S14E07 Ramey Dixon

  • 6 years ago
Ramey Dixon’s artwork is created based on a process that first starts with the feelings, emotions and my life experiences how he is able to channel them. With the application of acrylic paint in the category of Abstract Art.

Ramey Dixon begins layering, blending and accenting the canvas to create contrast, depth and the doorway for the viewer to enter his world. By layering he generates distinction and dimension to arouse the imagination by applying paint in strategic locations.

In the blending process Ramey uses water or a wet on wet technique to establish movement, flow and vibrancy. Lastly, accenting through numerous different applications allows structure and desired affects.

Ramey paints because it is the one outlet that he has discovered that allows him to be completely free, content and gives him purpose. The last 3 years have transformed his life through art.
