• 10 years ago
Download Extreme Love by Ab Niles - mirror 1 ---> http://po.st/kK47Yt mirror 2 ---> http://tinyurl.com/mdfx6ou mirror 3 --> http://q.gs/9283027/extreme-love ---------------
Synopsis: Abby Niles has always loved to read. After having twins and becoming a stay-at-home mom, she started doodling stories to keep her sanity. She didn't plan for writing to become an obsession, but it did. Today, she juggles work, home life, and writing. It's not always easy, but hey, who said life was easy?
When Abby's not writing, you can find her playing 'Just Dance' with her kids or trying to catch up on her never-ending to-be-read list. She also loves Zumba, and refuses to admit she looks like Animal doing his Muppet flail than a sensual Latin dancer.
