Bollywood Shows Support For Sunny Leone As She Braves ‘Stupid’ Interview

  • 8 years ago
Watch the video Sunny, who made inroads into Indian showbiz with a past season of reality show “Bigg Boss” and then landed a role in Bollywood with “Jism 2”, is busy these days promoting her new film “Mastizaade” directed by Milap Zaveri.
During one such promotional TV interview, CNN IBN anchor Bhupendra Chaubey posed some questions, which Sunny tackled quite sportingly.Some of the questions asked were: There are lots of married women who look at Sunny Leone as a threat to their husbands, do you not care about all this? You would like to work with Aamir Khan, but would Aamir Khan like to work with you? A member of parliament, in his speeches, has held you responsible for corrupting Indian morality. How do you deal with that?
