DOJ discovers 2-3 mass graves at New Bilibid Prison
00:00 Justice Secretary Jesus Caspian Remulia let the cat out of the bag on a most recent and grisly discovery inside the NBP.
00:08 A dumping place of murdered inmates inside the prison's septic tank.
00:12 Likely victims of executions or whack jobs ordered or approved by the highest ranking prison officials at that time.
00:19 The lurid details of this ghastly uncovering of corpses carry this report from our Luisa Erispe.
00:27 The Department of Justice revealed today the likelihood of 2 to 3 mass graves located inside the maximum security area of the new believed prison.
00:36 As Justice Secretary Jesus Caspian Remulia said, the septic tanks may have been used to dump and hide the dead bodies of several persons deprived of liberty.
00:46 There are 2 or 3 septic tanks inside that area that may possibly be areas where mass graves are located.
00:54 They have found human bones inside one of the septic tanks which alerts us to the fact that the story may have something within it.
01:05 That something mysterious may be happening inside the NBP.
01:09 The DOJ has yet to determine when this happened and how many bodies are inside the septic tanks.
01:15 There's a catch basin in one part of the prison where all the bones are collected. That's where they found the other human remains.
01:23 I talked to Dr. Fortune yesterday. I told her not to open the other septic tank first so that UP Anthropology can help us go through the whole process.
01:34 This discovery came after a PDL was reported missing and several search dogs from the Philippine Coast Guard were able to locate the body inside the quarters.
01:44 However, the body was already decapitated and men hint or presume the severed head of the victim is hidden inside the tank.
01:53 They were really hiding it. But when they found a lot of bones, they took it out so that they won't look for it again.
02:01 That's why they went to the septic tank to look for it. That's where they really pointed it out.
02:09 And the dogs they used to look for the person, that's where they pointed it out to the septic tank.
02:15 The DOJ has already invited experts to dig deeper into this new discovery and determine when the killings started and how it eventually resulted to graves inside the septic tanks.
02:26 The DOJ is also expediting the transfer of PDLs and regionalizing the jail facilities in the country.
02:33 The new convicts, don't bring them there. Take them out to other farm prisons. Don't bring them there.
02:44 Don't bring them to our land. Bring them to other places.
02:48 Peace Pe for the Nation.