Heat Stroke Kaise Hota Hai | SunStroke Kya Hota Hai, गर्मी के मौसम में लू लगने की समस्या बहुत आम होती है. इसे ही हीट-स्ट्रोक और सन-स्ट्रोक के नाम से जाना जाता है. आइए आपको बताते है इस वीडियो में लू लगने के लक्षण, बचाव के बारे में:-
Heat Stroke How Hota Hai | SunStroke Kya Hota Hai, the problem of heat Stroke is very common in the summer season. This is also known as heat-Stroke and sun-Stroke. Let's tell you about the symptoms of heatStroke, rescue in this video
#heatStrokekaisehotahai #sunStrokekaisehotahai
Heat Stroke How Hota Hai | SunStroke Kya Hota Hai, the problem of heat Stroke is very common in the summer season. This is also known as heat-Stroke and sun-Stroke. Let's tell you about the symptoms of heatStroke, rescue in this video
#heatStrokekaisehotahai #sunStrokekaisehotahai