SNK Vs. Capcom Chaos Episode 2 Blooper Reel

  • 16 years ago
Due to how production has became more & more difficult on the series due to how things were going last year. The series has gone into an indefinite discontinuation. But I at least thought I share with us the blooper reel here.

The cast that is in this blooper reel

Earthquake, Ryo, Kim, Genjuro- MaskedDrifter
Goenitz- wpt1031
Iori, ROTB Iori, Mr. Karate, Shin Mr. Karate- EndlessWaltz
Shiki- Fruitfly
Red Arremer, Ryu, Shin Akuma, Hugo- Pokejedservo

Here is hoping that other productions I am doing won't end up following suit.