless to repent.
35:03 Why?
35:04 Because we have many things to do.
35:05 It is meaningless to repent.
35:06 Why?
35:07 Because we have many things to do.
35:08 It is meaningless to repent.
35:09 Why?
35:10 Because we have many things to do.
35:11 It is meaningless to repent.
35:12 Why?
35:13 Because we have many things to do.
35:14 It is meaningless to repent.
35:15 Why?
35:16 Because we have many things to do.
35:17 It is meaningless to repent.
35:18 Why?
35:19 Because we have many things to do.
35:20 It is meaningless to repent.
35:21 Why?
35:22 Because we have many things to do.
35:23 It is meaningless to repent.
35:24 Why?
35:25 Because we have many things to do.
35:26 It is meaningless to repent.
35:27 Why?
35:28 Because we have many things to do.
35:29 It is meaningless to repent.
35:30 Why?
35:31 Because we have many things to do.
35:32 It is meaningless to repent.
35:33 Why?
35:34 Because we have many things to do.
35:35 It is meaningless to repent.
35:36 Why?
35:37 Because we have many things to do.
35:38 It is meaningless to repent.
35:39 Why?
35:40 Because we have many things to do.
35:41 It is meaningless to repent.
35:42 Why?
35:43 Because we have many things to do.
35:44 It is meaningless to repent.
35:45 Why?
35:46 Because we have many things to do.
35:47 It is meaningless to repent.
35:48 Why?
35:49 Because we have many things to do.
35:50 It is meaningless to repent.
35:51 Why?
35:52 Because we have many things to do.
35:53 It is meaningless to repent.
35:54 Why?
35:55 Because we have many things to do.
35:56 It is meaningless to repent.
35:57 Why?
35:58 Because we have many things to do.
35:59 It is meaningless to repent.
36:00 Why?
36:01 Because we have many things to do.
36:02 It is meaningless to repent.
36:03 Why?
36:04 Because we have many things to do.
36:05 It is meaningless to repent.
36:06 Why?
36:07 Because we have many things to do.
36:08 It is meaningless to repent.
36:09 Why?
36:10 Because we have many things to do.
36:11 It is meaningless to repent.
36:12 Why?
36:13 Because we have many things to do.
36:14 It is meaningless to repent.
36:15 Why?
36:16 Because we have many things to do.
36:17 It is meaningless to repent.
36:18 Why?
36:19 Because we have many things to do.
36:20 It is meaningless to repent.
36:21 Why?
36:22 Because we have many things to do.
36:23 It is meaningless to repent.
36:24 Why?
36:25 Because we have many things to do.
36:26 It is meaningless to repent.
36:27 Why?
36:28 Because we have many things to do.
36:29 It is meaningless to repent.
36:30 Why?
36:31 Because we have many things to do.
36:32 It is meaningless to repent.
36:33 Why?
36:34 Because we have many things to do.
36:35 It is meaningless to repent.
36:36 Why?
36:37 Because we have many things to do.
36:38 It is meaningless to repent.
36:39 Why?
36:40 Because we have many things to do.
36:41 It is meaningless to repent.
36:42 Why?
36:43 Because we have many things to do.
36:44 It is meaningless to repent.
36:45 Why?
36:46 Because we have many things to do.
36:47 It is meaningless to repent.
36:48 Why?
36:49 Because we have many things to do.
36:50 It is meaningless to repent.
36:51 Why?
36:52 Because we have many things to do.
36:53 It is meaningless to repent.
36:54 Why?
36:55 Because we have many things to do.
36:56 It is meaningless to repent.
36:57 Why?
36:58 Because we have many things to do.
36:59 It is meaningless to repent.
37:00 Why?
37:01 Because we have many things to do.
37:02 It is meaningless to repent.
37:03 Why?
37:04 Because we have many things to do.
37:05 It is meaningless to repent.
37:06 Why?
37:07 Because we have many things to do.
37:08 It is meaningless to repent.
37:09 Why?
37:10 Because we have many things to do.
37:11 It is meaningless to repent.
37:12 Why?
37:13 Because we have many things to do.
37:14 It is meaningless to repent.
37:15 Why?
37:16 Because we have many things to do.
37:17 It is meaningless to repent.
37:18 Why?
37:19 Because we have many things to do.
37:20 It is meaningless to repent.
37:21 Why?
37:22 Because we have many things to do.
37:23 It is meaningless to repent.
37:24 Why?
37:25 Because we have many things to do.
37:26 It is meaningless to repent.
37:27 Why?
37:28 Because we have many things to do.
37:29 It is meaningless to repent.
37:30 Why?
37:31 Because we have many things to do.
37:32 It is meaningless to repent.
37:33 Why?
37:34 Because we have many things to do.
37:35 It is meaningless to repent.
