• 2 years ago
Jimmy wakes up only to find out he got fired from his job. That's when his best friend, Rusty is there waiting outside h | dG1fU3pRU3g3YzJod1U
00:00 I'm sorry to have to tell you this over the phone and on such short notice, but I'm going
00:07 to have to let you go.
00:09 Nothing personal, you can always use me as a reference.
00:14 Once again, I'm sorry.
00:17 Have a nice day.
00:20 Fuck!
00:21 So what do you want to do?
00:26 I don't know.
00:29 Fifteen minutes ago I thought I was going into work and closing.
00:33 But, as fate would have it, here I am.
00:40 Tinder.
00:41 What?
00:42 Is it that gay search app?
00:43 No, that's Grindr.
00:44 This is for guys and gals.
00:46 You swipe right, you match, and you chat.
00:48 It's so simple.
00:49 And I plowed that amazing body.
00:51 So from now on, call me Mr. Plow.
00:54 New millennium proverb says, "Swipe right and do a gal."
00:58 Swipe right, do another gal, but never swipe left.
01:02 I think I heard Kevin's trying to get something together.
01:07 Kevin?
01:08 Oh, he's back from school?
01:09 Yeah.
01:10 No way.
01:11 Oh yeah, I'm freaking out about him.
01:12 Give him a call and see what's up.
01:13 Maybe I'll see you guys there later.
01:14 Yeah, for sure.
01:15 I'll send him a text right now.
01:16 Hey, why does he get the first hug?
01:18 Because he walked in with a smile on his face, and you walked in on pussy patrol.
01:22 I'd rather have some beer, honestly.
01:25 You just took a shot, mister.
01:27 I'm one shot at that, you know.
01:29 I hope not.
01:30 I'm your wingman, because you're the one that needs my help.
01:47 I'm the pussy-slaying machine, remember?
01:49 I'm totally going to get more luck later.
01:54 [Music]
01:56 He's down.
02:20 He's down.
02:21 Fuck him.
02:22 But I'm also on the message board and every other link to Zack Snyder to tell him how he fucked up.
