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Olivier Duhamel accusé d'inceste : Aurélie Filipetti savait "depuis deux ans"
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Olivier Duhamel accusé d'inceste : Aurélie Filipetti savait "depuis deux ans"
00:00 In his new book, Kami Kushner reports the incest that her twin brother suffered when
00:13 he was a teenager from their stepfather, Olivier Duhamel.
00:19 While the young woman decided to get out of silence, Aurelie Filippetti, a professor
00:26 at Sciences Po in Paris, revealed that she had learned the accusations about the
00:31 political scientist two years ago.
00:35 Invited to the microphone of Thomas Otto on RTL, she said, "I learned about two years ago,
00:42 in 2019, by two different people.
00:45 Since I am a teacher at Sciences Po, one of them being herself a teacher at Sciences
00:54 Po, these two people were reliable, totally reliable, reliable at 200%.
00:59 She had been close to this family.
01:03 And I, when I learned that, as I had no doubt about the credibility of these testimonies,
01:12 I couldn't shut up.
01:15 I couldn't keep it to myself.
01:20 Under the shock, Aurelie Filippetti had gone to see Master Patrick Maisonneuve to ask
01:27 for advice.
01:28 He explained to me that the facts were prescribed.
01:32 I told him that there was also for me, as a teacher at Sciences Po, I had a responsibility
01:41 also vis-à-vis my students and vis-à-vis the institution in which I worked, and therefore
01:46 that I wanted to talk to the director of this institution.
01:50 What I was.
01:53 I asked for an appointment, a lunch with the director of this institution, she explained.
01:59 While she had told him about his heavy accusations, she remembered that Frédéric Mion was extremely
02:08 shocked, he is completely overwhelmed and he discovers that at that moment, and he tells
02:13 her that he will obviously act, that he will do something about it, that he cannot not act.
02:19 I imagine things, like for example that he summons him.
02:26 I imagine in any case that there will be a sequel.
02:32 I didn't hear what this person was trying to tell me.
02:37 I don't know.
02:45 I don't know.
02:49 I don't know.
02:52 I don't know.
02:55 I don't know.
02:58 It does not only affect people in power, but obviously, when there are people in power,
03:06 if Esty is still reinforced by a certain fear that inspires him and an almost debt system that they have created around him, he has explained it.
03:15 Near the world, Frédéric Mion had finally recognized that he had not reacted after being contacted by Aurelie Filipetti.
03:25 I did not hit. I did not hear what this person was trying to tell me.
03:33 I should have gone to find Olivier Duhamel.
03:38 It was an elementary duty.
03:43 I take full responsibility for this lack of prudence, he revealed.
03:50 [Music]
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