This Is Your Body on Red Meat

  • 4 years ago
This Is Your Body
on Red Meat With all the debate over whether
or not you should eat red meat, here is what the most current
and unbiased research has to offer. Since red meat increases the
production of a hormone called IGF-1, red meat consumption
had been linked to both
cancer and diabetes. IGF-1 is thought to speed
up the body's aging process,
which in turn could increase cancer risk. Red meat has been classified
by the World Health Organization
as a “probable” carcinogen. This classification was based
in part on a study of Japanese
men, which found that higher red meat
consumption led to higher risk of colon cancer. Some doctors have
concluded that red meat
can alter a person's microbiome,
leading to inflammation. On the plus side, red meat is
high in essential nutrients such
as iron and vitamin B-12. Based on research,
many doctors recommend limiting
red meat consumption "to no more
than about three portions per week."
