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World's Fattest Cats TOP 10 ! Fattest Cat In The World And Other Fat Cats. cat funny moments, cat funny videos, cat funny compilation, funny cats and dogs begging for food - cute animal compilation #10 :Meatball 36.0 lb (Tabby) #9 : Meow 39.1 lb (Orange/White Tabby) #8 : Garfield 40.0 lb (Orange/White Tabby) #7 : Kailee 40.0 lb (Orange/White Tabby) #6 : Sassy 40.0 lb (Black/White Tabby) #5 : Skinny 42.0 lb (Orange/White Tabby) #4 : Katy 42.0 lb (Siamese) #3 : Prince Chunk 44.0 lb (White Tabby) #2 : Mitzi 46.0 lb (Maine Coon) #1 : Himmy 46.8 lb (Tabby)

10. Meatball 36.0 lb (Tabby)
After being shuffled from one home to another, Meatball was surrendered at the Maricopa County, Arizona Animal Shelter in January, 2014. No one is entirely sure how Meatball reached his size. The couple that dropped him off had only been caring for him for six months when he began to have accidents around the house.
Due to his expansive girth, he was given the VIP treatment.

9. Meow 39.1 lb (Orange/White Tabby)
In 2012 at ripe old age of two, Meow was sent to the Santa Fe Animal Shelter after his 87-year old owner decided she was no longer able to care for him. Immediately placed on a weight-loss regimen, he was sent to live with a foster family until he could lose 10 lbs. He was set to be placed up for adoption when he reached 29 lbs. Sadly, after taking a turn on the talk-show circuit, he passed away on May 5, 2012, due to respiratory failure.

8. Garfield 40.0 lb (Orange/White Tabby)
After his owner passed away, 10-year old Garfield was dropped off at the North Shore Animal League in NY. Known for being quite friendly, exceptionally handsome, and rather lazy, he had no problem attracting plenty of potential adopted families.
He was placed with his new family in June, 2012 after losing 6.75 lbs. The couple, chosen because of their experience with adult cats, were given strict instructions regarding his diet and exercise plan before lugging him off into the sunset.

7. Kailee 40.0 lb (Orange/White Tabby)
Named as a kitten after former Minnesota Viking linebacker, Kailee Wong, Kailee the cat was destined to be robust. Living in Lino Lake, Minnesota, with his owners, he is said to have always been quite pleased with his fairly enormous size. The last interview with his family indicated that he ate 20lbs of food every week and enjoyed stealing food from his brother.

6. Sassy 40.0 lb (Black/White Tabby)

Nicknamed “Munchkin the Monster,” Sassy was actually a boy. When his fluffy frame first appeared on the internet in 2001, many believed he was a hoax. This was not the case. Sassy belonged to Susan Martin of Ontario, Canada.

5. Skinny 42.0 lb (Orange/White Tabby)
Skinny was found wandering the streets of Richardson, TX in 2012 and was taken to an animal shelter. He appeared to be around five years old and was well taken care of, though no one knows if he had been a stray or had previous owners. He soon moved in with a Dallas area vet and her family.

4. Katy 42.0 lb (Siamese)
Living in Russia with her owner, Tamara Yapugova, Katy is said to have weighed as much as 50 lbs. at one point in her life. In 2003, at the age of five, she was featured in a newspaper article after devouring a hot dog in less than a minute. According to her owner, she just loves to eat, particularly fish and a mixture of milk and sour cream.

3. Prince Chunk 44.0 lb (White Tabby)
Prince Chunk was taken to the Camden Area Animal Shelter in New Jersey in 2008 after his original owner lost her home. He quickly captivated the world because of his size, visiting numerous talk shows and was featured in People. After his fame died down, he settled into life with his new adoptive family and slimmed down to 18 pounds.

2. Mitzi 46.0 lb (Maine Coon)
Living in Oregon, Mitzi moved in with her owner Margaret Marusarz after her first owner became sick. It is believed that she lost the tip of her tail in an accident. As a result, she just misses out on being the longest cat in the world.
Margaret put her on a diet shortly after she hit the 46 lb mark and would just lie around the house with a bad attitude.

1. Himmy 46.8 lb (Tabby)
Himmy holds the title for being the “Fattest Cat in the World” according to the Guinness Book of World Records. Unfortunately he passed away in 1986 at the age of 10 due to respiratory failure. Amazingly at the time of his death, he had a 15 inch neck, 33 inch waist, and was 38 inches long. He passed away in his Queensland, Australia, home with his owner, Thomas Vyse, at his side.
Himmy will always hold the world record for the world’s fattest cat because Guinness stopped taking applications for this category shortly after he passed away.


