US Presidential Election | Donald Trump has sought help from the National Rifle Association

  • 4 months ago
#uspresidentialelections2024 #DonaldTrump #NationalRifleAssociation

US Presidential Election | Donald Trump has sought help from the National Rifle Association
00:00 We have another news for you.
00:01 The US presidential election.
00:02 Trump has again asked for help from the National Rifle Association.
00:05 NRA had funded $30 million for Trump in the last election.
00:08 We have to say this about the US media.
00:10 We will get to know more from our representatives.
00:12 Jhansi, please tell us about this.
00:14 The National Rifle Association of the US, all the merchants, the real estate business
00:22 and all the institutions that are being built, they always support the Republican Party.
00:32 Democrats always talk about selling real weapons and talking about making money.
00:37 But the Republicans don't say that.
00:39 They say that the US Constitution allows everyone to shoot.
00:43 In the last election, when Trump gave his share, he was given a huge amount of money, $30 million.
00:53 This means that they are expecting a lot from the NRA.
00:58 They are expecting donations.
01:00 And even now, gun control policies are being discussed in the US.
01:04 This is also an important part of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.
01:11 And the NRA, the National Rifle Association, is planning to give Trump a huge amount of money.
01:17 Thank you very much, Jhansi.
01:19 We have reached the end of our conversation with Republican Nainuma Sajid Tariq.
01:23 Mr. Sajid, the US presidential election, Trump again asked for help from the National Rifle Association.
01:28 And if we talk about the other day, 6,218 people died in the US from gun violence.
01:34 These reports are in front of you.
01:35 What would you say about this?
01:37 The Second Amendment to the American Constitution gives every American the right to keep their weapons for their own protection.
01:48 But the Second Amendment is very important for both parties.
01:55 Because the Democratic Party always tries to gain political mileage from it.
02:01 Whenever there is a gun violence moment, or a school incident, the Democratic Party uses it against the Republicans.
02:13 But I think the way the Republicans talk about it,
02:18 that guns don't kill people, people kill people.
02:25 In the past, cars have been used, knives have been used, other weapons have been used.
02:33 But the Democratic Party tries to gain mileage from it.
02:37 And the biggest association here is called the National Rifle Association.
02:43 They are a big supporter of the Republican Party.
02:49 And they see that in every election, they not only fundraise for the Republican presidential candidate, but also support him.
03:00 Donald Trump, because he is now actively running his campaign,
03:06 went to his convention and gave a speech. He took Biden by the hand and criticized him for how he criticizes the Republican Party for gun violence.
03:20 So I think this was part of the election.
03:23 And he did not let this opportunity go by.
03:27 And he also criticized the Biden administration on this.
03:31 So Mr. Sajid, do you think that the situation is such that on one hand,
03:36 people want to come to the country because of the border control,
03:39 and then there is violence in America, many innocent people are killed.
03:43 Does this have an impact?
03:46 Look, in Europe and other Western countries,
03:51 America is more open-minded about keeping guns.
03:59 You are absolutely right to some extent.
04:01 But if you look at it, guns do not kill.
04:06 People kill each other.
04:08 Guns are used in this.
04:12 But I will definitely say that Republicans are in favor of keeping legal guns.
04:20 Most of the killings are with illegal guns.
04:25 And the Republicans support that the background of the gun should be run.
04:31 So in fact, the main difference between these two parties is that the background to buy weapons should be run.
04:41 And the Republicans support that the background of the gun should be run.
04:50 But if you look at it, you are absolutely right that there are more easy laws than in the other world.
05:02 More people have weapons here.
05:04 It is allowed to keep weapons.
05:06 And the second amendment holds a political position.
05:08 Thank you very much.
05:10 We have with us Republican candidate Sajid Tariq.
05:12 We will talk about this.
05:14 Thank you very much for joining us.
05:17 Trump says that the law allows for keeping weapons.
05:21 But Biden does not want this.
05:23 What will you comment on?
05:25 President Biden has been saying for a long time that we should sit as bipartisan.
05:32 And we should make a sensible gun law.
05:36 But you know the Republican Party, the Rifle Association has always supported the Republican Party.
05:43 And the Republican Party says that the rifle association should be open to arms.
05:50 They do this in the name of the second amendment.
05:54 But you understand that in America, lawlessness is there.
05:58 Everyone has a gun.
06:00 It takes so long to get a license, but it takes no time to get a gun.
06:04 And there are so many fatalities.
06:06 Although in Australia, where they have banned guns, there is no murder rate there.
06:12 So I think there should be a sensible law in this.
06:16 And President Biden is tired of saying that you should sit with us and bring a sensible gun law.
06:22 To ban semi-automatic guns.
06:25 But you know that the Rifle Association has always supported the Republican Party.
06:31 President Trump is asking for help from them.
06:33 There is no doubt about it.
06:35 Why shouldn't he ask?
06:37 He is in close contact with them.
06:39 They support each other.
06:41 But the gun is behind the bare arms.
06:45 Everyone says that it is not possible to control the gun.
06:50 Thank you very much Dr. Asif Riaz Qadir for talking to AIYA News.
06:55 clinically.