37:36 Why?
37:37 Because we have many things to do.
37:38 It is meaningless to repent.
37:39 Why?
37:40 Because we have many things to do.
37:41 It is meaningless to repent.
37:42 Why?
37:43 Because we have many things to do.
37:44 It is meaningless to repent.
37:45 Why?
37:46 Because we have many things to do.
37:47 It is meaningless to repent.
37:48 Why?
37:49 Because we have many things to do.
37:50 It is meaningless to repent.
37:51 Why?
37:52 Because we have many things to do.
37:53 It is meaningless to repent.
37:54 Why?
37:55 Because we have many things to do.
37:56 It is meaningless to repent.
37:57 Why?
37:58 Because we have many things to do.
37:59 It is meaningless to repent.
38:00 Why?
38:01 Because we have many things to do.
38:02 It is meaningless to repent.
38:03 Why?
38:04 Because we have many things to do.
38:05 It is meaningless to repent.
38:06 Why?
38:07 Because we have many things to do.
38:08 It is meaningless to repent.
38:09 Why?
38:10 Because we have many things to do.
38:11 It is meaningless to repent.
38:12 Why?
38:13 Because we have many things to do.
38:14 It is meaningless to repent.
38:15 Why?
38:16 Because we have many things to do.
38:17 It is meaningless to repent.
38:18 Why?
38:19 Because we have many things to do.
38:20 It is meaningless to repent.
38:21 Why?
38:22 Because we have many things to do.
38:23 It is meaningless to repent.
38:24 Why?
38:25 Because we have many things to do.
38:26 It is meaningless to repent.
38:27 Why?
38:28 Because we have many things to do.
38:29 It is meaningless to repent.
38:30 Why?
38:31 Because we have many things to do.
38:32 It is meaningless to repent.
38:33 Why?
38:34 Because we have many things to do.
38:35 It is meaningless to repent.
38:36 Why?
38:37 Because we have many things to do.
38:38 It is meaningless to repent.
38:39 Why?
38:40 Because we have many things to do.
38:41 It is meaningless to repent.
38:42 Why?
38:43 Because we have many things to do.
38:44 It is meaningless to repent.
38:45 Why?
38:46 Because we have many things to do.
38:47 It is meaningless to repent.
38:48 Why?
38:49 Because we have many things to do.
38:50 It is meaningless to repent.
38:51 Why?
38:52 Because we have many things to do.
38:53 It is meaningless to repent.
38:54 Why?
38:55 Because we have many things to do.
38:56 It is meaningless to repent.
38:57 Why?
38:58 Because we have many things to do.
38:59 It is meaningless to repent.
39:00 Why?
39:01 Because we have many things to do.
39:02 It is meaningless to repent.
39:03 Why?
39:04 Because we have many things to do.
39:05 It is meaningless to repent.
39:06 Why?
39:07 Because we have many things to do.
39:08 It is meaningless to repent.
39:09 Why?
39:10 Because we have many things to do.
39:11 It is meaningless to repent.
39:12 Why?
39:13 Because we have many things to do.
39:14 It is meaningless to repent.
39:15 Why?
39:16 Because we have many things to do.
39:17 It is meaningless to repent.
39:18 Why?
39:19 Because we have many things to do.
39:20 It is meaningless to repent.
39:21 Why?
39:22 Because we have many things to do.
39:23 It is meaningless to repent.
39:24 Why?
39:25 Because we have many things to do.
39:26 It is meaningless to repent.
39:27 Why?
39:28 Because we have many things to do.
39:29 It is meaningless to repent.
39:30 Why?
39:31 Because we have many things to do.
39:32 It is meaningless to repent.
39:33 Why?
39:34 Because we have many things to do.
39:35 It is meaningless to repent.
39:36 Why?
39:37 Because we have many things to do.
39:38 It is meaningless to repent.
39:39 Why?
39:40 Because we have many things to do.
39:41 It is meaningless to repent.
39:42 Why?
39:43 Because we have many things to do.
39:44 It is meaningless to repent.
39:45 Why?
39:46 Because we have many things to do.
39:47 It is meaningless to repent.
39:48 Why?
39:49 Because we have many things to do.
39:50 It is meaningless to repent.
39:51 Why?
39:52 Because we have many things to do.
39:53 It is meaningless to repent.
39:54 Why?
39:55 Because we have many things to do.
39:56 It is meaningless to repent.
39:57 Why?
39:58 Because we have many things to do.
39:59 It is meaningless to repent.
40:00 Why?
40:01 Because we have many things to do.
40:02 It is meaningless to repent.
40:03 Why?
40:04 Because we have many things to do.
40:05 It is meaningless to repent.
40:06 Why?
40:07 Because we have many things to do.
40:08 It is meaningless to repent.
40:09 Why?
