Celebs And Their Friends: Anushka Sharma, Yuvraj Singh, Karisma Kapoor, Dharmendra, Dia Mirza & Other Bollywood Celebs Extend Heartfelt Wishes

  • 3 years ago
Anushka Sharma is enjoying her stay in Durham with her friends. Indian cricket team players and their partners are spending time in England. Recently, KL Rahul shared the secret behind his great pictures in London. Anushka Sharma and her girl gang decided to click some great pictures of their partners in the foreign land. KL Rahul shared a BTS (behind-the-scenes) picture from their cool photoshoot. While in the first picture we see the men pose for a picture, in the second photo we can spot all the ladies who managed to get a great click for their partners. Umesh Yadav's wife Tanya Wadhwa, Ishant Sharma's wife Pratima Singh, and Mayank Agarwal's wife Aashita Sood were also present. Meanwhile, former India all-rounder Yuvraj Singh occupied the top spot on the trends list soon after he shared a heartwarming post on Instagram to celebrate Friendship Day on August 1. “To a lifetime of friendship,” Yuvraj said in the caption of his post which has gone crazy viral on social media. Karisma Kapoor, on the occasion of Friendship Day, dedicated a special Instagram post to her younger sister Kareena Kapoor. Siddhant Chaturvedi shared a hilarious Friendship Day post on social media where he is seen grooving to the viral 'Bachpan Ka Pyaar' song. Remembering her late husband and actor Rishi Kapoor, Neetu Kapoor shared a story with an adorable throwback picture, in which they are sitting in a pose similar to that of Mickey and Minnie mouse. Dia Mirza says 'Make nature your best friend' with an adorable post. Dharmendra Deol wished his followers with a throwback picture from his film Sholay, featuring Amitabh Bachchan. The star took to Twitter and posted a screenshot with Bachchan from the iconic film’s song, ‘Yeh dosti hum nahin todenge’.
