How to control Mobile Addiction in Kids Tips to control Mobile Addiction

  • 2 years ago
According to studies teens spend about 9 hours a day in front of screens while children (8-12) spend 6 hours. The effects of smartphones on children are detrimental. Here’s a list of side effects of excessive use of smartphones in children:

Behavioural problems
Sleep disturbances
Delay in social development
Attention and hearing issues
Problems of the nervous system
It is a daunting task to keep your children away from gadgets, it may result in withdrawal symptoms including low appetite and temper tantrums.

Here are 14 creative ways to break your child’s smartphone addiction:

Break time: Kids have a lot of energy and it should be invested effectively. Make sure your kids do something active frequently. Indulge them in mini strolls and stretching exercises every 30 mins. Bodies need to move and habits form young. Encourage them to be active. It’s important to break up screen time and move around.
Prioritize other things: Ensure your child finishes homework, studying, housework before they get on the mobile device. This helps in setting the priorities straight right from a young age.
Create a media plan: The best way to curb the unrestricted consumption of media is to prepare a formal family media plan. This is a systematic approach to help your child use media responsibly right from the very beginning.
Do not use Smartphone as reward or Distraction: Smartphone has a huge potential to be of great educational value to children. Total abstinence from it isn’t advisable. Moderation is the key here. Many parents leverage screen time to encourage children to study/do homework/ do house chores but this could lead to more harm than good. Beware of using the smartphone as a distraction or a reward as this can have ill effects on the children.
Indulge them in activity-based learning: Kids use phones for fun and entertainment purposes. Kids love challenges. Mobile games are attractive as they pose challenges at every new level. By engaging kids in activity-based learning, they can gain knowledge while having fun.
Maintain a strict smartphone schedule: Setting adequate time allows parents to keep track and restrict the amount of time spending on gadgets and avoid unnecessary usage of the smartphone. By introducing a schedule, parents can improve the habit of routine which prevents the child from spending more time on screen. Smartphones have now become an inseparable part of our lives and it is difficult to keep them away from children. Therefore, make your child understand that he/she can use your smartphone only for a limited time. Other things to keep in mind:
Limited usage of the phone when your child is around
No Phones during mealtime
No TV or phone before sleep
Don’t give in to the unreasonable demand of your child