40:10 Because we have many things to do.
40:11 It is meaningless to repent.
40:12 Why?
40:13 Because we have many things to do.
40:14 It is meaningless to repent.
40:15 Why?
40:16 Because we have many things to do.
40:17 It is meaningless to repent.
40:18 Why?
40:19 Because we have many things to do.
40:20 It is meaningless to repent.
40:21 Why?
40:22 Because we have many things to do.
40:23 It is meaningless to repent.
40:24 Why?
40:25 Because we have many things to do.
40:26 It is meaningless to repent.
40:27 Why?
40:28 Because we have many things to do.
40:29 It is meaningless to repent.
40:30 Why?
40:31 Because we have many things to do.
40:32 It is meaningless to repent.
40:33 Why?
40:34 Because we have many things to do.
40:35 It is meaningless to repent.
40:36 Why?
40:37 Because we have many things to do.
40:38 It is meaningless to repent.
40:39 Why?
40:40 Because we have many things to do.
40:41 It is meaningless to repent.
40:42 Why?
40:43 Because we have many things to do.
40:44 It is meaningless to repent.
40:45 Why?
40:46 Because we have many things to do.
40:47 It is meaningless to repent.
40:48 Why?
40:49 Because we have many things to do.
40:50 It is meaningless to repent.
40:51 Why?
40:52 Because we have many things to do.
40:53 It is meaningless to repent.
40:54 Why?
40:55 Because we have many things to do.
40:56 It is meaningless to repent.
40:57 Why?
40:58 Because we have many things to do.
40:59 It is meaningless to repent.
41:00 Why?
41:01 Because we have many things to do.
41:02 It is meaningless to repent.
41:03 Why?
41:04 Because we have many things to do.
41:05 It is meaningless to repent.
41:06 Why?
41:07 Because we have many things to do.
41:08 It is meaningless to repent.
41:09 Why?
41:10 Because we have many things to do.
41:11 It is meaningless to repent.
41:12 Why?
41:13 Because we have many things to do.
41:14 It is meaningless to repent.
41:15 Why?
41:16 Because we have many things to do.
41:17 It is meaningless to repent.
41:18 Why?
41:19 Because we have many things to do.
41:20 It is meaningless to repent.
41:21 Why?
41:22 Because we have many things to do.
41:23 It is meaningless to repent.
41:24 Why?
41:25 Because we have many things to do.
41:26 It is meaningless to repent.
41:27 Why?
41:28 Because we have many things to do.
41:29 It is meaningless to repent.
41:30 Why?
41:31 Because we have many things to do.
41:32 It is meaningless to repent.
41:33 Why?
41:34 Because we have many things to do.
41:35 It is meaningless to repent.
41:36 Why?
41:37 Because we have many things to do.
41:38 It is meaningless to repent.
41:39 Why?
41:40 Because we have many things to do.
41:41 It is meaningless to repent.
41:42 Why?
41:43 Because we have many things to do.
41:44 It is meaningless to repent.
41:45 Why?
41:46 Because we have many things to do.
41:47 It is meaningless to repent.
41:48 Why?
41:49 Because we have many things to do.
41:50 It is meaningless to repent.
41:51 Why?
41:52 Because we have many things to do.
41:53 It is meaningless to repent.
41:54 Why?
41:55 Because we have many things to do.
41:56 It is meaningless to repent.
41:57 Why?
41:58 Because we have many things to do.
41:59 It is meaningless to repent.
42:00 Why?
42:01 Because we have many things to do.
42:02 It is meaningless to repent.
42:03 Why?
42:04 Because we have many things to do.
42:05 It is meaningless to repent.
42:06 Why?
42:07 Because we have many things to do.
42:08 It is meaningless to repent.
42:09 Why?
42:10 Because we have many things to do.
42:11 It is meaningless to repent.
42:12 Why?
42:13 Because we have many things to do.
42:14 It is meaningless to repent.
42:15 Why?
42:16 Because we have many things to do.
42:17 It is meaningless to repent.
42:18 Why?
42:19 Because we have many things to do.
42:20 It is meaningless to repent.
42:21 Why?
42:22 Because we have many things to do.
42:23 It is meaningless to repent.
42:24 Why?
42:25 Because we have many things to do.
42:26 It is meaningless to repent.
42:27 Why?
42:28 Because we have many things to do.
42:29 It is meaningless to repent.
42:30 Why?
42:31 Because we have many things to do.
42:32 It is meaningless to repent.
42:33 Why?
42:34 Because we have many things to do.
42:35 It is meaningless to repent.
42:36 Why?
42:37 Because we have many things to do.
42:38 It is meaningless to repent.
42:39 Why?
42:40 Because we have many things to do.
42:41 It is meaningless to repent.
42:42 Why?
