• 6 years ago
The Top 10 Highest Priced Cards In the Mirage Expansion of Magic: the Gathering (1996)

I'm making these videos as I go through each set to learn the most valuable cards to look out for when I'm buying mtg collections at garage sales. Hopefully you find these useful too, and I hope you have some of these cards sitting in your old collections that you can sell!


0:36 "shoeboxes" full of magic cards, that is.

15:42 meant to say "on turn 2"

NOTE: magic card prices have been really chaotic and volatile in the past year or so, so don't be surprised if the prices change after I post this. Wouldn't even be surprised if they change a little bit from the time I film to the time I post the video

I think I used some weird wording at times in this video. Sorry about that, it's my first top 10 video lol.
