Snake slithers into police station and leaps up at man in waiting room

  • 5 years ago
This is the moment a snake slithers into a police station - leaping up at a visitor sitting in the waiting room.

The man was reporting an incident at the station in northern Thailand, on Saturday afternoon (December 8) when the serpent scaled an uphill disabled ramp - then slid in through the open front door.

The dark black rat snake glided over to the man - who glanced down when it was just a few inches from him. The pair both panicked, and the snake reared up and jumped at the legs of the victim.

CCTV cameras from the station captured the incredible scene as the man, Apichat Cheautong, 45, began frantically stomping at the 6ft-long aggressive reptile, which even wrapped itself around its victim's ankles.

Apichat eventually managed to grasp the snake by its head and its tail as an officer walked out to the front desk after hearing the commotion.

Hilariously, Apichat even offered the policeman the snake - who flinched with fright and quickly waved him away towards the front door, where the snake was released into bushes on the other side of the car park.

Police Private Pung Puapan Suan, the officer in the video, said today that he was shocked when Apichat approached him with the reptile.

He said: ''The man was trying to give it to me. I said, 'No, no, don't come here, take it outside.'

''He thought that I could help him with it. I've never picked up a snake before. I'm scared of them. I followed him outside and he put the snake in some bushes in the car park.''