42:43 Because we have many things to do.
42:44 It is meaningless to repent.
42:45 Why?
42:46 Because we have many things to do.
42:47 It is meaningless to repent.
42:48 Why?
42:49 Because we have many things to do.
42:50 It is meaningless to repent.
42:51 Why?
42:52 Because we have many things to do.
42:53 It is meaningless to repent.
42:54 Why?
42:55 Because we have many things to do.
42:56 It is meaningless to repent.
42:57 Why?
42:58 Because we have many things to do.
42:59 It is meaningless to repent.
43:00 Why?
43:01 Because we have many things to do.
43:02 It is meaningless to repent.
43:03 Why?
43:04 Because we have many things to do.
43:05 It is meaningless to repent.
43:06 Why?
43:07 Because we have many things to do.
43:08 It is meaningless to repent.
43:09 Why?
43:10 Because we have many things to do.
43:11 It is meaningless to repent.
43:12 Why?
43:13 Because we have many things to do.
43:14 It is meaningless to repent.
43:15 Why?
43:16 Because we have many things to do.
43:17 It is meaningless to repent.
43:18 Why?
43:19 Because we have many things to do.
43:20 It is meaningless to repent.
43:21 Why?
43:22 Because we have many things to do.
43:23 It is meaningless to repent.
43:24 Why?
43:25 Because we have many things to do.
43:26 It is meaningless to repent.
43:27 Why?
43:28 Because we have many things to do.
43:29 It is meaningless to repent.
43:30 Why?
43:31 Because we have many things to do.
43:32 It is meaningless to repent.
43:33 Why?
43:34 Because we have many things to do.
43:35 It is meaningless to repent.
43:36 Why?
43:37 Because we have many things to do.
43:38 It is meaningless to repent.
43:39 Why?
43:40 Because we have many things to do.
43:41 It is meaningless to repent.
43:42 Why?
43:43 Because we have many things to do.
43:44 It is meaningless to repent.
43:45 Why?
43:46 Because we have many things to do.
43:47 It is meaningless to repent.
43:48 Why?
43:49 Because we have many things to do.
43:50 It is meaningless to repent.
43:51 Why?
43:52 Because we have many things to do.
43:53 It is meaningless to repent.
43:54 Why?
43:55 Because we have many things to do.
43:56 It is meaningless to repent.
43:57 Why?
43:58 Because we have many things to do.
43:59 It is meaningless to repent.
44:00 Why?
44:01 Because we have many things to do.
44:02 It is meaningless to repent.
44:03 Why?
44:04 Because we have many things to do.
44:05 It is meaningless to repent.
44:06 Why?
44:07 Because we have many things to do.
44:08 It is meaningless to repent.
44:09 Why?
44:10 Because we have many things to do.
44:11 It is meaningless to repent.
44:12 Why?
44:13 Because we have many things to do.
44:14 It is meaningless to repent.
44:15 Why?
44:16 Because we have many things to do.
44:17 It is meaningless to repent.
44:18 Why?
44:19 Because we have many things to do.
44:20 It is meaningless to repent.
44:21 Why?
44:22 Because we have many things to do.
44:23 It is meaningless to repent.
44:24 Why?
44:25 Because we have many things to do.
44:26 It is meaningless to repent.
44:27 Why?
44:28 Because we have many things to do.
44:29 It is meaningless to repent.
44:30 Why?
44:31 Because we have many things to do.
44:32 It is meaningless to repent.
44:33 Why?
44:34 Because we have many things to do.
44:35 It is meaningless to repent.
44:36 Why?
44:37 Because we have many things to do.
44:38 It is meaningless to repent.
44:39 Why?
44:40 Because we have many things to do.
44:41 It is meaningless to repent.
44:42 Why?
44:43 Because we have many things to do.
44:44 It is meaningless to repent.
44:45 Why?
44:46 Because we have many things to do.
44:47 It is meaningless to repent.
44:48 Why?
44:49 Because we have many things to do.
44:50 It is meaningless to repent.
44:51 Why?
44:52 Because we have many things to do.
44:53 It is meaningless to repent.
44:54 Why?
44:55 Because we have many things to do.
44:56 It is meaningless to repent.
44:57 Why?
44:58 Because we have many things to do.
44:59 It is meaningless to repent.
45:00 Why?
45:01 Because we have many things to do.
45:02 It is meaningless to repent.
45:03 Why?
45:04 Because we have many things to do.
45:05 It is meaningless to repent.
45:06 Why?
45:07 Because we have many things to do.
45:08 It is meaningless to repent.
45:09 Why?
45:10 Because we have many things to do.
45:11 It is meaningless to repent.
45:12 Why?
45:13 Because we have many things to do.
45:14 It is meaningless to repent.
45:15 Why?
45:16 Because we have many things to do.
