• 5 years ago
Presented by Sean

"Imagine a world, a world where freedom is power. We feel free when we escape, even if it be but from the frying pan into the fire. Freedom is never given by the oppressor, it must be demanded by the oppressed."

Award winning singer/songwriter, Krystle Dos Santos, has created a world that parallels our own in her sophomore release, Fame Fatale. With songwriting references to the struggling music industry, consumerism and changing perceptions of love in our current society, Dos Santos has articulated an epic tale of power, love and redemption. The haunting melodies of the track "DisFunk" introduce the creation of the many cyborg assassin units who execute MasterControl's orders, immediately engaging you into the inner workings of this corrupt society.

Combining Dos Santos' versatile vocal prowess and songwriting skills, along side producer KazMega's haunting and addictive beats, Fame Fatale is a cult classic in the making. Speaking to many current social conventions, Dos Santos' sophomore offering is everything from a break-up album, to a fist-pumping soundtrack for a night out on the town. Captivating interludes navigate you through the story driving you to experience the hunt for the femme fatale along side her. Carving out a niche in the ever growing electro-soul genre, including artists such as the Janelle Monae, Gnarls Barkley (Cee-Lo Green) and Little Dragon, Fame Fatale offers a unique journey to the listener with live instrumentation, dancy electro beats and a storyline and heroine that gives you more than just a world of singles to grasp onto.

The creative powerhouse duo explains that the album, "is supposed to take the listener on a journey. It's meant to get your heart racing and really feel the adventure and battle the main character, Unit 9, is experiencing. Unit 9 represents strong women, independent musicians, or whatever modern role you place her in, creating a universal character that almost anyone can relate to. She's fighting all of our modern day battles." Dos Santos and KazMega plan on supplementing the project with graphic novel webisodes, 1930's style radio drama's and much more -- "We want this to become a cult classic with a broad following, from music lovers to comic book fanatics and everyone in between."

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