Another Forced Late-Term Abortion Case Erupts in China

  • 12 years ago
Another victim of a forced late-term abortion in China is demanding justice and compensation.

On Monday, Beijing lawyer Xu Can said he was representing a 30-year-old father of two, Wu Liangjie from Daji town in Fujian Province. Wu's wife, 30-year-old Pan Chunyan, who was seven months pregnant, was forcibly given an injection in April to kill her unborn son.

Wu says officials told them in March to pay 45,300 yuan or Pan would need to have an abortion. Wu paid the village 20,000 yuan, but the money was returned a month later. Pan was abducted by authorities and locked up with other pregnant women.

Wu was then asked to pay a 55,000-yuan fine, which he says he paid to the township government. Yet two days later, several cars full of over 60 people came to take Pan to a hospital in Xianyou, where she was forcibly given the injection.

This follows a forced late-term abortion case in Ankang, Shaanxi in early June, which sparked nationwide outrage, after pictures circulated online of the aborted fetus lying next to its grieving mother.

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