45:17 It is meaningless to repent.
45:18 Why?
45:19 Because we have many things to do.
45:20 It is meaningless to repent.
45:21 Why?
45:22 Because we have many things to do.
45:23 It is meaningless to repent.
45:24 Why?
45:25 Because we have many things to do.
45:26 It is meaningless to repent.
45:27 Why?
45:28 Because we have many things to do.
45:29 It is meaningless to repent.
45:30 Why?
45:31 Because we have many things to do.
45:32 It is meaningless to repent.
45:33 Why?
45:34 Because we have many things to do.
45:35 It is meaningless to repent.
45:36 Why?
45:37 Because we have many things to do.
45:38 It is meaningless to repent.
45:39 Why?
45:40 Because we have many things to do.
45:41 It is meaningless to repent.
45:42 Why?
45:43 Because we have many things to do.
45:44 It is meaningless to repent.
45:45 Why?
45:46 Because we have many things to do.
45:47 It is meaningless to repent.
45:48 Why?
45:49 Because we have many things to do.
45:50 It is meaningless to repent.
45:51 Why?
45:52 Because we have many things to do.
45:53 It is meaningless to repent.
45:54 Why?
45:55 Because we have many things to do.
45:56 It is meaningless to repent.
45:57 Why?
45:58 Because we have many things to do.
45:59 It is meaningless to repent.
46:00 Why?
46:01 Because we have many things to do.
46:02 It is meaningless to repent.
46:03 Why?
46:04 Because we have many things to do.
46:05 It is meaningless to repent.
46:06 Why?
46:07 Because we have many things to do.
46:08 It is meaningless to repent.
46:09 Why?
46:10 Because we have many things to do.
46:11 It is meaningless to repent.
46:12 Why?
46:13 Because we have many things to do.
46:14 It is meaningless to repent.
46:15 Why?
46:16 Because we have many things to do.
46:17 It is meaningless to repent.
46:18 Why?
46:19 Because we have many things to do.
46:20 It is meaningless to repent.
46:21 Why?
46:22 Because we have many things to do.
46:23 It is meaningless to repent.
46:24 Why?
46:25 Because we have many things to do.
46:26 It is meaningless to repent.
46:27 Why?
46:28 Because we have many things to do.
46:29 It is meaningless to repent.
46:30 Why?
46:31 Because we have many things to do.
46:32 It is meaningless to repent.
46:33 Why?
46:34 Because we have many things to do.
46:35 It is meaningless to repent.
46:36 Why?
46:37 Because we have many things to do.
46:38 It is meaningless to repent.
46:39 Why?
46:40 Because we have many things to do.
46:41 It is meaningless to repent.
46:42 Why?
46:43 Because we have many things to do.
46:44 It is meaningless to repent.
46:45 Why?
46:46 Because we have many things to do.
46:47 It is meaningless to repent.
46:48 Why?
46:49 Because we have many things to do.
46:50 It is meaningless to repent.
46:51 Why?
46:52 Because we have many things to do.
46:53 It is meaningless to repent.
46:54 Why?
46:55 Because we have many things to do.
46:56 It is meaningless to repent.
46:57 Why?
46:58 Because we have many things to do.
46:59 It is meaningless to repent.
47:00 Why?
47:01 Because we have many things to do.
47:02 It is meaningless to repent.
47:03 Why?
47:04 Because we have many things to do.
47:05 It is meaningless to repent.
47:06 Why?
47:07 Because we have many things to do.
47:08 It is meaningless to repent.
47:09 Why?
47:10 Because we have many things to do.
47:11 It is meaningless to repent.
47:12 Why?
47:13 Because we have many things to do.
47:14 It is meaningless to repent.
47:15 Why?
47:16 Because we have many things to do.
47:17 It is meaningless to repent.
47:18 Why?
47:19 Because we have many things to do.
47:20 It is meaningless to repent.
47:21 Why?
47:22 Because we have many things to do.
47:23 It is meaningless to repent.
47:24 Why?
47:25 Because we have many things to do.
47:26 It is meaningless to repent.
47:27 Why?
47:28 Because we have many things to do.
47:29 It is meaningless to repent.
47:30 Why?
47:31 Because we have many things to do.
47:32 It is meaningless to repent.
47:33 Why?
47:34 Because we have many things to do.
47:35 It is meaningless to repent.
47:36 Why?
47:37 Because we have many things to do.
47:38 It is meaningless to repent.
47:39 Why?
47:40 Because we have many things to do.
47:41 It is meaningless to repent.
47:42 Why?
47:43 Because we have many things to do.
47:44 It is meaningless to repent.
47:45 Why?
47:46 Because we have many things to do.
47:47 It is meaningless to repent.
47:48 Why?
47:49 Because we have many things to do.
