Centenary Mass for Mother Teresa Held in Kolkata, India

  • 14 years ago
Thursday marks the 100th anniversary of Mother Teresa's birth.

Thousands gathered at the Kolkata headquarters of Missionaries of Charity to honor the beatified humanitarian missionary.

The archbishop of Kolkata led a special mass where rich and poor sat together in prayer.

As many sang hymns, Sister Prema, the superior general of the order, said she hopes Mother Teresa would once again touch people's hearts.

[Sister Prema, Superior General of Missionaries of Charity]:
"Many of us present here have personally met Mother. We have experienced the look of her eyes, the warmth of her smile and her loving touch. We were left with the deep peace and desire to make our life something beautiful for God. I pray that today, Mother may touch us once again and set our hearts on fire with love of God and of the poorest of the poor."

Mother Teresa, who died in 1997 at the age of 87, was popularly known as the 'Saint of the Gutter' for her extraordinary love and dedication to the poor.

The ethnic Albanian missionary moved to India at the age of 18, and she never left.

Missionaries of Charity now runs more than 500 charity homes in over 100 countries.
