VG's Stay Home Stay Safe Summer Day | Its VG

  • 2 years ago
Nua is a new-age brand transforming the women’s wellness space, starting with its innovative and toxin-free sanitary pads. Select your assortment of pads, for your heavy, medium, and light flow days.

With the Nua Auto-repeat Plan, you can choose how many packs you want to be delivered as per your need - monthly, bi-monthly, or once in three months. The pack will directly show up at your doorstep every month or whatever frequency you choose."

What do you do in the summers?

This summer holiday is a bit different for all of us due to the Covid surge. While people are restricted to homes, here's how actress Vijayalakshmi is spending her days with her family. She is happy to spend more time with family than before.

In her channel, Its VG she talks about how staying home can help people stay safe.

How are you planning to spend your vacations? Check out Vijayalakshmi's daily routine during the summer holidays.
