Brussels, E.U. Capital, Gets a Novel, Both Tart and Empathic

  • 6 years ago
Brussels, E.U. Capital, Gets a Novel, Both Tart and Empathic
The result is thought to be the first novel about Brussels as the capital of the European Union, called "Die Hauptstadt," or "The Capital,"
and much to Mr. Menasse’s surprise, it won the 2017 German Book Prize, Germany’s most important literary award.
14, 2018
BRUSSELS — In one of the more cynical lines in the Danish political TV drama, "Borgen," an aide to the prime minister discusses sending one of her rivals into exile as a European commissioner, saying: "In Brussels, no one can hear you scream."
But if the European Union has meaning, surely Brussels must.
" He worked hard on "Die Hauptstadt," "but when I gave it to the publisher I had no expectations," he said.
that Unknown was right, and I was depressed for two or three years — if you put five, six, seven years of all your emotional and intellectual capacity into one project and no one looks, you can get depressed.
United States said that to that extent the European Union is the world’s avant-garde,
"I was in Brussels then and in the beginning I really couldn’t believe it." Brussels might have
been an historical accident as the capital of the bloc, but it was inevitable for Mr. Menasse.
"Its variety is its richness." But it is the very persistence of nationalism, and the increase in power in the European Union of the Council of nation states,
that creates the real democratic deficit felt by Europeans toward the Brussels institutions, Mr. Menasse argues.