• 2 years ago
Phivolcs: Mga naranasang lindol sa Mindanao at Luzon, walang kinalaman sa 'The Big One'
00:00 FIVOX clarified that there is no connection or knowledge to the preparation of the big one,
00:05 the next earthquake in the country.
00:07 The agency pointed out the importance of the so-called earthquake drill.
00:12 Rod Laguzad in detail.
00:14 These past days and weeks, the strongest earthquake that we have felt is almost one after the other.
00:22 Here in Metro Manila, this is the only time we have felt an earthquake from the Manila Trench.
00:28 According to FIVOX, this is not related to the West Valley Fault or the possible "The Big One".
00:36 The so-called fault is 100 kilometers long from Bulacan, Rizal, here in Metro Manila,
00:42 to Cavite and Laguna.
00:44 And based on its length, it can reach a magnitude 7.2 earthquake.
00:49 FIVOX Director Teresito Bacolcol explained that the West Valley Fault last moved in 1658.
00:56 He said that based on the carbon sample data they have,
00:59 this is the reason why the West Valley Fault moved every 400 to 600 years.
01:06 That's why it is possible that the "The Big One" will happen in 2058.
01:10 But of course, it's not an exact calculation.
01:12 It could be earlier or it could be later.
01:15 Or it could be between 400 years to 600 years.
01:19 Or it could be on the upper limit, the 600 years, which is 200 years from now.
01:23 So, meaning we are on the expected range of the West Valley Fault.
01:33 Because of this, it is important to prepare like the National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill,
01:39 especially for Metro Manila, which will be affected by this movement.
01:43 According to FIVOX, every trillion in the country is considered as "The Big One".
01:47 And this is for the National Capital Region.
01:50 Based on our studies, we expect around 33,000 casualties.
01:57 It's only in Metro Manila.
01:59 And if we include other provinces nearby, Pampanga, Laguna, Gulacan,
02:05 that would go as high as 48,000 or 50,000.
02:11 The assumption there, the 33,000, he assumed that at 6 p.m., people will go home.
02:19 He also believed that it is impossible to be 100% prepared.
02:22 But it's better if people are more aware about this fault compared to the last 20 or 30 years.
02:29 We really have to follow and participate in earthquake drills.
02:35 And we will take it seriously because drills build muscle memory.
02:40 And during actual events, our response would come out naturally.
02:46 The structures that are built above the fault are expected to collapse.
02:51 But even if it's far away, it's still possible to feel it.
02:54 Especially since the intensity 8 is expected to be strong in NCR.
02:58 That's why FIVOX reminds us that the construction of houses or houses should be strong or earthquake-resilient.
03:05 In the end, according to FIVOX, it's normal that the country is experiencing a earthquake.
03:09 Because the Philippines is in the Pacific Ring of Fire.
03:12 And this is the reality that we have.
03:14 That's why each one of us needs to be prepared differently.
03:17 Especially since there is no technology that can tell when and where an earthquake could occur.
03:24 Rod Laguzad, for the Morning Show of the City, Rise and Shine, Philippines.
