What will trend in South Korea in 2019?

  • 5 years ago
One way you might look at trends for the year is in terms of hashtags on social media. Think of the MeToo movement last year. That one made headway in countries around the world.
Sure, and Korea has its own social trends and hashtags -- things like ways to be frugal, or how to take better care of the environment.
Our Oh Soo-young takes a closer look at some of the keywords we can expect to see here in Korea in 2019.

2019 is the Year of the Golden Pig,... a Zodiac animal that's regarded as a symbol of abundance.
But in the New Year,... it seems Koreans will seek life's simple joys -- or #Sohwakhaeng, as the term is coined on social media.
Amid forecasts of a sluggish economy, both globally and at home,... it seems most South Koreans aren't expecting #prosperity.
Analysts say popular terms like sohwakhaeng and #valueformoney will continue trending.

Another buzzword is 5G technology.
South Korea will become the first country in the world to commercialize the network,... which is 20 times faster than 4G or LTE.
Service providers plan to launch 5G in March.

"The 5G network will proliferate the use of smart gadgets and software like voice assistant speakers, home appliances,... and enable the advancement of other IOT technologies."

2019 will also usher in more eco-friendly lifestyles.
This comes after the government enforced stringent policies that ban the use of disposable cups inside coffee shops,... as well as plastic bags from supermarkets.
Since then, there has been rising demand for reusable products, such as flasks and canvas bags, and a growing interest in upcycling.
Also, high levels of fine dust are likely to spur demand for pollution tackling products.

Another issue that will likely carry over to the New Year is the #MeToo movement.
Except, this time, it could be the men that point the finger.

"According to psychologist Fritz Heider, people pursue a state of balance. As women drove the MeToo movement in 2018, it's likely there'll be a backlash from men. They feel backed into a corner and are angry at the notion they're the sole offenders."

Finally, in 2019, the sense of self-identity is likely to emerge from the shadows of Korea's traditionally collectivist culture.

"There will be a rise of what I call 'monosapiens' -- who don't want to be part of a group. Any form of lifestyle or consumption will become a statement of their unique personalities. Businesses will provide more customized products and services than mass produced, mainstream ones."

The past decade has seen a growing number of people living alone,... which has given rise to more individualistic social and consumer behavior.
The trend is expected to intensify, especially with the rise of Generation Z -- young people born after Millennials -- as their purchasing power and social presence is expected to grow in 2019.
Oh Soo-young, Arirang News.