Doge And Shib Knockoff Soars

  • 2 years ago
As crypto knockoffs continue to flood the market, dog-themed tokens are rising as Dogecoin and Shiba Inu sputter. NinjaFloki is up nearly $750 over the past 24 hours, even though it’s still trading at a fraction of a penny. However, it is the top gainer in the market to begin the week, picking up 740% on Bitcoin and 730% on Ethereum. For the sake of comparison, Dogecoin is down nearly half a percent and Shiba Inu is up about 2%, also trading at a fraction of a percent. NinjaFloki bills itself as a gaming-based passive income platform that rewards its users in Binance USD. Moreover, it is aggressively marketing itself as the cryptocurrency that isn’t failing, tweeting that Bitcoin Binance Coin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, etc. were faltering. At press time, Ninja Floki was up nearly 1300%, just under its 24-hour high on increasing volume even though it’s not yet highly ranked in the marketplace.
