A Black Model In Paris (2011) - (Documentary, Urban)

  • 5 years ago
61 mins | Documentary, Urban

This movie is based on the true story of top supermodel Amina Warsuma, the first dark skinned African American model to go to Paris and become a top international fashion model in Europe. Karl Lagerfeld brought her to Paris and gave her two weeks to make it. Amina was an experiment, something new, and neither of them knew whether she would succeed or not. Yet Amina did become a success within those two weeks, and ended up staying in Paris for six months, becoming a supermodel throughout Europe that entire year.

Amina went to Paris as an unknown with no money and within a year became the biggest model in Europe, and she didn't stop there. She wore only clothing by Stephen Burrows, an American designer Parisians laughed at and mocked for his "carnival-like" and "bizarre" colors and cuts. American designers were not respected in Europe during Amina's stay there, and by showcasing them Amina was a walking billboard shouting that the American designers were coming. This was just the beginning, and Amina Warsuma was the signal of the great confrontation that was to come in the battle at the Palace Versailles in 1973. That night at the Palace Versailles changed everything. As a model, she became even more successful. The effects are still felt today economically thirty years later.

Director: Amina Warsuma

Writer: Amina Warsuma

Stars: Amina Warsuma