47:50 It is meaningless to repent.
47:51 Why?
47:52 Because we have many things to do.
47:53 It is meaningless to repent.
47:54 Why?
47:55 Because we have many things to do.
47:56 It is meaningless to repent.
47:57 Why?
47:58 Because we have many things to do.
47:59 It is meaningless to repent.
48:00 Why?
48:01 Because we have many things to do.
48:02 It is meaningless to repent.
48:03 Why?
48:04 Because we have many things to do.
48:05 It is meaningless to repent.
48:06 Why?
48:07 Because we have many things to do.
48:08 It is meaningless to repent.
48:09 Why?
48:10 Because we have many things to do.
48:11 It is meaningless to repent.
48:12 Why?
48:13 Because we have many things to do.
48:14 It is meaningless to repent.
48:15 Why?
48:16 Because we have many things to do.
48:17 It is meaningless to repent.
48:18 Why?
48:19 Because we have many things to do.
48:20 It is meaningless to repent.
48:21 Why?
48:22 Because we have many things to do.
48:23 It is meaningless to repent.
48:24 Why?
48:25 Because we have many things to do.
48:26 It is meaningless to repent.
48:27 Why?
48:28 Because we have many things to do.
48:29 It is meaningless to repent.
48:30 Why?
48:31 Because we have many things to do.
48:32 It is meaningless to repent.
48:33 Why?
48:34 Because we have many things to do.
48:35 It is meaningless to repent.
48:36 Why?
48:37 Because we have many things to do.
48:38 It is meaningless to repent.
48:39 Why?
48:40 Because we have many things to do.
48:41 It is meaningless to repent.
48:42 Why?
48:43 Because we have many things to do.
48:44 It is meaningless to repent.
48:45 Why?
48:46 Because we have many things to do.
48:47 It is meaningless to repent.
48:48 Why?
48:49 Because we have many things to do.
48:50 It is meaningless to repent.
48:51 Why?
48:52 Because we have many things to do.
48:53 It is meaningless to repent.
48:54 Why?
48:55 Because we have many things to do.
48:56 It is meaningless to repent.
48:57 Why?
48:58 Because we have many things to do.
48:59 It is meaningless to repent.
49:00 Why?
49:01 Because we have many things to do.
49:02 It is meaningless to repent.
49:03 Why?
49:04 Because we have many things to do.
49:05 It is meaningless to repent.
49:06 Why?
49:07 Because we have many things to do.
49:08 It is meaningless to repent.
49:09 Why?
49:10 Because we have many things to do.
49:11 It is meaningless to repent.
49:12 Why?
49:13 Because we have many things to do.
49:14 It is meaningless to repent.
49:15 Why?
49:16 Because we have many things to do.
49:17 It is meaningless to repent.
49:18 Why?
49:19 Because we have many things to do.
49:20 It is meaningless to repent.
49:21 Why?
49:22 Because we have many things to do.
49:23 It is meaningless to repent.
49:24 Why?
49:25 Because we have many things to do.
49:26 It is meaningless to repent.
49:27 Why?
49:28 Because we have many things to do.
49:29 It is meaningless to repent.
49:30 Why?
49:31 Because we have many things to do.
49:32 It is meaningless to repent.
49:33 Why?
49:34 Because we have many things to do.
49:35 It is meaningless to repent.
49:36 Why?
49:37 Because we have many things to do.
49:38 It is meaningless to repent.
49:39 Why?
49:40 Because we have many things to do.
49:41 It is meaningless to repent.
49:42 Why?
49:43 Because we have many things to do.
49:44 It is meaningless to repent.
49:45 Why?
49:46 Because we have many things to do.
49:47 It is meaningless to repent.
49:48 Why?
49:49 Because we have many things to do.
49:50 It is meaningless to repent.
49:51 Why?
49:52 Because we have many things to do.
49:53 It is meaningless to repent.
49:54 Why?
49:55 Because we have many things to do.
49:56 It is meaningless to repent.
49:57 Why?
49:58 Because we have many things to do.
49:59 It is meaningless to repent.
50:00 Why?
50:01 Because we have many things to do.
50:02 It is meaningless to repent.
50:03 Why?
50:04 Because we have many things to do.
50:05 It is meaningless to repent.
50:06 Why?
50:07 Because we have many things to do.
50:08 It is meaningless to repent.
50:09 Why?
50:10 Because we have many things to do.
50:11 It is meaningless to repent.
50:12 Why?
50:13 Because we have many things to do.
50:14 It is meaningless to repent.
50:15 Why?
50:16 Because we have many things to do.
50:17 It is meaningless to repent.
50:18 Why?
50:19 Because we have many things to do.
50:20 It is meaningless to repent.
50:21 Why?
50:22 Because we have many things to do.
