Prevention magazine recommends noshing on these foods to get and keep your pearly whites in tip-top shape.
Getting a healthier and brighter smile can be as easy as chewing. Prevention magazine recommends noshing on these foods to get and keep your pearly whites in tip-top shape.
Number 5. Apples. Their rough texture acts like a little scrub brush, attacking plaque build-up. They’re also loaded with the kind of acid that lightens your teeth by absorbing stains.
Number 4. Salmon. Rich in enamel-building phosphorous, a 3-ounce serving can get you well on your way to satisfying the recommended daily amount. Well-enameled teeth appear whiter as the tough stuff blocks the appearance of the darker dentin within.
Number 3. Cheese. As if anybody needs one more reason to love the dairy delight, the minerals it provides can actually improve the mouth’s ability to ward off tooth decay.
Number 2. Cauliflower. Not only does the veggie powerhouse help the mouth make enamel-saving saliva when it’s eaten raw, it can serve as a preventative measure against mouth cancer.
Number 1. Carrots. Like cauliflower, raw carrots help the mouth stay properly salivated and your enamel better protected. It’s all in the extra chewing which gives the mouth more time to build up a defense against eroding acids.
Getting a healthier and brighter smile can be as easy as chewing. Prevention magazine recommends noshing on these foods to get and keep your pearly whites in tip-top shape.
Number 5. Apples. Their rough texture acts like a little scrub brush, attacking plaque build-up. They’re also loaded with the kind of acid that lightens your teeth by absorbing stains.
Number 4. Salmon. Rich in enamel-building phosphorous, a 3-ounce serving can get you well on your way to satisfying the recommended daily amount. Well-enameled teeth appear whiter as the tough stuff blocks the appearance of the darker dentin within.
Number 3. Cheese. As if anybody needs one more reason to love the dairy delight, the minerals it provides can actually improve the mouth’s ability to ward off tooth decay.
Number 2. Cauliflower. Not only does the veggie powerhouse help the mouth make enamel-saving saliva when it’s eaten raw, it can serve as a preventative measure against mouth cancer.
Number 1. Carrots. Like cauliflower, raw carrots help the mouth stay properly salivated and your enamel better protected. It’s all in the extra chewing which gives the mouth more time to build up a defense against eroding acids.