I forgot to include scene 4 in my first upload of this episode, in which Bob sings Stand Up and Pinch Your Nose..as Big Bird sang in the early days, Everyone .\r
I forgot to include scene 4 in my first upload of this episode, in which Bob sings Stand Up and Pinch Your Nose.as Big Bird sang in the early days, Everyone.\r
Always looking for any new Sesame Street material from 1969-89.especially scenes that havent been shown on Noggin or part of the Old School DVDs or .\r
Scenes from episode 2747 (season 22)
I forgot to include scene 4 in my first upload of this episode, in which Bob sings Stand Up and Pinch Your Nose.as Big Bird sang in the early days, Everyone.\r
Always looking for any new Sesame Street material from 1969-89.especially scenes that havent been shown on Noggin or part of the Old School DVDs or .\r
Scenes from episode 2747 (season 22)