50:23 It is meaningless to repent.
50:24 Why?
50:25 Because we have many things to do.
50:26 It is meaningless to repent.
50:27 Why?
50:28 Because we have many things to do.
50:29 It is meaningless to repent.
50:30 Why?
50:31 Because we have many things to do.
50:32 It is meaningless to repent.
50:33 Why?
50:34 Because we have many things to do.
50:35 It is meaningless to repent.
50:36 Why?
50:37 Because we have many things to do.
50:38 It is meaningless to repent.
50:39 Why?
50:40 Because we have many things to do.
50:41 It is meaningless to repent.
50:42 Why?
50:43 Because we have many things to do.
50:44 It is meaningless to repent.
50:45 Why?
50:46 Because we have many things to do.
50:47 It is meaningless to repent.
50:48 Why?
50:49 Because we have many things to do.
50:50 It is meaningless to repent.
50:51 Why?
50:52 Because we have many things to do.
50:53 It is meaningless to repent.
50:54 Why?
50:55 Because we have many things to do.
50:56 It is meaningless to repent.
50:57 Why?
50:58 Because we have many things to do.
50:59 It is meaningless to repent.
51:00 Why?
51:01 Because we have many things to do.
51:02 It is meaningless to repent.
51:03 Why?
51:04 Because we have many things to do.
51:05 It is meaningless to repent.
51:06 Why?
51:07 Because we have many things to do.
51:08 It is meaningless to repent.
51:09 Why?
51:10 Because we have many things to do.
51:11 It is meaningless to repent.
51:12 Why?
51:13 Because we have many things to do.
51:14 It is meaningless to repent.
51:15 Why?
51:16 Because we have many things to do.
51:17 It is meaningless to repent.
51:18 Why?
51:19 Because we have many things to do.
51:20 It is meaningless to repent.
51:21 Why?
51:22 Because we have many things to do.
51:23 It is meaningless to repent.
51:24 Why?
51:25 Because we have many things to do.
51:26 It is meaningless to repent.
51:27 Why?
51:28 Because we have many things to do.
51:29 It is meaningless to repent.
51:30 Why?
51:31 Because we have many things to do.
51:32 It is meaningless to repent.
51:33 Why?
51:34 Because we have many things to do.
51:35 It is meaningless to repent.
51:36 Why?
51:37 Because we have many things to do.
51:38 It is meaningless to repent.
51:39 Why?
51:40 Because we have many things to do.
51:41 It is meaningless to repent.
51:42 Why?
51:43 Because we have many things to do.
51:44 It is meaningless to repent.
51:45 Why?
51:46 Because we have many things to do.
51:47 It is meaningless to repent.
51:48 Why?
51:49 Because we have many things to do.
51:50 It is meaningless to repent.
51:51 Why?
51:52 Because we have many things to do.
51:53 It is meaningless to repent.
51:54 Why?
51:55 Because we have many things to do.
51:56 It is meaningless to repent.
51:57 Why?
51:58 Because we have many things to do.
51:59 It is meaningless to repent.
52:00 Why?
52:01 Because we have many things to do.
52:02 It is meaningless to repent.
52:03 Why?
52:04 Because we have many things to do.
52:05 It is meaningless to repent.
52:06 Why?
52:07 Because we have many things to do.
52:08 It is meaningless to repent.
52:09 Why?
52:10 Because we have many things to do.
52:11 It is meaningless to repent.
52:12 Why?
52:13 Because we have many things to do.
52:14 It is meaningless to repent.
52:15 Why?
52:16 Because we have many things to do.
52:17 It is meaningless to repent.
52:18 Why?
52:19 Because we have many things to do.
52:20 It is meaningless to repent.
52:21 Why?
52:22 Because we have many things to do.
52:23 It is meaningless to repent.
52:24 Why?
52:25 Because we have many things to do.
52:26 It is meaningless to repent.
52:27 Why?
52:28 Because we have many things to do.
52:29 It is meaningless to repent.
52:30 Why?
52:31 Because we have many things to do.
52:32 It is meaningless to repent.
52:33 Why?
52:34 Because we have many things to do.
52:35 It is meaningless to repent.
52:36 Why?
52:37 Because we have many things to do.
52:38 It is meaningless to repent.
52:39 Why?
52:40 Because we have many things to do.
52:41 It is meaningless to repent.
52:42 Why?
52:43 Because we have many things to do.
52:44 It is meaningless to repent.
52:45 Why?
52:46 Because we have many things to do.
52:47 It is meaningless to repent.
52:48 Why?
52:49 Because we have many things to do.
52:50 It is meaningless to repent.
52:51 Why?
52:52 Because we have many things to do.
52:53 It is meaningless to repent.
52:54 Why?
52:55 Because we have many things to do.
52:56 It is meaningless to repent.
