CCP Imposes Tight Security in Tibet During Anniversary Celebrations

  • 13 years ago
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And with the prolonged security presence in Tibet during Xi Jinping's visit, ordinary Tibetans have been kept away from the Communist Party's celebrations. The Tibetan government in exile says that Chinese military police are everywhere in the region.

Chinese leaders say there's much to celebrate in Tibet. They say after 60 years of Communist Party rule, the region is more prosperous than if they had not "liberated" it. But the celebrations appear to be a restricted Party business.

An exiled Tibetan group says locals have been told to keep away, and the capital Lhasa is under strict military watch.

[Dawa Tsering, Spokesman for Tibetan Government in Exile]:
"A lot of media have described Lhasa as a town of terror, because military police are everywhere. Many sacred temples like Jokhang Temple are stationed with snipers. All the streets are guarded by military and plain-clothed police. Monks have been told to stay in temples. There are no tourists at all."

The Tibetan government in exile in India says the reality of Lhasa is very different from what the Chinese regime is trying to project.

[Kelsang Gyaltsen, Special Envoy, Tibetan Government in Exile]:
"The Tibetan people say that they should appear joyous after the CCP's so-called 'liberation of Tibet.' But think about it, the whole of Lhasa, Tibet is filled with military police. There are snipers everywhere in Lhasa. Under such a strict military control, there is absolutely no atmosphere of joy or celebration."

Unlike the Chinese regime's message of success, exiled Tibetans say people there have suffered under communist rule.
