Zarpa el crucero La Argentina desde el apostadero naval Buenos Aires 1966

  • hace 5 años
Bs. As .: The cruise ship Argentina begins an instructional trip with the 4th year naval aspirants of the School of Mechanics of the Navy (ESMA), under the command of Ship Captain Carlos F. Peralta and will be back on the 26th November, after having touched the ports of Ushuaia, Madryn, Puerto Belgrano Naval Base, Montevideo and Rio de Janeiro. General views of family members saying goodbye to seafarers at the naval station of the northern dock of Puerto Nuevo. Close-ups of a photographer working on site. Close-ups of a sailor photographing a comrade with his family. General views of a delegation of primary school students and high school students saying goodbye to sailors. (Version 2 without sound)
Date: 10/23/1966
Duration: 48 seconds
Film code: A-24106

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