AMERIKA DI BOM JEPANG _ Review Film Pearl Harbor (2001) Part 2

  • 2 years ago
Hai Guyss,, Ini Lanjutan Dari Review Alur Cerita Film Pearl Harbor Yahh...
ini Part 2 Nya,
part 3 Minggu Depan Yahh...
thnyouu Buat Yg Udh Setia Nonton Video DS..
Buat Viewers Baru, Thnkyou Udh Klik Video Ini.. janganLupa Di Subs Yahh
Jadi Ini Gambaran Dari Awal Terjadinya Perang Dunia Ke_2 Guys, Sungguh Sangat Tragis Banget..
mungkin Yg Nonton Part 1 Nya Ngira Film Ini Ngebosenin Banget, Tapi Just Info.
DS mau Ngasih Tau, Kalo Emng Part 1 Nya Khusus Membahas Kejadian Awal dri Film Ini, Itu Baru Pembukaannya Saja.
dan Lebih Menjurus Ke Kisah Percintaan Segitiga Antara Rafe, Danny, Dan Evelyn..
Nah Kalo Yg Part 2 ini Membahas lebih Fokus ke Penyerangan Yang Terjadi Di Pearl Harbor..
Ok Langsung CHECKITOUT Yahh

Hi Guys,, This is a continuation of the Pearl Harbor Movie Storyline Review Well...
this is part 2,
Part 3 Next Week Well...
thnyouu for those who have been faithful to watch DS videos..
Create New Viewers, Thnkyou For Clicking This Video.. Don't Forget To Subs Yahh
So this is a picture of the beginning of the 2nd world war guys, it's really very tragic..
Maybe those who watched Part 1 thought this film was really boring, but just info.
DS wants to tell you, if Part 1 is specifically discussing the initial events of this film, that's just the opening.
and More Leading To The Triangle Love Story Between Rafe, Danny, And Evelyn..
Now, if Part 2 discusses more, the focus is on the attack that occurred at Pearl Harbor..
Ok, direct checkitout Yahh
