Pixel Qi 7 inch Screen Hands on

  • 13 years ago
http://www.netbooknews.com Want to use your mobile device outside? That's why we've had our eye's on Pixel Qi with their sunlight viewable transreflective display. The Pixel Qi has made the Notion Ink tablet infamous and we wish it all the best as it is pretty impressive although personally I find it a little thick & large at 10 inches to be a truly mobile device. But the device has kept our interest with its impressive software tweaks. A rumour that has been plaguing the young tablet company is that finding the production facility for this screen has been incompatible with volume demands. But according to Pixel Qi founder Mary Lou Jepsen, they’ve also managed to overcome the teething production problems, especially after increased demand driven by iPad mania. Pixel Qi has also announced a partnership with TCP a Taiwanese screen manufacturer known for innovation for a new sun light viewable screen. What we have here today is a 7 inch screen that would be ideal in tablets. Take a look, its impressive.