52:57 Why?
52:58 Because we have many things to do.
52:59 It is meaningless to repent.
53:00 Why?
53:01 Because we have many things to do.
53:02 It is meaningless to repent.
53:03 Why?
53:04 Because we have many things to do.
53:05 It is meaningless to repent.
53:06 Why?
53:07 Because we have many things to do.
53:08 It is meaningless to repent.
53:09 Why?
53:10 Because we have many things to do.
53:11 It is meaningless to repent.
53:12 Why?
53:13 Because we have many things to do.
53:14 It is meaningless to repent.
53:15 Why?
53:16 Because we have many things to do.
53:17 It is meaningless to repent.
53:18 Why?
53:19 Because we have many things to do.
53:20 It is meaningless to repent.
53:21 Why?
53:22 Because we have many things to do.
53:23 It is meaningless to repent.
53:24 Why?
53:25 Because we have many things to do.
53:26 It is meaningless to repent.
53:27 Why?
53:28 Because we have many things to do.
53:29 It is meaningless to repent.
53:30 Why?
53:31 Because we have many things to do.
53:32 It is meaningless to repent.
53:33 Why?
53:34 Because we have many things to do.
53:35 It is meaningless to repent.
53:36 Why?
53:37 Because we have many things to do.
53:38 It is meaningless to repent.
53:39 Why?
53:40 Because we have many things to do.
53:41 It is meaningless to repent.
53:42 Why?
53:43 Because we have many things to do.
53:44 It is meaningless to repent.
53:45 Why?
53:46 Because we have many things to do.
53:47 It is meaningless to repent.
53:48 Why?
53:49 Because we have many things to do.
53:50 It is meaningless to repent.
53:51 Why?
53:52 Because we have many things to do.
53:53 It is meaningless to repent.
53:54 Why?
53:55 Because we have many things to do.
53:56 It is meaningless to repent.
53:57 Why?
53:58 Because we have many things to do.
53:59 It is meaningless to repent.
54:00 Why?
54:01 Because we have many things to do.
54:02 It is meaningless to repent.
54:03 Why?
54:04 Because we have many things to do.
54:05 It is meaningless to repent.
54:06 Why?
54:07 Because we have many things to do.
54:08 It is meaningless to repent.
54:09 Why?
54:10 Because we have many things to do.
54:11 It is meaningless to repent.
54:12 Why?
54:13 Because we have many things to do.
54:14 It is meaningless to repent.
54:15 Why?
54:16 Because we have many things to do.
54:17 It is meaningless to repent.
54:18 Why?
54:19 Because we have many things to do.
54:20 It is meaningless to repent.
54:21 Why?
54:22 Because we have many things to do.
54:23 It is meaningless to repent.
54:24 Why?
54:25 Because we have many things to do.
54:26 It is meaningless to repent.
54:27 Why?
54:28 Because we have many things to do.
54:29 It is meaningless to repent.
54:30 Why?
54:31 Because we have many things to do.
54:32 It is meaningless to repent.
54:33 Why?
54:34 Because we have many things to do.
54:35 It is meaningless to repent.
54:36 Why?
54:37 Because we have many things to do.
54:38 It is meaningless to repent.
54:39 Why?
54:40 Because we have many things to do.
54:41 It is meaningless to repent.
54:42 Why?
54:43 Because we have many things to do.
54:44 It is meaningless to repent.
54:45 Why?
54:46 Because we have many things to do.
54:47 It is meaningless to repent.
54:48 Why?
54:49 Because we have many things to do.
54:50 It is meaningless to repent.
54:51 Why?
54:52 Because we have many things to do.
54:53 It is meaningless to repent.
54:54 Why?
54:55 Because we have many things to do.
54:56 It is meaningless to repent.
54:57 Why?
54:58 Because we have many things to do.
54:59 It is meaningless to repent.
55:00 Why?
55:01 Because we have many things to do.
55:02 It is meaningless to repent.
55:03 Why?
55:04 Because we have many things to do.
55:05 It is meaningless to repent.
55:06 Why?
55:07 Because we have many things to do.
55:08 It is meaningless to repent.
55:09 Why?
55:10 Because we have many things to do.
55:11 It is meaningless to repent.
55:12 Why?
55:13 Because we have many things to do.
55:14 It is meaningless to repent.
55:15 Why?
55:16 Because we have many things to do.
55:17 It is meaningless to repent.
55:18 Why?
55:19 Because we have many things to do.
55:20 It is meaningless to repent.
55:21 Why?
55:22 Because we have many things to do.
55:23 It is meaningless to repent.
55:24 Why?
55:25 Because we have many things to do.
55:26 It is meaningless to repent.
55:27 Why?
55:28 Because we have many things to do.
55:29 It is meaningless to repent.
