Salman Khan BEATS Hrithik Roshan - Most Eligible Bachelor Of Bollywood

  • 10 years ago
Remember we asked you to tell who is Bollywood’s most eligible bachelor Hrithik Roshan or Salman Khan? Well, the results are out the Dabangg Khan has won the race with 63% votes!
On the other hand, Bollywood’s hottest dude Hrithik got 37% votes. Duggu has got a lot of female following, particularly Paris Hilton, who took to Twitter saying she finds him hot.
So, we thought that the Bang Bang actor may gave a tough fight to B-Town’s most eligible bachelor. Nonetheless, considering the number of votes, it’s quite clear that none can beat Salman.
Will Sallu Miyaan continue to be the most eligible bachelor of Bollywood? Will he plan to settle down? We wanna know your thoughts in the box below!
