Greece's Meimarakis wants big coalition if victorious after election

  • 9 years ago
For years Vangelis Meimarakis has served in centre-right governments accused by the left of leading the country to the brink of financial crisis now, as leader of the opposition New Democracy, he’s challenging Alexis Tsipras to become prime minister. Euronews spoke to Meimarakis ahead of the election.

euronews: Nine months ago your party suffered a devastating defeat at the hands of Syriza, but now polls suggest you’ve closed the gap with Tsipras’. What has changed since then?

VM: “Greece has changed, we changed too. Mr. Tsipras lied a lot last January. Nine months ago Greece had a fiscal surplus and the prospect of growth was in sight. Now the country is back in the red with high deficit and high unemployment. Investments have gone, because Tsipras ousted them. In the past nine months, Greeks had the chance to compare what the country was like back in January with the false promises Tsipras made. And now they can clearly see what they were promised and what really happened. Ever
