• last year
00:00 A hyena is being surrounded and attacked by a pack of wild dogs.
00:04 The pack of dogs is viciously aggressive, knowing that the hyena is at a disadvantage
00:16 against their numbers.
00:18 Continuous biting and attacks are taking place.
00:25 (Siren)
00:49 Fortunately, its teammates have arrived and successfully rescued it.
00:55 A pack of hyenas is tearing apart their prey.
00:59 Under observation of a lion pride, it starts with one lion chasing a lone hyena and successfully
01:06 capturing its target.
01:08 The hyena pack quickly rushes in to rescue their comrade.
01:15 At this point, I'm not sure why the lion releases its prey and goes after another hyena.
01:22 Feeling outnumbered and overpowered by the lion, the hyena pack reluctantly gives up
01:33 its share of the meal to the opponent.
01:36 In this battle, the lion emerges victorious.
01:41 Any animal that encounters this giant phyton pays the price with their lives.
01:46 And here, the hyena is no exception.
01:56 It is tightly constricted by the massive python, leaving no chance of survival.
02:03 (Siren)
02:11 Today, the giant phyton had a satisfying meal.
02:15 In this situation, the African rock python is in the process of digesting the hyena.
02:30 (Music)
02:35 A truly horrifying scene.
02:54 It could take several days to a few weeks for the python to completely digest its prey.
03:01 (Music)
03:25 The hyena and the leopard are competing for a prey in the forest.
03:29 (Music)
03:36 The hyena assumes that it still has share of the meal.
03:40 (Music)
03:56 But it is mistaken.
03:59 With just a slight moment of carelessness, the leopard seizes the opportunity, snatches
04:05 the prey and swiftly climbs and swiftly climbs up the tree.
04:09 The hyena can only stand there helplessly.
04:12 On the grassy savanna, four hyenas are encircling and about to turn the wild beast into their
04:19 lunch today.
04:21 (Music)
04:48 This pack of hyenas relentlessly launches continuous attack from behind, exhibiting
04:54 extreme brutality.
04:56 (Music)
05:25 It seems that the wild beast cannot hold much longer against their ferocious assault.
05:30 (Music)
05:59 A pack of wild dogs is roaming around the forest when they unexpectedly come across
06:13 an injured hyena.
06:15 (Music)
06:26 The wild dogs start attacking, despite the prey offering no resistance or self-defense.
06:32 (Music)
06:44 However, it seems that a hyena is not preferred meal for the wild dog pack as they eventually
06:51 abandon the hunt and move on.
06:53 (Music)
06:56 Sometimes, hyenas are also engaged in conflicts with their own pack over food.
07:02 (Music)
07:08 The weaker individuals have to accept the disadvantage and endure the consequences of
07:14 the competition for resources.
07:16 (Music)
07:35 In the forest, a pack of hyenas encounter a lost honey badger.
07:40 The hyenas chase and attack, but the honey badger proves to be a formidable opponent.
07:46 It's truly a remarkable sight.
07:48 (Music)
