• 2 years ago
Freddie Prinze Jr. Reveals He Got His Kids to Eat Balanced Meals by Being a 'Jerk'


00:00 I know you posted on your
00:02 of the recipes that you'r
00:03 are you cooking up this h
00:07 be turkey as always. Uh,
00:10 things. The one thing tha
00:12 in is the gravy. Um I did
00:15 I was about 40 years old
00:18 consistency, the perfect
00:21 importantly enough for se
00:24 That was the thing by the
00:26 we always ran out and tha
00:29 a good night if you run o
00:31 Um So now it's about havi
00:34 mastered it. It's not an
00:36 it's certainly a specialt
00:38 I have. No, it's so true.
00:40 the gravy for the sandwic
00:42 everything like that. It'
00:46 your family big into veget
00:49 they didn't have a choice
00:51 growing up. If I didn't e
00:53 was my breakfast the next
00:56 strict with my kids, espe
00:59 the home. So they eat eve
01:01 were eating sushi when th
01:03 They've been exposed to e
01:05 were super young. So it g
01:07 even if my son doesn't li
01:09 say dad, it's not my favo
01:11 I'm gonna finish it. Can
01:13 write a book and teach me
01:16 I can't get my son to eat
01:21 have to be a jerk. You ju
01:24 be a jerk. It's okay. My
01:27 issues being a jerk as di
01:30 eighties. So just bring a
01:34 generation in and let it
01:37 feel you can't do it. So
01:39 gotten a little too soft
01:43 who cooks more in the hom
01:45 you kind of got a divvy i
01:47 and you have those, I kno
01:49 bit about the gravy and t
01:50 But what are your signatu
01:52 dishes? No, I do all the
01:56 some things for the, for
01:59 I do most of the cooking
02:01 four nights a week. Um, a
02:04 everything. If there was
02:07 have a favorite, but if y
02:09 what their favorite was,
02:11 mexican truck food, like
02:14 beauty, things like that
02:17 on that stuff. If I make
02:19 I have to keep it a littl
02:21 my daughter, but my son l
02:24 the green and red chili f
02:27 and shipped out every sin
02:30 I start crushing that do
02:33 and enchiladas and I eat it with scrambled eggs.
